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My dream ballot: part one


Date: 2009-01-20 23:34:10

Blog posts (735) | Videos (153)


Now this is jewelry! I think that I am in love with British based jewelry designer Frances Wadsworth-Jones. Talk about thinking outside of the box. Her brooch is from her series entitled “Heaven Sent” and it is inspired by none other than bird poop. It contains cultured pearls, tourmaline, onyx and more. She herself says it gives new meaning [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 00:55:17

Should Obama break South Pasadena?

Journalist Joe Mathews has become the latest advocate of a narrow SoCal position to argue that taking his side is somehow a test of whether President ... . For decades, South Pasadena has blocked this last bit of the interstate highway system with legal and other ... it a much louder, less pleasant place. Of course, their actions have made other cities in [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 02:13:16

Oscars Predictions

It’s all over but the announcing. Thursday AM marks the naming of this year’s Oscar nominees and at least one thing seems certain – there will be ... laurel from the National Society of Film Critics might lead to some surprise nominations in other ... .  But what of the other four slots?  It’s hard to believe that we won’t be seeing ENCOUNTERS AT THE [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 11:09:06

OUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE NEW POST-PARTISAN ERA. Dropped a note at the Voice about early rightblogger reactions to the inauguration, ... to abide by a speech code or any other restriction of political correctness. And then sometimes ... , incidentally. It may even be admirable. But it’s so... snip description of other silly liberals doing [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 22:06:55

Tuesday Megalinks: The Barack Cookies/I Want Jill Biden's Boots Edition

Three things to love today:New President! I loved the message of his inaugural speech: “Yeah, we’re a pretty cool country, but we gotta work at it, ... in Your Fridge,” “Investigate Funky Grains,” and “Eat Breakfast in Bed” very much. The other suggestions ... over canned tomatoes. But he has nothing to do with it. Girl Scout Cookies, on the other hand… [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 22:25:00

Absolute power gets blamed absolutely

By Spengler, ASIA TIMES Inauguration day brings to mind the reason I don’t read science fiction. It’s never weird enough. Today, America will place more power than any peacetime president ever has wielded into the hands of a man nobody knows. He has convinced more incompatible constituencies that he takes their side than any politician in [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 01:15:12

Ways to Reduce Stress!

I have this posted in my other site here last month. I saw this somewhere, forgot where but it’s worth the share if you haven’t read it yet! ... No to projects that won’t fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental    health ... yourself.  Spread out big changes and difficult    projects over time; don’t lump the hard things [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 01:08:00

True and Well-Intentioned

[I posted this yesterday but, as Rory and Sophmom pointed out, the topic was hardly in keeping with the spirit of such an historic inauguration ... on the front page, which gets many more readers than our comment threads. I also encourage other authors ... to other topics. Indeed, given how much I defended/supported his point of view during our debates [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 11:21:00

Feature: Aussie games to watch in 2009

If you thought gamers were spoilt for choice in 2008, you ain't seen nothin' yet, with 2009 already shaping up to give last year a run for its money. While your mind may immediately latch onto the big budget titles from players like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, there are also plenty of quality titles coming from our own local development studios [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 03:54:02

Obama From Left To Right

Committed liberals and conservatives place a much higher priority on the achievement of specific goals and policies in their predictions of the success or failure of the Barak Obama presidency than those who might best be called centrists. There is, however, very little that they share in terms of substance. Take, for example, James K [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 06:42:47

Don't Chu know

By Kate Sheppard LCV president Gene Karpinski and DOE-secretary-designate Steven Chu. Groups around Washington, D.C., marked Martin Luther King Jr ... .; and Washington Gas Energy Services, along with the city's government. They distributed home weatherization ... of President-elect Obama's plan to create hundreds of thousands of jobs by investing in [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 23:28:00

No More Miss Nice Girl


Date: 2009-01-21 10:41:00

A Landmark Love Story

The Landmark bookstore opens its doors on 23rd January 2009. Landmark has been shut these past three months after a fire broke out in Infinity Mall where it is housed, causing much damage to merchandise and fittings. Mercifully no human casualties except of course for avid Landmarkers who’ve missed the store sorely all this while that it has been [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 11:13:10

On The Inauguration: Feminist Stream of Consciousness

Some of my impressions, totally unedited for relevance or weightiness: The vast sea of celebrating people was lovely to see. Rituals are important and in many ways this inauguration was a cleansing ritual as much as anything else, to me at least. All those human beings served as smudging with sage might have done: [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 03:57:50

‘The Right of Reason’s Need’: Kant and the Origins of Speculation

(x-posted here)Since Mikhail has already invoked the most speculative of topics, I thought I would join him in trying to explicate what the ‘conditions for the possibility of speculation’ look like. Now, to put the spoiler up front, it’s going to turn out that Speculative philosophy for Kant is the rather strange twinning (or maybe intertwining) [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 06:26:27

by Rand Clifford featured writerDandelion Salad January 20, 2009Truth in our time has become so muddied, the first thing we need in any search for fundamental, unambiguous truth is a good working definition. Something to clutch as a certain cruciform against vampires…a touchstone to help us better navigate lies.truth \’trüth\ n [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 23:56:06


So I had these huge hopes and dreams of doing a continuous post of everything going down live from The National Mall this 56th Inaugural Day for ... Obama looked absolutely stunning in her yellow gold and green ensemble. It was made by Cuban designer ... other people had a private dinner with the Obamas last night at the Blair House. It was buffet [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 22:38:47

Cashew cookies and risotto...


