Backyard Shed Turned Home Office [Featured Workspace]
Reader Brian DeHamer needed a home office but lived in a crowded house, so instead he used extra space out behind his garage ... to be difficult to continue working from home in our small 3 bedroom house in San Diego. After debating the merits of either moving or remodeling we decided the simpler solution would simply be to build a separate [more...]
Date: 2008-06-27 11:00:00
Blog posts
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Checking in with the DWR Kitchen
People who are gearing towards a modern kitchen design are bound to get good ideas from this masterpiece by Nilus de Matran ... is a Science Laboratory! Silver Nano Washing Machines for Healthier Living Remodeling? Start with the Small Spaces Nurseryworks The Duet Twin Bed Mobile Fireplaces hitting Modern Homes Soon Making Your Bedroom [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 06:53:50