A Simple Excess Of Greed And Speculation
The Boston Herald reports from Massachusetts. “Call it the return of the $100,000 home. Real estate observers are seeing a spike in the number of single-family houses and condominiums available in certain areas of the state for $100,000 or less. Real estate agents say they’re seeing some eye-popping retro-like prices for some homes and condos in [more...]
Date: 2008-09-16 14:33:25
Blog posts
(126) |
Bigger Than A Breadbox And Much Cuter: weeHouses by Alchemy Architecture
weeHouses are super cute, efficiently designed, boxy, little shippable pre-fab homes by Alchemy Architecture. They make great vacation homes, second homes, work or office space, starter homes, even multiple housing developments. Run by Alchemy architects in St. Paul, Minn., weeHouse streamlines the entire process [more...]
Date: 2008-06-07 13:52:00
Cold Weather Tips
You know it’s coming, here are tips from the New York State Emergency Management Office: ... forecast to hover over the State tonight through Saturday, the New York State Emergency Management Office ... such as frozen water pipes and even dangerous situations, especially when care is not taken with heating [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 21:00:43
Clonard Monastery Appeal
A Belfast church whose priests played a pivotal role in the peace process is undergoing major renovations ... to complete the work. "Work to the interior is also pressing and includes renovation of the ceiling ... and adjoining basement. During the air raids, the people prayed and sang hymns and many friendships were [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 00:28:00
The Weekly Carboholic: a bit of everything
Due to the large size of this week’s Carboholic, I’ve busted it up into sections for readability. Science When you’re talking about Antarctica and global heating, there are some serious ... be key to understanding how Antarctica will respond to global heating, the problems represent serious [more...]
Date: 2008-09-05 04:04:00
Heat cost - Tips for reducing yours
frozen After seeing my home heating cost at more than $400 last month, I decided to take some drastic action to reduce our overall heating cost ... a number of minor changes I could make to help reduce my heating cost. Based on the comments I received ... of reading and research on tips for reducing overall heating cost and thought I’d share [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 12:55:48
Wine Cellars Help Protect And Age Vintage Wines
The person who goes to the local wine store and buys a couple bottles of Fruit Wine for almost immediate consumption, ... have to have a basement to call their storage area wine cellars. However, a fully functioning wine storage ... to install the appropriate heating, ventilation and air conditioning needed to maintain their wines [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 18:15:19
Wine Cellars Help Protect And Age Vintage Wines
The person who goes to the local wine store and buys a couple bottles of Fruit Wine for almost immediate consumption, ... have to have a basement to call their storage area wine cellars. However, a fully functioning wine storage ... to install the appropriate heating, ventilation and air conditioning needed to maintain their wines [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 18:15:19
CL III: Semantic Gaps
I do intend a Cottage Life post soon that’s not about maintenance, but this isn’t it ... conundrum. Well, if I’m going to take your time with sordid basement maintenance tale, I should ... Sound beach Back to the basement. The symptom was simple: no hot water. The technology was simple [more...]
Date: 2008-06-29 20:56:23
It begins
The school’s starting to be remodeled. The construction crews took over the elevator, ... and no one cares. Weird. The remodeling wasn’t occurring on the floor where we teach classes yet. That’ll ... t just the view from the windows being covered up by the giant “Remodeling!” sign either. Because of the heating [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 13:00:54
How to Sweat (Solder) Copper Water Pipes for a Watertight Seal
Soldering pipes (called sweating) is the standard way to join two or more pieces of regular copper pipe together. A solder joint forms a strong, watertight seal that will last for decades or longer when done properly. In fact, a proper solder joint is less likely to leak than the rest of the copper pipe, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 11:00:15
Different Ways To Insulate Windows
The rising cost of fuel and gas has escalated a demand for conserving electrical resources at the home front ... shutters to your window. These shutters are made of foam insulation board and are fire-proof ... combat this situation, turning it in your favor and creating a comfortable ambience. Window insulation [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 07:00:40
A blast from the past
This is Minnesota, a furnace is a must have not a nice to have. There are some homes without central heating but not very many ... octopus furnaces because of the way the heat ducts take up the whole basement. They are called gravity furnaces. The unit in the first picture burns heating oil. Most of the gravity furnaces were [more...]
