Winter Allergies and You!
Winter is on it’s way, and allergies don’t stop there. Here are some room by room tips to help you cope with winter allergies! ... have accumulated dust and mildew from open storage in basement or attic areas 7. Try and keep pets ... and potpourri 3. Use a HEPA air cleaner (either room model or central HVAC) to remove unwanted airborne [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 14:59:34
Blog posts
(6) |
Air Purifier for Infant Allergies from
Are you looking for an air purifier for infant allergies? Does your baby have difficulty breathing particularly at night? PurerAir ... and mildew spores, volatile organic chemicals, bacteria, and viruses. And even though ... . This means removal of 99,997 out of every 10,000 particles from your baby’s air.Why worry [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 08:56:00
Bathroom Remodeling
While at the Doc’s house I stopped in the “powder room” that is just off the recreation room where he had the New Year’s Eve party ... . I tried to find a tactful way of bringing to the Doc’s attention, because mold and mildew around here can be a big problem in older houses and a lot of people have severe allergies to them [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 18:38:02
Reduce your exposure to indoor air pollution if you work from home.
Have you noticed that they’re now starting to pay a bit more attention to household allergies in over the counter medicine? ... eliminated, but regular cleaning can dramatically reduce their numbers. Use a vacuum with a hepa air ... carpets and building materials within 24 hours if possible to prevent mold and mildew growth [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 14:22:33
Allergy Alert: Preparing your home if you have (or think you have) indoor allergies
Generally, cooler months dictate we will spend a greater amount of each day indoors ... , below ground basements and playrooms, bathrooms, from refrigerator drip pans and leaky faucets. In many cases a mildew odor may be a tip off that you have a “mold problem”. Third, pets are found [more...]
Date: 2008-10-17 14:09:25
Mold Allergy ? Symptoms of Mold Infection
It is easier to get affected by molds than avoiding them! As they are omnipresent, they can come to attack you any time ... and mildew remover comes helpful when it comes to kill black molds. Mold infestation in school ... chance to prepare. There are hundreds of thousands of mold types. Luckily, not all of them [more...]
Date: 2008-10-14 08:28:07