Do-It-Yourself Mold Removal Procedures
Let’s face it: a well-maintained home is not easy for everybody. Some are too busy with work and other community activities. Others keep on postponing maintenance services because of more important concerns and budget is not enough. With the present economic situation, maintaining practical measures is the key in keeping the home a place where [.. [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 01:15:04
Blog posts
(4) |
Simple Procedures In Doing Mold Removal On Furnishings
When a house changes in temperature, humidity rises or stayed long with standing water, there is a huge possibility that the things inside it may be damaged by molds. This is not a good sight. Moreover, it would require a great effort to restore these items infected with mold. If done [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 12:40:08
Simple Procedures In Doing Mold Removal On Furnishings
Simple Procedures In Doing Mold Removal On Furnishings When a house changes in temperature, humidity rises or stayed long with standing water, ... sight. Moreover, it would require a great effort to restore these items infected with mold. ¶ Posted 28 December 2008 † James Farkenfur § Home ‡ Comments (0) ° Tagged: Doing, furnishings, in, mold [more...]
Date: 2008-12-28 22:10:21
Homeowners: The Effectiveness Of Mold Removal Cleaners For ...
Water damage to homes and properties can create a variety of problems and are not just relegated to the deterioration of structures and materials. A more serious health risk can accompany water damage, particularly in the area of mold infestations. Proper mold removal procedures should be employed by homeowners to prevent further [more...]
Date: 2008-11-18 15:30:03