New movie coming soon: Black Mold Exposure
The film follows Michael Roland Williams, filmmaker, and Karen Noseff, founder and designer of Fortune Denim, ... to Black Mold Exposure website.) Toxic mold exposure is of great ... [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 20:30:46
Blog posts
(110) |
How do you know if you have been infected of mold?
We have heard a lot of stories on how notorious the black mold could be in causing serious health problems to a contaminated home ... and redness not just by direct contact with the black mold but also through inhalation of the spores ... be experiencing a symptom for mold exposure. Difficulty in breathing – Inhaling mold spore [more...]
Date: 2008-07-24 09:08:49
Protect Your Family From Mold
Aqua Technology Mold can be very harmful to your family’s health. Here are ten time Aqua Technologies would like you to know about mold. Potential health effects and symptoms associated with mold exposures include allergic reactions, asthma, and other respiratory complaints. There is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold [more...]
Date: 2008-08-08 15:16:29
I wanna be sedated
I could use some heavy sedation right about now You see, 3 days ago we discovered a puddle of water ... had with it. When the Hubster pulled it out, there was a damn MOLD COLONY thriving. I swear to shit I saw mold spores jet ... exposure, especially for a borderline agoraphobic like myself. So here I sit, a one eyed wonder [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 05:22:43
Little black spots begin to speckle the wall, as a musty smell fills the room winding its way into your unsuspecting nostrils ... is the moisture coming from Then, it hits you like a freight train. Those specks on the wall are mold ... your discovery of mold contamination and the health problems you are experiencing Is mold exposure hype [more...]
Date: 2008-06-27 20:13:37
Allergies By Ruth | December 5, 2008 An allergy is a reaction which is exaggerated in our immune system in response to a foreign substance, ... that produce allergy are known as allergens, and these could be dust mites, mold, danders, foods ... repetitive exposure to the allergen early in life means the more likely you are to develop an allergy [more...]
Date: 2008-12-05 15:00:08
Damp, Moldy homes causing Depression
The possible link was uncovered in an analysis of mold and health conditions in several cities in eastern and western Europe ... by mold, the study authors said. But, the researchers cautioned, it’s still too soon to tell if exposure to mold is directly related to depression, or whether an already depressed person might [more...]
Date: 2008-11-25 08:07:43
Call Aqua Technologies to protect your home from mold
aqua Mold can be very harmful to your family’s health. Here are 10 things Aqua Technologies would like you to know about mold: Potential health effects and symptoms associated with mold exposures include allergic reactions, asthma, and other [more...]
Date: 2008-09-02 21:43:49
Bah Humbug
Feeling rather blah these days. The mail person/truck dropped off my mail super early today ... are killing me and I haven't got the energy to do much of anything today. Yesterday was worse ... you with it. It also makes a lot of sense as mold exposure can bring it on. And as most of you know my Strata [more...]
Date: 2008-07-18 20:01:06
HEIRS MCS & EI: More Support For The Role Of Nrf2 In Chemical Sensitivity~!
A recent study reports that HMOX1 and NQO1 genes are upregulated in response to certain chemicals when they come in contact with skin ... the exposure to mold and insulin and that other cellular mechanisms including sirtuine enzymes (SIRT1 ... exposure to endogenous accumulation of oxidants (xenobiotics) such as H2O2. One will also note [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 21:13:49
What is LEED®LEED® stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. It was created and is administered by the U.S ... benefits such as reduced exposure to mold, mildew and other indoor toxins.LEED®-certified homes may also ... , use less water, are associated with fewer asthma attacks, and are at lower risk for mold and mildew [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 15:27:03
Dehumidifiers For A Healthier Home
Early in 2008, my boyfriend started noticing little dots at the right hand corner of our basement's ceiling ... and according to his doctor, exposure to molds can cause severe health problems to him. Even a tiny spore ... is that our basement had a high humidity level and that's what caused the mold to grow there. He explained [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 14:59:00
Is There a Fungus Among Us?
My sister-in-law and her new husband are building a new addition to their Kansas City home. Along the dusty path to home renovation, they have encountered a possible mold issue. I wrote ... of irritated eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs which are commonly a result of exposure to mold. Household [more...]