Date: 2008-12-09 00:07:04
Innovation from Constraint (the extended dance mix)
I gave a talk a few weeks ago in Barcelona that was pretty well-received and widely blogged. Specifically, several bloggers have picked up and amplified the seven key points I offered in the talk - a list of principles that I believe characterize much of the best innovation coming out of Africa [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 20:45:09
Real Estate Appraisals - Ten things most people just don't understand about them
By Mary Webber Most of us will have a real estate appraisal done at some point in our property-owning lives, and yet, as common as that experience is, there are many misconceptions about what an appraisal is, why one is needed, and how truly it reflects the value of our homes [more...]
Date: 2008-08-23 21:40:50
Duct Tape - In The Furnace Room
Yesterday we wrote about how we used duct tape to secure the fitting between the vent opening in the basement ceiling duct and the vent cover ... from paying more money for the high efficiency furnace through reduced heating bills ... that the furnace room in the basement of our home was quite warm in the winter. I simply put that down [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 01:10:49
Washington Didn’t Sleep Here: A White House FAQ
It was 216 years ago today that George Washington laid the cornerstone of the White House. Of course, poor George is the only president who didn’t live in it; he left office before the house was finished. A lot has happened in the house since then, both good and bad. But let’s put that aside and focus on the building itself [more...]
Date: 2008-10-13 18:32:00
Duct Tape - Home Energy Conservation’s Best Friend
In our series on Home Energy Conservation we recently reviewed the ideas within the Un-Official Guide to Home Energy Conservation relating to cheap or inexpensive ways to reduce a home’s heating and cooling utility bills. One of the methods (#23) suggested was to use duct tape to close the gaps in a homes heating and cooling ducts. Today [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 01:08:02
Parade of Homes
It is with wonder and thanks that I am able to see photos of the houses that my family and ancesters have resided through time. As I locate addresses, I look them up on Google Maps in order to see what type of terrain they may have lived amongst. Here is the “Parade of Homes” [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 16:05:12
50 Ways to Save $1,000 a Year
Looking for ways to save money this year? Want to boost your savings in a tough economy with little effort or pain? Good. I’ve got 50 (fifty) ways to painlessly stash some extra cash without losing a limb or getting a second job. Some of these tips will score you instant dough, [more...]
Date: 2008-09-03 03:37:35
Just in case you were looking for equal time..
In keeping with my recent obviation from character, here’s some highlights from President Nelson’s latest letter regarding Thomas More College of Liberal Arts and while we’re dealing with a publicized letter and a part of the public knowledge, I’ll give it in full [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 10:26:23
A licensed home inspector is all that stands between you and disaster
Well, maybe not that bad, but there’s never a bad time for hyperbole ... that you be allowed to have a home inspection performed prior to signing of the purchase and sale contract ... a professional to come in to do an inspection. Fortunately, in Massachusetts, home inspectors are required [more...]
Date: 2008-09-08 14:48:13
A Guide To Central Heating And Air Conditioning
Central heating is important in the places where winters can be chilly and this system can be powered by gas, oil, electricity, ... solid fuel and solar power. The primary heating appliance is located in garage or basement and the heat is delivered throughout the house with the help of air ducts or sending steam or ... [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 17:09:43
A Guide To Central Heating And Air Conditioning
Central heating is important in the places where winters can be chilly and this system can be powered by gas, oil, electricity, ... solid fuel and solar power. The primary heating appliance is located in garage or basement and the heat is delivered throughout the house with the help of air ducts or sending steam or ... [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 19:24:37
Twelve Tactics to Prepare For and Minimize Winter Heating Bills (Besides Woodstoves)
Liz writes in with an interesting question: wonder if you have weighed the pros and cons of switching to pellet/wood stoves for heat this winter? I live in Montana and our heating bills are slated to rise 50%, yes 50% this winter, partially due to the sale of Montana Power to Northwest Energy. Our heating bills (gas for heat and cooking [more...]
