My bronchitis doesn't seem to be improving. I still have a day left on my Z-Pack, so here's hoping... Living in mildew and mold and going on little sleep probably hasn't improved the situation any ... of our moldy carpet is out of the houseBeerman was starting a cleaning process (vs. a clean [more...]
Date: 2008-06-12 13:59:36
Blog posts
(3) |
recession cleaning, part 1: pH nuetral dishwashing detergent
Welcome to recession cleaning, part 1: pH nuetral dishwashing detergent ... water, followed-up with a clean, dry mop. Bathroom tiles. Unless you have a mold and mildew issue ... most shower walls. Dishes. Oh right. Those too. related posts: definitions: soaps vs [more...]
Date: 2008-10-06 11:12:59
Books vs. Computers
Well, I guess this isn't really an "either/or" situation as the title suggests ... wear it as perfume. Well, not the ones that have succumbed to mold and mildew, of course.As lost [more...]
Date: 2008-08-18 01:22:00