Date: 2008-06-21 04:23:33
Taking the LEED in energy efficient living
When Jack and Aileen Viorel outgrew their house in Leland and were looking to move, ... in the area, but in the county! hpim1118.JPG The LEED certification for homes is new but no less ... lower energy and water bills; reduced greenhouse gas emissions; and less exposure to mold, mildew [more...]
Date: 2008-12-03 15:14:21
Clean Air Inspections
Offers mold and allergen inspection human exposure assessment and related services including DNA analysis to identify airborne organisms primarily in Florida Includes FAQ and technical information [more...]
Date: 2008-12-10 09:34:04
Are Microwaves a/the Major Causal Factor in CFS/ME?"11. EMF exposure has been shown to effect an increase in viruses, bacteria, mold, parasites ... ) did not treat parasitic disease in a subject/victim orb) exposed them to mold over a long period [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 21:36:00
Study Suggests Weather Plays Role In Autism
Children who live in areas of the United States that get a lot of precipitation appear to have a higher risk of developing autism, ... and videos. A third possibility is that being indoors increases exposure to contaminants.I'd posit a fourth possibility; that rainy weather may stimulate mold development that might somehow affect human [more...]
Date: 2008-11-04 14:55:00
Airline Placement and Orientation Program
As of today there are over 3000 unemployed CPL holders actively looking for jobs ... for in an applicant and how to project themselves to fit the mold. In short they were sorely unprepared ... and performance. Evaluates and enhances interviewing skills.Gives exposure to IQ tests [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 04:25:06
Tools: Dehydrators
Tools: Dehydrators Sharon July 10th, 2008 Ok, today’s class will focus in part on Dehydration as a strategy ... more exposure to outgassing than you will through the food. If you live in a humid climate, you’ll probably find that food will mold faster than you can dry it most of the time. Blue and furry food [more...]
Date: 2008-07-10 13:54:23
Aflatoxins, or Another Reason to Shun Peanuts
Don’t Worry. He won’t be offended. We already tend to steer clear of peanuts for some obvious (to our readers) ... to avoid, like corn and cereals, are especially susceptible to a mold that produces a mycotoxin called ... populations to feed. As the recent Chinese pet food contamination debacle attests, health and food [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 16:06:30
Reduce your exposure to indoor air pollution if you work from home.
Have you noticed that they’re now starting to pay a bit more attention to household allergies in over the counter medicine? ... eliminated, but regular cleaning can dramatically reduce their numbers. Use a vacuum with a hepa air ... carpets and building materials within 24 hours if possible to prevent mold and mildew growth [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 14:22:33
New findings on ‘toxic mold’ will further debate
Mold toxins in buildings damaged by moisture are much more prevalent and more potent than previously thought, ... concerning toxic mold has broad implications for not only patients with respiratory illnesses but also ... in the university’s medical microbiology lab analyzed dust and material samples from buildings damaged by mold [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 23:06:00
Roy Buchanan
Roy Buchanan-Messiah On Guitar-2007-Music Avenue(France)Roy Buchanan was “the world’s best unknown guitarist” and one of America’s most soulful masters of the instrument. Gary Moore paid tribute to Buchanan on his “After The War” album, covering Roy’s signature tune: “The Messiah Will Come Again” Buchannan’s sound is simply unique: heartbreaking, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 14:08:00
Do You Disclose Mold in Your MLS Description
This might be considered a rant by some but it could also be a serious issue for agents who are listing homes with “environmental hazards ... of them with a wet and moldy basement. None of the listings for these properties mentioned mold and there were no notices published on the properties or at least on doors leading to the basement. None [more...]
Date: 2008-08-14 03:05:19
6 ways to destroy a beautiful complexion
Women (and men. too) spend billions of dollars trying to make their complexions look great. Sometimes their efforts are self-defeating ... term exposure to UV rays. This will cause the skin to lose its flexibility and will make a 30 year old ... years of sun exposure develop a condition called, Fungal Solar Keratosis. The sun damage cracks [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 22:59:34
Blood Iron
New image in the carnival mask photoshop contest Blood is liquid and liek our bodies, its primary component is water ... gel. Some say this congealed substance can be used to mold into forms and heated to solidify. A mask ... and textures are uncopyrighted pictures from friends and myself) I used a lot of burning, exposure [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 06:26:39
Houseplants: Fresh Air From a Pot!
