Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about mold cleaners

How Do Air Purifiers Worke

Although they may seem like a new innovation, air purifiers have been around for more than 200 years ... in advancements for cleaner air. Allergens like smoke, mold spores, pollen, bacteria, viruses, pet ... cannot see anything this small, so pollutants like bacteria and viruses escape detection. Room air [more...]

Date: 2008-06-29 16:45:39

Blog posts (5) | Videos (7)

Providing a Cleaner Environment With Air Filtration Tools

Air filtration is a process of separating airborne impurities, such as dusts, smokes, gases and fumes using filters, ... , we can achieve cleaner air. This is accomplished by removing solid particulates such as pollen, dust, mold ... usually results to the removal of larger airborne [more...]

Date: 2008-06-10 21:03:13

10 Steps to Eliminate Mold Using Young Living Essential Oils

October 22, 2008 in 4 Thieves, Allergy Mold, Aromatherapy, Cleaning Indoor Air, Did You Know?, Diffusing, Educational, Eliminate and Prevent Mold, Find therapeutic grade essential oils, Health, How To, Mold & Fungus, Mold Remove, Nontoxic Household, Thieves Household Cleaner [more...]

Date: 2008-10-22 20:42:28

For Healthy Air, You Need an Air Cleaner

by Kim Archer You may not realize it, but the fact is that you are breathing in unclean air almost all of the time ... at risk. For this reason you have to make certain that the air you breathe is as clean as it possibly ... are also excellent at combating microorganisms like antigens, bacteria, mold, pathogens, and even viruses [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 15:22:17

Reduce Indoor Pollutants with an Expandable Ultra-Quiet Fan System

... ), replacing stale air, minimizing mold and mildew growth and removing gases and particles not trapped by filtration units. Additionally it will reduce indoor pollutants such as household cleaners, VOCs, carbon [more...]

Date: 2008-12-03 20:26:04

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