Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about ranch house plans

North of Wine Country: California’s Secret Clearlake Wedding and Event Venues

While I’ve lived in the Bay Area for 30 years, I took my very first trip to Lake County only recently when I rented a house on Clearlake for a ... of old Europe amongst California’s vineyards has already been achieved in their lovely ranch house, but I learned there are even bigger plans for this property. Situated on a picturesque stretch [more...]

Date: 2008-08-18 19:34:02

Blog posts (3) | Videos (1)

So long, Jacques Littlefield. Say hello to General Patton.


Date: 2009-01-15 23:59:02

The Britt House in Paradise Gardens

Paradise Gardens, an impossibly cool mid-century housing development outside Phoenix, AZ, ... plans, to shame. Attributed largely to the architect Alfred Beadle, who was responsible for the only Case Study House to be built outside California, the development consists of a number of ranch style [more...]

Date: 2008-07-04 19:50:07

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3 bedroom ranch house plan / california ranch house plan / country ranch house plan / custom ranch house plan / free ranch house plan / large ranch house plan / new ranch house plan / one story ranch house plan / style house plan / [more...]