Photo by madaise via Flickr During the winter months, when it is really cold outside, ... , tile floors, carpet, clothing and cleaning supplies. While outgassing can continue for long periods ... dander, mold spores and dust mites: These items contribute to poor indoor air quality [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 16:00:52
Allergic and Environmental Asthma
William Kelly, MD, Consulting Staff, Officer-in-Charge, Pulmonary Disease Clinic, Madigan Army Medical Center; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Gregory Argyros, MD, Assistant Chief, Program Director, Department of Medicine, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 21:50:26
Author Interview: Hayden Thorne
December 30, 2008 in Hayden Thorne, author interviews | by Erastes Today’s victim in the hot seat is Hayden Thorne, writer of young adult fiction, specializing in historical, folk, and gothic themes though modern fantasy themes finds their way into some of her stories, too. Her debut with Prizm Books includes three novels, all aimed at gay teens ( [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 09:52:04
6 Must-Have Characteristics to Look for When Buying a Home
J.D. is on vacation. This is a guest post from G.E. Miller, author of the blog for young professionals. With home prices down, foreclosures up, there’s an influx of great homes on the market with less ... for those willing to do some homework, and who meet the prerequisites of home ownership. Although it may [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 13:00:30
Digitally Collage a Camouflage Paper Jacket
This tutorial demonstrates how to control the placement of patterns to blend an image into the background, as camouflage. It also shows how to make that same pattern pop out and mold into realistic texture in other areas of the design. Let’s take a look at a workflow to achieve this effect. Final Image Preview Before [more...]
Date: 2008-06-03 14:36:25
The 100 SIMPLE SECRETS OF Healthy People
1. Use a Plan, Not a Piecemeal Approach .2. The Quest for a Perfect Body Is Doomed.3. Avoid Imagining the Worst.4. Keep Healthy Food Handy.5 ... is an ATTITUDE18. Cleaning isn't clean19. History isn't everything20. DON'T DELAY - EMENGENCIES ... . Breathe Right27. Use discretion with internet advice28. Mold is everywhere - So Relax29. Turn off [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 13:27:00
TSS Presents Smoking Sessions With Black Milk
“This dude asked me ‘What’s the answer to this Hip-Hop cancer?/ I’m so hungry for this real shit it feels like I’m fastin…’” Today Black Milk releases his third solo effort, TRONIC — an album so dense with material it feels like it could push beyond your ears and into the other senses. It would smell like that funk [more...]
Date: 2008-10-28 18:55:55
REVIEW: Loose and Easy by Tara Janzen
Dear Ms. Janzen: I really liked the first Steele Street stories. One thing, in particular, is that they sounded very modern. Over time, however, because the books are similar to one another, I stopped being impresed by the fresh tone because, well, it wasn’t fresh anymore. And with extended exposure to anything [more...]
Date: 2008-08-30 17:28:21
You Are The Sexy Bohunk Kind: Primal
This week I’m featuring a his n’ hers YATBK! Today is Primal, tomorrow is his lovely wife… Alias: Primal Age: 33 Height: 5’11” Weight: 225lbs, I work out Relationship status: Married and swoly (a swinger/polyamory mix) Sexual orientation: Straight. Just the same, my ass gets squeezed by more men than women [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 12:00:32
Pretty as a Picture . . . Postcard
I love to travel across America . . . by postcard!When I cannot actually get somewhere – or even if I do – I look for a beautiful picture postcard of the place. Not one of those overly bright and blue-sky-perfect cards made from cheap color slides, either. Even you and I can take better pictures than those [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 21:45:00
Holiday letter helper
SUZY STUMP: PRINT THIS OUT AND MAIL IT OFF >>> Does your family like to compose those stupid holiday letters that nobody reads? ... well during (his/her) recent (stress test/gender crisis/parole hearing). Still, (his/her) (doctor ... as well. The family next door had to leave their home [more...]
