Rank: 695 / 790
2 selected articles
Rug Doctor - Anyone hired one and how good are they ...
I need to clean cream carpets which have various stains eg tea, coffee, blood, tar. Sounds awful but I did treat the spills and stains immediately - some came out fine, it's the ones where I couldn't fully remove them. Also there's general 'high traffic' marks on stairs etc.
I'm planning to buy a carpet cleaner but in the meantime £29 for 48 hour hire for a rug doctor sounds a good idea. I have...
Related topics : dry steam carpet cleaning machines / carpet cleaning machines steam cleaners / dry clean carpet cleaning machines / how clean is your house carpet cleaner / carpet steam cleaning machine hire
Can you use a steam cleaner to remove wallpaper or do you ...
Could it be the type of vinyl wallpaper where you pull off the vinyl layer, and then you have a paper layer still on the wall this can be removed simply by brushing on warm, soapy water and then scraping off. The advantage of this is that you don't 'blow' the plaster underneath. It's a bit more labour intensive than using a steamer but it is cheaper and doesn't take that much longer.
I bought a steam...
Related topics : use steam cleaner to remove wallpaper / use steam cleaner
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