Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about mold homes

Call Aqua Technologies to protect your home from mold

aqua Mold can be very harmful to your family’s health.  Here are 10 things Aqua Technologies would like you to know about mold: Potential health effects and symptoms associated with mold exposures include allergic reactions, asthma, and other [more...]

Date: 2008-09-02 21:43:49

Blog posts (2) | No video

How do you know if you have been infected of mold?

We have heard a lot of stories on how notorious the black mold could be in causing serious health problems to a contaminated home ... and redness not just by direct contact with the black mold but also through inhalation of the spores ... be experiencing a symptom for mold exposure. Difficulty in breathing – Inhaling mold spore [more...]

Date: 2008-07-24 09:08:49

2 Results

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