Date: 2009-01-21 02:27:00

Meet Pepper

Meet Pepper. She is turning 2 this year and was only placed here temporarily through the shelter, along with her brother. I was a) ... . The choice was made for me, because when I eventually tried them with my own group, they liked each other ... again, happy to spread her wetness to my furniture or, preferably, the other sleeping ferrets [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 08:17:31

President Barack Obama Proves ‘Hope’ Is More Than Just A Slogan

I wasn’t in Iowa on that cold, bright morning in January of last year when President Barack Obama made his first improbable step to the White House. I watched from home, and like a lot of people, I was shocked that this freshman senator was able to pull off such an audacious feat against a two-time first lady whose coronation [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 22:17:11

Time to Roll-Up Our Sleeves....

With a Rebuke, and a Call to Unity, the Great Cleansing BeginsMary Dejevsky - The Independent (UK)In a speech suffused with remembered cadences, there was a streak of ruthlessnessFew public utterances can have been more keenly anticipated by more people in more places than the inaugural address of President – President, now, how does that sound? [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 11:16:00

Free Diet Programs Make Weight Loss Affordable

In today’s less physical world most of us live at a slothful pace, doing nothing quickly except gaining unwanted weight ... of looks. Hypertension, stroke and heart disease can all come from carrying too much weight. In other ... . That’s why many people should consider losing some weight. As with other things in life, free diet [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 09:45:16

Recapping the celebrating -- on a discordant note

Our Inaugural Ball was amazing. We walked in as one of the last groups to go through and were pleasantly surprised to see so many kids from ... to be in formals, as some of the students from other schools were, but it didn't bother us one bit. Our food ... into the Mall was very surreal.  Walking the streets in the dark with tens of thousands of other peo [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 05:13:29

Review: Fable II (XBox 360)

Male or Female? Good or Evil? Pure or Corrupt? Axe or Sword? Meat or Vegetable? Blonde or Brunette? These are just a few of the questions you must answer while playing Fable II. Welcome to the fantastical world of Albion, where guns and swords live together in harmony and magic still exists, even if the town yokels believe otherwise [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 06:19:15

More on Error Costs

Speaking of error cost analysis, this paper from a trio of lawyers in the General Counsel’s Policy Studies’ group at the FTC has a section entitled ... -competitive behavior by other firms in response to the expectation of the same type of judgment against them ... ’s key points in the Limits of Antitrust. The other key point, which is not as well [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 23:29:57

On Relocating

I almost apply for a loan for housing loan last year.  But because of some legal problems (marital related) it was not pushed through ... was so bad for the whole week, the whole area out there was filled with water and many are backing ... week of continuous rain could really fill the place with water.  So who would be comfortable thinking [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 22:26:22

House of Cards

iStockphoto Even as the subprime mortgage fallout continues its ripple effect across the economy, fiscal storm-watchers have an eye on the next gathering cloud: nearly $1 trillion of consumer credit card debt. Defaults are up; in November, the percentage of charge-offs — money card issuers give up on ever collecting — rose to 5 [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 11:00:59

What the dermatologist never said you

Learn seven things about your skin the dermatologist did you not says, but should have. 1. Eating chocolate does not cause acne ... for you, it could lead to acne skin. Recent clinical studies speculate on a possible link between milk and other dairy products in connection with acne. His view that the hormones and other biologically active [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 11:25:27

Marlboro's Stars on Ice: Stoner beats Massa in winter kart race

Filed under: Motorsports, Ferrari Click on the image above to see the ice kart race in high-resolution What happens when you coop up a bunch of racers at a snow-capped ski resort for a few days? Well you can bet they'll be racing each other down the slopes. It's just in their blood. But snow or no snow, eventually they're going to find [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 00:20:00

FGW: Spring Collections Coming soon!

I know that everyone and their mom covered Spring collections already, but I just HAD to give my two cents. I don’t think it’s physically possible for me to keep my opinion to myself, especially when everyone is going gaga for things I’m not really impressed by. Time to give my thoughts instead of press kit snippets! [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 10:22:37

Star Power

Sunday's inauguration concert was designed to evoke strong emotion. It was certainly held in a dramatic setting, cast at the feet of Lincoln, in the place where Reverend King gave his nation-changing speech. The danger of standing where giants have tread, of course, is that doing so invites comparison [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 23:13:58


Date: 2009-01-21 00:17:45

Racial reconciliation in deed?