Date: 2008-09-04 14:00:34
First New Year's Goal Progress: Worm Bin Composting
I surprised myself over the weekend by tackling - and almost completing - one of my New Year's goals ... the steps. Given the winter weather, I decided that starting the worm bin in my basement would ... out the bin lately. We have plenty of space in the basement though, and I figured we can always move [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 13:30:00
We’re doing really well with the Freeze Yer Buns challenge this winter ... on heating oil, but we also wanted to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and be eco-friendly. It’ ... , that means the warmest part of the house is in the basement. I’m hoping that Ed will hang [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 19:00:41
DrumBeat: September 26, 2008
Oil: Contract killing “SPECULATORS are back and prices are up,” moaned James May, the head of the Air Transport Association, a trade group for American airlines, on September 22nd. He was referring to the record jump in the price of oil on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) that day, from $104.55 to $120.92 [more...]
Date: 2008-09-26 13:15:07
Freezin’ My Buns Off (but not really)
Crunchy Chicken is on her second (or is it third?) Freeze Yer Buns Off Challenge ... on the central heating. October was warm, even for here, so it wasn’t until November that it began ... s worked out so well that I have barely used the central heating at all.And truth be told, everyone [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 01:36:41
The Lowdown on Mini Split Heat Pumps
The Lowdown on Mini Split Heat Pumps Filed under Heat Pump News from across the World by admin 10-01-2009 - Article base Mini split heat pumps will make very good retrofit additions to houses with the “non-ducted” heating systems ... additions, where installing or extending ductwork is not possible. Just like the standard air source heat [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 14:57:56
The House of Cold
Greetings from the East Coast. Yeah, right… Before I embarked on my sojourn eastward my wonderful man found us an idyllic little house ... t really have conventional heating, it had heaters attached to the walls. At first I thought [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 21:41:22
Death of the American Empire
America is self-destructing & bringing the rest of the world down with it by Tanya Cariina Hsu I believe that banking institutions are more ... . The banking industry renamed insurance betting guarantees as ‘credit default swaps’ and risky gambling [more...]
Date: 2008-10-24 13:01:18
Home Improvement Contractors - A Guide
Now that you’ve decided to remodel your home, you’ll need to make sure that you’re choosing the right contractor to do the job ... contractors, who can find out if your house will need improved wiring for heating and air conditioning ... . If you’re not sure where to find the right home improvement contractors for your new renovation [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:31:59
The Appraisal
by Heather Rae for cleantechblog.com A homeowner who recently relocated from New Jersey to one of the swishier towns of Maine asked me last week, ... sealant and insulation in the basement with its moisture-remediating rubberized floor covering [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 15:37:33
So my parents left on a one month vacation the other day ... and I had just cleaned the entire basement, every book on a shelf, every box stacked, etc. We came home from school to find books scattered all over the floor of the basement. Entire shelves we had organized [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 03:26:00
No power for 175,000 Michigan residents after storm leaves consumers at risk
Michigan residents were hit with massive power outages after 60mph winter storm ... charcoal and wood, and gas ranges and heating systems. CO poisoning is the leading cause of unintentional ... safety guidelines when heating and cooking in your dwelling when the power is out. The following items [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 18:15:54
Underground Heating Oil Tanks Information
Oiltank While most home heating oil tanks are not regulated by the State - typically they are not over 1,100 in capacity, some delegated counties have regulations that apply to smaller heating oil tanks. If you live ... such smaller tanks are regulated. Even if your heating oil tank is unregulated, you probably [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 12:30:08
The Top Franchise Trends For 2009
Two words will be dominating the franchise landscape for 2009: cautious optimism. Here’s why: Marketplace Fear The gyrations of the stock market during the last quarter of 2008 have left many investors skittish. This skittishness trickles down to the financially successful 45-55 year olds, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 07:30:34
