My bronchitis doesn't seem to be improving. I still have a day left on my Z-Pack, so here's hoping... Living in mildew and mold and going on little sleep probably hasn't improved the situation any ... of our moldy carpet is out of the houseBeerman was starting a cleaning process (vs. a clean [more...]
Date: 2008-06-12 13:59:36
Blog posts
(22) |
recession cleaning, part 1: pH nuetral dishwashing detergent
Welcome to recession cleaning, part 1: pH nuetral dishwashing detergent ... water, followed-up with a clean, dry mop. Bathroom tiles. Unless you have a mold and mildew issue ... most shower walls. Dishes. Oh right. Those too. related posts: definitions: soaps vs [more...]
Date: 2008-10-06 11:12:59
Books vs. Computers
Well, I guess this isn't really an "either/or" situation as the title suggests ... wear it as perfume. Well, not the ones that have succumbed to mold and mildew, of course.As lost [more...]
Date: 2008-08-18 01:22:00
Getting Away From Gustav
Thursday, September 4, 2008 Saturday August 30, 2008 (Written 9-1-08)At first since Gustav’s track kept going west, we were only planning to go to my sister in law’s house in Ponchatoula, La. When the storm turned into a Category 4, my mother in law decided that we were leaving. I was packed and ready for noon [more...]
Date: 2008-09-04 20:33:00
Ohio Fruit ICM News - Volume 12 (14) for June 2nd, 2008
In This Issue Comments from the Editor Fruit Observations and Trap Reports Pest Development 10 Tips to Get the Most out of Your Sprayer Shoppers Are Willing to Pay a Premium for Locally Produced Food Using Fungicides to Control Strawberry Fruit Rots in Matted Row Production in Ohio 08 Calendar Ohio Poison Control Phone Number Comments [more...]
Date: 2008-06-06 16:09:01
Building Energy Efficient Homes
I wanted to do an interview with a builder of energy efficient homes to give you a view from a different perspective. I chose a local builder/developer with almost 40 years of experience. I interviewed Tom White who works for Indian River Land Company and Moore Grant Construction of Millsboro, Delaware [more...]
Date: 2008-08-08 21:50:11
Bamboo shades vs other shades
by Adam Peters These paragraphs deal with the subject of bamboo shades. It brings out the plus points of bamboo shades in terms of looks, maintenance and longevity. It also tells us the do-it-yourself way. Among the various shades available in the market, bamboo shades are definitely the most resourceful in energy aspect [more...]
Date: 2008-06-11 23:51:51
Bamboo shades vs other shades
by Adam Peters These paragraphs deal with the subject of bamboo shades. It brings out the plus points of bamboo shades in terms of looks, maintenance and longevity. It also tells us the do-it-yourself way. Among the various shades available in the market, bamboo shades are definitely the most resourceful in energy aspect [more...]
Date: 2008-06-11 23:48:11
Bamboo shades vs other shades
by Adam Peters These paragraphs deal with the subject of bamboo shades. It brings out the plus points of bamboo shades in terms of looks, maintenance and longevity. It also tells us the do-it-yourself way. Among the various shades available in the market, bamboo shades are definitely the most resourceful in energy aspect [more...]
Date: 2008-06-11 23:38:51
Bamboo shades vs other shades
by Adam Peters These paragraphs deal with the subject of bamboo shades. It brings out the plus points of bamboo shades in terms of looks, maintenance and longevity. It also tells us the do-it-yourself way. Among the various shades available in the market, bamboo shades are definitely the most resourceful in energy aspect [more...]
Date: 2008-06-11 23:43:39
Tips For Choosing And Sorting A Fleece; Plus Whorl And Ratio Chatter; And Descriptions of Bobbin and Flyer Wheel Styles
Geez! It seems like ages since I last wrote a post. This whole once-a-month format is kind of weird and funky for me. But in the end, it's positive all 'round: I've more time to plug away at projects for THE BOOK and you've got more time to digest my usually Tolstoy-length posts (thank you Drea) [more...]
Date: 2007-09-20 16:27:00
Study Finds Value In Junk DNA
For about 15 years, scientists have known that certain “junk” DNA — repetitive DNA segments previously thought to have no function — could evolve into exons, which are the building blocks for protein-coding genes in higher organisms like animals and plants [more...]
Date: 2008-10-21 10:35:03
Why use a mat - or two - or three
In the custom framing industry, a mat is a thin, flat piece of paper-based material used in a picture frame, which serves as additional decoration and to perform several other, more practical functions, such as separating the art from the glass. (Wikipedia) [more...]
Date: 2008-06-04 12:05:04
Why use a mat - or two - or three
In the custom framing industry, a mat is a thin, flat piece of paper-based material used in a picture frame, which serves as additional decoration and to perform several other, more practical functions, such as separating the art from the glass. (Wikipedia) [more...]
Date: 2008-06-04 12:04:03
The HIGH COST of Selling Your Book by Robin Jay
Thank you for having me on “Be My Guest,” Dorothy. I’d like to take this opportunity to share some important information with you and your guests ... or more books is not a problem for me. Plus, living in the desert eliminates the threat of mold or mildew [more...]
Date: 2007-08-10 11:00:00
Building Energy Efficient Homes
I wanted to do an interview with a builder of energy efficient homes to give you a view from a different perspective ... this if it is not already there? Tom: We do recommend conditioned crawl spaces. We do so for several reasons. A) It does [more...]
Date: 2008-08-08 21:50:11
Home Inspection Misconceptions
What To Expect: Home buyers sometimes buy their home in on impulse ... inspection is the best way for potential home buyers to effectively evaluate the risks ... problems after they take possession of a property. A professional pre-purchase home inspection can reduce [more...]
Date: 2008-07-29 11:25:34
Craftmatic Adjustable Beds - A Foam Mattress Not The Old Mattress From Years Ago
Craftmatic Adjustable Beds A foam mattress that is made today is a little different than what was made years ago. They still fit any bed frame, but I remember my sister buying foam mattresses that were completely synthetic foam through and through. They just dont make those anymore [more...]
Date: 2008-09-01 04:15:02
Growing Crape Myrtles
About Crape Myrtles With literally hundreds of sizes and colors available, crape (or crepe) ... for your yard, there are several factors to consider including: Height Natural shape (shrub vs. tree [more...]
Date: 2008-08-15 21:55:52
Boon Bath Goods
Boon Bath Goods Rating: [ Baby Products, New Baby Products, Best Baby Products, Buy Baby Products, Cheap Baby Products, Compare Baby Products, ... Soft and squishable for little fingers Won’t absorb water, which reduces mold and mildew Includes 15 ... reduces mold and mildew. Each toy is soft and squishable for little fingers to grasp and play [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 11:39:01
Trip Journal - Greece (Athens)
London to Athens - May 23 We flew out of Stanstead airport north of London on Aegean Airlines ... of smoke of course, but the elevator and room also had more of a mold or mildew smell. The elevator [more...]
Date: 2008-09-04 16:10:15
De-Stinkifying Your Front Loading Washing Machine
A common complaint about front loading washers is mildew odor, or Das Schmeel ... load vs. about 56 gallons in a conventional top-loader), front-loaders require a detergent [more...]
Date: 2008-09-27 20:53:51