Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about beach house plans

Vacation Plans

My sis and I have been planning early our summer getaway and we’re eyeing the land of my husband’s parents, the beautiful beaches in Samar. My in-laws were always there twice a year to check on their house and to have a vacation as well. Their house is just a few meters away from the white sand beach so it’s very convenient to spend [more...]

Date: 2008-11-10 10:32:00

Blog posts (2) | Videos (3)

Davao Itinerary

Yeay, I will be in Davao on Friday for a short vacation with my family. We’ll stay in a pension house  for 4 days, 3 nights. We actually wanted to stay in the Pearl Farm Beach Resort except that we have a very tight budget ... . No plans on the first day yet, we’ll probably visit Eden park to try their zipline ride or try wildriver [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 06:12:42

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cottage house plan / front house plan / home house plan / building plan / plan on piling / plan vacation / style house plan / elevated beach house plan / florida beach house plan / [more...]