Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about mildew

Air Purifiers for Newborns from PurerAir.com

If you’re looking for an air purifier for your newborn, PurerAir ... such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, pollen, bacteria ... Baby’s Breath Air Purifier is designed to remove everyday airborne pollutants that our bodies [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 01:19:00

Blog posts (5) | Videos (1)

Greased Lightning Review & Giveaway

If you're a mom, you're all about multitasking and saving time.  You want one, affordable household cleaner to do all the work, right? ... and mildew stains in the shower.Revitalize patio furniture by removing dirt and outdoor debris.I always [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 12:04:00

Reduce Indoor Pollutants with an Expandable Ultra-Quiet Fan System

... ), replacing stale air, minimizing mold and mildew growth and removing gases and particles not trapped by filtration units. Additionally it will reduce indoor pollutants such as household cleaners, VOCs, carbon [more...]

Date: 2008-12-03 20:26:04

Reduce your exposure to indoor air pollution if you work from home.

Have you noticed that they’re now starting to pay a bit more attention to household allergies in over the counter medicine? ... eliminated, but regular cleaning can dramatically reduce their numbers. Use a vacuum with a hepa air ... carpets and building materials within 24 hours if possible to prevent mold and mildew growth [more...]

Date: 2009-01-05 14:22:33

Lemons as a natural household cleaning solution

There’s more to lemons than just lemonade.  With their fresh, clean scent, lemons are a natural for natural cleaning ... , our grandmothers used lemons to remove stains from washable fabrics.  Mildew, scorch marks, and rust spots ... is an acid that can kill germs, mold, and bacteria, all while leaving a pleasant aroma [more...]

Date: 2008-11-11 14:09:00

5 Results

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basement / bathroom / bathroom mildew removal / black / bleach / carpet / carpet mildew removal / ceiling / cleaning / clean / [more...]

control / health / in basement / in house / inspection / moisture / odor / odor removal / odor remover / on concrete / on drywall / on furniture / on rug / on wall / out of wood / paint / prevention / problem / protection / remediation / removal / remover / removers / seal / smell / smell removal / smell remover / stain / stain removal / stain remover / treatment / mold / natural mildew remover / painting over / powdery / prevent / remove / remove mildew smell / removing / removing mildew smell / rid / shower / shower mildew removal / tilex mildew remover / toxic / white /