Can there be anyone who has not read or heard about the stirring ideals of racial reconciliation made concrete in the ... messier. In the few paragraphs that begin his story, Powell sums up its theme of historic alienation ... the perspectives of clergy and parishioners in the two historic churches, Powell presents both [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 00:08:09

Bruce by Bruce Gagnon featured writerDandelion SaladOrganizing Notes Jan 20, 2009The New York Times ran a headline immediately after the inauguration today that read “President Obama Vows Era of Responsibility.” They quoted Obama as saying that with our current economic crisis we must deal with “our collective failure to make hard choices [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 22:42:54

Boy Crush: Jordan Galland


Date: 2009-01-21 00:23:26

me on the radio

me on the radio Moving on to more important matters than the total realignment of the United States of America.. ... other roles. Stu is devoting all his broadcasts this month to animation (next week is Jerry Beck ... on Wednesday and that's the best time to listen because, among other reasons, you can call in and ask [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 22:44:41

I woke up at 6:30 am, after less than three hours of sleep, not sure what to expect on Inauguration Day. Well that isn’t entirely accurate— I knew to expect considerable delays in my adopted home city along with and partly because of a guaranteed transit nightmare. But aside from that, I had some hazy [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 02:11:45


Date: 2009-01-20 23:30:00

After the speech, we wait for action..

So finally Bush has gone and Obama has arrived. For anyone watching yesterday’s inauguration, there was a real sense of history being made ... that there will be measures from the stimulus bill aimed at among other things cutting emissions. The stimulus package ... by the US recession and on the other by the scant time before the December 2009 deadline [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 10:22:18

Inaugural opening ceremony/concert

By David Roberts Kate and I attended the opening ceremonies for Barack Obama's inauguration last night -- perched up in the press section right next to the stage, with a great view of, among other things, the first family. You can read all about the event on numerous other sites. As you would expect, it was a spectacle, and like so much else [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 23:28:00

5 Steps To Model Successful Twitter Users

Today Jason Annas from Enlightened Web Mastery (@jasonannas) gives a process from learning from other Twitter users using the very useful Twitter-Friends tool (which we wrote about previously here). When you first get started using Twitter, it can be very confusing to figure out what you should do. Are you being a pest? Are you annoying people? [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 03:56:49

Know about Portable Air Conditioning Rental

If you find yourself with the need to cool a space for a small amount of time—for a party, a special family gathering, or another event—portable air conditioning rental can be a great solution to provide comfort and enjoyment in spaces that would be impossible or impractical to cool by other, conventional means [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 11:22:49

Mobile Technologies for on the Go

by Michael PJ Erikson Mobile technologies are more than just dual-action processors that help your computer run faster and more efficiently ... to ensure that documents and other information are not lost when the battery dies. It also features ... . Users of the iPhone are hard pressed to find many drawbacks to this product other than the price, which [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 10:55:04

Review: Ricoh GX200

The good Fast lens and pleasing apertures Great LCD screen Quirky and useful viewfinder attachment The bad Love it or ... specifications provides a professional feel quite distinct from other compact cameras. The zoom ... with rangefinders, or other compact cameras that are leading the 35mm revival charge such as the Canon [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 04:20:01

Climate Scientist Hansen: “Four Years Left” to Save Earth

Prominent climate scientist Dr. James Hansen is warning that we only have four years left to act on climate change, ... is responsible for as much atmospheric carbon dioxide as other fossil fuels combined and it still has far greater reserves. We must stop using it.” Instead, programmes for building wind, solar and other [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 11:00:39

Interview: Charlene Chua - Published Pinup Illustrator

A while back I was contacting by an artists word who I had seen before, but didn’t know it ... time. Be sure to check out our other features on Charlene and here crew over at Design That Inspires ... me about the girls. I don’t understand why it seems strange when women draw other women. Olivia [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 09:30:13


Maureen Dowd compared George W. Bush's departure from Washington to a moment from a science fiction movie. It was the Instant the Earth Stood Still. Not since Klaatu landed in a flying saucer on the Ellipse has Washington been so mesmerized by an object whirring through the sky. But this one was departing, not arriving. As W [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 11:13:04

Review: Spb Weather 2.0

The good Excellent interface Finger-friendly Up to 10 cities displayed at once Rotating 3D globe display Great performance The bad Expensive for what it is Same info is available online for free Design ... a couple of nifty extras. Users select their home city and up to nine other cities whose weather [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 05:36:01

A Barometer For Change In Photography And Video

The images surrounding the first African American US President, Barack Obama, will indisputably be an important part of the historical record of our country, and, likely, the world. I believe it’s this new era of photography--both in the creation of images and how they are spread--that has brought us a more interesting, diverse, [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 06:30:36

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