4D Baby Ultrasound Scan Laughs and Giggles
voir la vidéoCouple having their 4D ultrasound scan bond with their unborn, laugh and giggle in amazement with our sanographer Sharon. http://www.4d-ultrasoundscan.co.uk/ 4D Baby Centres and Clinics located throughout the UK, Birmingham, St Albans, Oxford, Surrey 4D Baby Ultrasound is a 3D ultrasound but with movement. It is recommended that pregnant women have this scan at 24 to 32 weeks. Video provided to you by bumps care: Baby Ultrasound and Maternity Professional Services. One Stop Clincs LTD [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 1 min
: 22/02/08 20:17
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16week Ultrasound Scan
voir la vidéoThis is Aidan when I was 16 weeks pregnant. At the start of the scan it stops and points out 2 black dots which are the bladder and stomach, then shows his feet and then his boy bits. It's quite difficult to make out at the beginning but it gets better in the middle when he looks like a little alien when it shows a birds eye view of his face. :-) [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 9 min
: 19/03/07 02:34
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25 week 3D/4D Ultrasound Scan
voir la vidéoAidan 25wks 3D. Not very clear because he moved so much (dont eat chocolate before your scan if you want them to keep still so you can see them properly! lol)... but there are some nice shots of his chubby face in the middle of the video. [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 10 min
: 19/03/07 01:38
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Ultrasound screening
voir la vidéoUltrasound images of your baby can catch early warning signs of dangers during the first terms of your pregnancy. [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 2 min
: 19/12/08 16:02
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