Well, it finally has happened. You can now be two places at once ... of the world. Just ask Jan Burgoin, 59, who plans to visit the grandchildren in Ottawa from her home ... it's great," said Gisel, 69. "I can see what they're making in school, all their little arts and crafts [more...]
Date: 2008-12-24 22:19:27
Blog posts
(2) |
Vallie Turns 3!
Vallie and I went home from church on Sunday sick. I was so hoping she would be feeling better today for her birthday but she still wasn't feeling ... on have a snowflake party so we did some snowflake arts and crafts and hung them all over the house ... 100% yet. So what do you do when all your plans are shot down? Improvise! So here is our impromptu [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 05:39:00