Iraq responds to Russian oil courting
Plus: *Iraq reiterates Syria gas line plans *Ministry to discuss round 1 oil and gas bidding in Istanbul *Iraq election tactics: “iffy, ... t name the pipeline company negotiating the construction. He also said the two talked of repairing [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 20:13:48
Blog posts
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Stadium News - Sort of
As anticipated, the county's vote on the contracts have been pushed back to February ... is not guaranteed, as a two-thirds majority of county commissioners must approve the construction and management agreements. The reason: The Marlins hired contractors without going through a county bid [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 14:46:20
Big new buildings for health-related studies at UNC Asheville and WCU ready to kick into high gear
Looking around this morning, I've found a couple of notices about major university construction coming up ... (130,000 square feet) to be built at UNC Asheville. The building will be the home of the N.C. ... will kick off after a January hearing where project bids will be unsealed. Complete plans [more...]
Date: 2008-11-16 17:50:38