Date: 2008-12-22 17:37:42
Beading Threads
When I first started beading, (a long time ago) beaders were fairly limited in the selection of thread choices used to string or weave beads. Because cottons thread deteriorate, break, or mold and mildew, beaders commonly used nylon thread or, believe it or not, dental floss as their beading medium. But as times have evolved [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 22:12:00
In Search of Apollo Creed
The days of chasing chickens are over. In the days since winning the election, Barack Obama has established, the first-ever Web site dedicated to providing information regarding the transition between one presidential administration and another (actually, Bush had a rudimentary version in 2000 -- Jeff) [more...]
Date: 2008-11-08 05:49:52
Gatorade verses PineSol
This picture is sourced from somewhere in google images. I got it in an email from a peer. Thank you! ... in a really long time. I had no idea cleaning products went neon. I have seen the neon artificially ... like that? Neon Colored and Artificially Scented Cleaning Products? Does having purple Pine Sol make [more...]
Date: 2008-07-16 13:38:21
Anatomy Of A Blackmail Threat
Anatomy Of A Blackmail Threat Posted by Jay Tea Published: August 9, 2008 - 8:00 AM Last night, I wrote about the new group, "Accountable America," and their threatening ** WARNING ** letter being sent to Republican donors. It's been a long time since anything political has gotten me this angry, [more...]
Date: 2008-08-09 12:22:39
The Great Crash, 2008
By Roger C. AltmanFrom Foreign Affairs , January/February 2009 Summary: The financial crisis has called into serious question the credibility of western governments and may precipitate an eastward shift of power. ROGER C. ALTMAN is Chair and CEO of Evercore Partners. He was U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary in 1993-94 [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 09:00:00
Saturday Spotlight: Merry SITSmas
Bissell Vacuum, right? We all need a little SITStaly love today. Go comment on the two people above you in roll call. Just give them a quick cyber hug. We have some preliminary details about our Merry SITSmas celebration!!! Oh, this is some exciting stuff packed full of prizes just like Santa's sleigh [more...]
Date: 2008-11-15 06:34:41
Not getting hassled, not getting hustled
(Opinions are my own) Have you heard? It’s a new day in the Democratic Party. Here’s some people power for you: the Democratic National Committee will uphold the same standard — we will not take a dime from Washington lobbyists,” said Obama. “We are going to change how Washington works. They will not run our party [more...]
Date: 2008-06-10 00:09:18
TEXAS FAITH: What if a candidate were Muslim?
Texas Faith is our weekly discussion of matters of religion, politics and culture. Former Secretary of Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican who endorsed Barack Obama for president, said he was troubled by some members of his own party suggesting Obama is a Muslim. "What if he is?" Powell asked [more...]
Date: 2008-10-28 11:10:24
MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Responsible for the Lack of Public Interest in Space Exploration?
It's not often that our real life science heroes utter disparaging remarks against science fiction. In fact, the opposite is usually true; science fiction is often cited as a source of inspiration and interest. Enter Buzz Aldrin, who caused a stir recently with some comments he made [more...]
Date: 2008-10-29 07:28:56
Incorporating your Foreclosure Investments and DIY Real Estate Forms
You can save a lot of money by selling your home yourself (for sale by owner) or buying a home without the aid of a real estate agent. Here in NJ, real estate agent commissions are usually negotiated to around 4-6%. If you're selling a house priced at $450,000 that's $22,500 which is not an insignificant amount of money, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 12:24:09
Hot Wheels’ Goodwill Ambassador
At first glance, Bruce Pascal looks exactly like what he is: a respectable middle-aged commercial real-estate agent with a wife and family ... spoke to WorthPoint from his home in Potomac, Md., a suburb of Washington, D.C., about his abiding [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 06:14:05
Ten Natural Allergy Relief Tips from Dr. Holly Lucille
Spring showers may bring May flowers, but for many, springtime brings the misery of allergies. “People with seasonal allergies are especially sensitive to pollen and mold spores,” noted Dr ... with the body and help patients avoid the side effects of prescription or over-the counter [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 17:47:24
Posted by Brian Hodge at January 9, 2009 I’m looking at the days a little differently lately. Wanting them, each and every one of them, to count for more than most of them seem to. It’s the kind of feeling that naturally goes with January, and the empty, formless mold we’re given [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 22:23:02
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