Getting a Home Inspection For Phoenix Real Estate
Home inspections are one of the most necessary steps in the purchase of any home, new or old ... inspection. The most notable things are the home’s systems like plumbing, heating, electrical and so on. Another major aspect of a home inspection is the checking of the foundation and home itself [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 15:12:29
Gazans: 'We face a dark destiny'
Israeli troops backed by air and naval power have surrounded Gaza City AL-JAZEERA As Israeli forces push deeper into the Gaza Strip and the death toll continues to rise, Al Jazeera hears from some of the Gazans we first spoke to during the aerial bombardment [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 00:51:09
hot water
we drove upstate friday night. it was cold. very, very cold. but when we left the hudson valley, everything changed. no, it didn't get warmer. we watched the little digital readout on the dashboard tell us what the outside was doing and the number for the outside got lower and lower. and lower [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 15:58:00
77 Surefire Ways to Increase Your Home’s Value
It’s more than just a roof over your head, or a place you go when work’s over – your home is probably the most valuable asset you own ... , the perfect home. And you don’t need a bulldozer to do that; you’ll find that quality wins over quantity [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 14:49:56
Easy Ways to Set up a Greenhouse Inside Your Home
Easy Ways to Set up a Greenhouse Inside Your Home By Kim Dirk | January 17, ... garden to a larger unit that might consume a good portion of your basement. If this isn’t enough ... , and sealing them with duct tape. You can heat your greenhouse by buying a heating pad and laying [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 20:28:28
People Worried About Winter Ahead by Bruce Gagnon
Bruce by Bruce Gagnon featured writer Dandelion Salad Bruce’s blog post space4peace.blogspot.com June 16, 2008 The hottest topic in Maine these days is the mounting cost of home heating fuel. The cost of home heating oil is actually going up faster than the cost of gasoline and Mainers [more...]
Date: 2008-06-16 19:49:09
In the Dark of the Night
IAfter a shower in the evening, I look for the hairdryer. A wind chill warning in effect, I don't want to walk the dog with wet hair even under a hat ... his room in the basement is warm, and I go to sleep on my bed fully dressed, with wool socks [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 04:46:00
What's the best way to start buying Real Estate?
What's the best way to start buying Real Estate? What's the best way to start buying Real Estate? Co-ops? Condos? Small House? ... investing/buying was a small Multi-Family. I lived in the Basement apartment, tiny bedroom Living Room ... . My big expense was the heating bill! After living there for a year I moved to the main floor [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 20:15:26
Dressing Up, Signature Style, Shopping Sprees: Poll Wrap-Up
Dressing Up, Signature Style, Shopping Sprees: Poll Wrap-Up July 20, 2008 07:00 PM The summer sun is heating up, and so are the issues on TBF’s daily polls. Here’s the lowdown ... t risk injury or discomfort for a great deal at a sale like Filene’s Basement’s Running of the Brides [more...]
Date: 2008-07-21 02:26:02
Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre - HBBH Architects
Architects: Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden architects + urbanistes Location: Osoyoos, British Columbia, Canada Principal in charge: Bruce Haden Project Architect: Brady Dunlop Project Team: Norm Hotson, Stephanie Forsythe, Tina Hubert, Julie Bogdanowicza Project year: 2006 Site Area: 1,600 acre Constructed Area: 1,115 sqm Materials: [more...]
Date: 2008-12-23 11:56:58
Choosing the Right Wood for Your Doors
A solid and beautiful door adds beauty to any home ... , garden or patio door and basement door. The front entry doors fall under the exterior door category ... n the house and isolate sound. For homes with central heating and cooling systems, a ½ inch allowance bet [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 10:54:00
Association Dues - do the math
$460 dollars a month for association dues, you have to be kidding! ... and compared the association dues to our monthly expenses. The $460 monthly dues cover Heating, hazard ... for a similar size home are $363 a month for heating, insurance, sewer, water and refuse removal [more...]
Date: 2008-10-20 05:15:05
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