Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about mold basements

The importance of removing mold and mildew

Molds are caused by the growth of several types of fungi on moist organic matters while mildew is the kind of mold that thrives on fabrics or ... ventilation. Use natural cleaning products to get rid of molds. Using natural mold cleaners ... ? Or from the basement? Make sure you do this properly before performing any prevention or mold-cleaning activitie [more...]

Date: 2008-07-18 13:05:31

Blog posts (4) | Videos (19)

What are Basement Dehumidifiers?

Humid air can cause mold and mildew to grow inside our homes and it is not good for everyone’s health. There are various health risks we can get from humid air. So basement dehumidifiers [more...]

Date: 2008-09-11 20:38:42

Weird Dreams

Lately I have been having eye-brow raising nights. A few nights ago I began thrashing in the bed and yelling ... and in so doing it would remove the mold and mildew or whatever and leave the tiles in pristine condition ... not to bite and to move along in proper patterns for the required work.Meanwhile, down in the basement [more...]

Date: 2008-09-07 08:16:00

Allergy Alert: Preparing your home if you have (or think you have) indoor allergies

Generally, cooler months dictate we will spend a greater amount of each day indoors ... , below ground basements and playrooms, bathrooms, from refrigerator drip pans and leaky faucets.  In many cases a mildew odor may be a tip off that you have a “mold problem”.    Third, pets are found [more...]

Date: 2008-10-17 14:09:25

4 Results

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basement black / basement mold bucks county / basement mold delaware county / basement mold mildew / basement mold philadelphia / basement mold picture / basement mold prevention / basement mold problem / basement mold remediation / basement mold removal / basement mold smell / [more...]

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