Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about black mold

Perhaps you heard about black mold and thought the white spots on the walls around kitchen sink are not molds. But you are wrong ... , greenish and sometimes light pink as well. It is always suggested to consider mold infestation very seriously. Any delay in taking right remediation can amplify the problem many folds. Small problem [more...]

Date: 2008-06-27 00:26:24

Blog posts (17) | Videos (4)

now is the time to snap up foreclosed real estate

http://www.boston.com/realestate/news/ar… George and Christ Stamatos know their newest apartment building in Roxbury needs work. A lot of it. Chunks of plaster have dropped from the ceilings, black mold creeps along walls, and thieves recently ripped out copper plumbing, causing a flood that soaked the floors. But George, 38 [more...]

Date: 2008-12-23 12:15:49

Toxic Black Molds - What Do They Eat and How Do They Look Likee

Molds are nothing but living organism of fungi group. They obtain nutrition from dead organic substances ... products are responsible for stains found on mold infested substances. If mold is not taken care ... , walls, clothes, leather goods, curtains and fabrics. Hence, the mold cleaning products used to kill [more...]

Date: 2008-06-27 00:39:45


Little black spots begin to speckle the wall, as a musty smell fills the room winding its way into your unsuspecting nostrils ... is the moisture coming from  Then, it hits you like a freight train.   Those specks on the wall are mold ... your discovery of mold contamination and the health problems you are experiencing  Is mold exposure hype [more...]

Date: 2008-06-27 20:13:37

Our First Year as Landlords, Part 2


Date: 2008-10-11 14:57:00

Home Buyers Can Make a Great DEAL in this Changed Real Estate Market!

Howie Mandle isn't the only one giving people the opportunity of a lifetime....You CAN Make a GREAT Deal if you buy a home now ... then discovers toxic black mold in the walls costing, a failed septic system or cement in the plumbing [more...]

Date: 2009-01-10 23:00:00

three scoops of rice and a piece of clothing from Hnin Se

080825_r17633_p465 When night falls in Rangoon, the city’s spectacular decay—patches of black mold devouring the yellowed walls of colonial ... the Rangoon River, in the old residential quarter of Pazundaung, the wooden houses are open [more...]

Date: 2008-08-29 13:55:46

Do you want to buy a foreclosure?

Seems the latest Real Estate Trend is to buy a Foreclosure and save a ton of money. Do you really save in the end? Many say NO!!!!! ... to pay close attention to the following 5 potential problems thanks to Popular Mechanics. 1. MOLD ... in to inspect those homes, Heaphy said, mold is the number one enemy he finds. "We see walls black [more...]

Date: 2008-11-20 13:53:56

Can Green Designs Solve A Housing Crisis?

HopiReservation_Cameron.jpg The walls of Elmer Bear Eagle's house are covered in mold. The black intrusion began in the basement ... , creating a mold haven. The homes are also fraught with poor insulation, which Bear Eagle says [more...]

Date: 2008-07-07 19:15:33

Can Green Designs Solve A Housing Crisis?

Hopi reservation housing The walls of Elmer Bear Eagle's house are covered in mold. The black intrusion began in the basement ... , creating a mold haven. The homes are also fraught with poor insulation, which Bear Eagle says [more...]

Date: 2008-07-07 10:00:00

Sleeping With Mold

I've been noticing some black patch near my ceiling above my table for more than a week now ... was overgrown with mold so Albert, JS and I went to scrub the entire surface of the bathroom. Seriously, the bathroom was so heavily infested there's black patches on the walls and ceiling. I googled [more...]

Date: 2008-11-22 16:20:00

The Poisoned Presidency

There has GOT to be something wrong with the waterpipes in the Whitehouse. Or perhaps there's black mold or some sort of toxic germs hiding in the walls or airducts. Or something. I mean, Reagan got Alzheimer's. George Sr became clueless and out of the loop after [more...]

Date: 2008-06-26 05:04:35

ICKY’S TOOLBOX, a Christmas play by Randy Ford


Date: 2008-12-04 23:08:12

My Apartment Blues

Maybe it's just PMS, but I have had it with my apartment!!I moved here in September of 2007 and moved into this place because 1 ... in the bathroom don't dry at all! My toothbrush is permanently wet and NOW...there is condensation and mold on my walls that AREN'T in my bathroom!! I'm having enough problem ridding myself of the moldy black [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 15:21:00

ASUM Renter Center hopes to bring attention to affordable inspection program

She soon discovered that black mold was growing in her house, a fact that became apparent when it started seeping out of the walls ... for the Voluntary Residential Inspection Program, which was implemented in April by the Missoula ... , they only address a particular problem. Under the voluntary residential inspection program, Holweger [more...]

Date: 2008-09-16 15:47:11

Monday Monster: The Lambton Worm

County Durham, England (WKQ News): In the rainy north of England, cryptozoologists and big game hunters alike are gripped with frenzied excitement ... black worm, no bigger than a finger in length, which curled and wriggled on his hook. It looked a bit ... the fall into the well. It ate the slime and mold from the walls, grew fat on frogspawn, dead birds [more...]

Date: 2008-12-08 09:43:33

Mold in Home ? Identify the Warning Signs

Molds and mildews enter your home or building silently without making a bit of noise or giving out the slightest of clue ... . They appear as black spots on walls, furniture surface, carpets, wood products, leather jackets and other ... your home, if haven?t already. Warning Signs for Mold Growth Humidity Humidity is the prime factor [more...]

Date: 2008-11-29 05:39:29

17 Results

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asthma / ceiling / disease / fungus / health / health effects / health hazard / health problem / [more...]

sickness / smell / spore / toxicity / danger of / deadly / effects of / how to identify / identifying / information on / is black mold dangerous / maine / rid of / sign of / stachybotrys / texas / toxic / treat / what cause /