Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about cabin house plans

Boys and Toys

We have a decent amount of new friends around the blog these days, so I thought it might be time for a round-up ( ... . And of course, little houses for all of us.We're currently making plans to replace the old house ... more pleasant. Ideas have ranged from a cabin to a simple house to a park model RV to a ...Well, this is where [more...]

Date: 2008-12-28 16:31:00

Blog posts (90) | Videos (59)

recycling a tiny house

My cousin, Noah, built himself a tiny house. It’s adorable and perfect for him. Let me tell you what happened to it ... Tiny Houses that has pictures and plans for houses like Jefferson’s Cottage, Henry Thoreau’s Cabin ... and satisfied with one’s home. It only takes the right amount of beautiful space to do the trick [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 16:35:26

All's quiet...

For once. I feel like we have been running full speed since Hulk has arrived! With visitors and holiday's and fun surprises (more on that in a sec) ... everyone over for lunch at my house on Tuesday - and they TOTALLY surprised me with an amazing log cabin ... hoping she plans on leaving tomorrow so I can spend some downtime with my family this weekend [more...]

Date: 2008-12-26 19:49:00

with great resolve

car-y-oke... get it? sing it rashelle. just warming up ... . she will juggle three callings at church with grace and ease. he plans to stucco their house, build a back porch ... we went to our friends cabin in park city for a couple days. it was great to get away and relax [more...]

Date: 2009-01-09 15:05:00

Layout Update

Homestead Plan So here is a photoshop of the layout I had drawn by hand. Of course not to scale. Since Brian from Sourwood Farm had turned me on to Country Plans, we have fallen in love with the 1.5 story 20×30 cottage. That will be the big house. Our current little cabin will be Amy’s palace [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 22:46:01

Summerwood Tiny Cabins

Canmore Cabin Canmore Cabin By Christina Nellemann Summerwood Products in Toronto, Canada has a fantastic website that is very detailed, ... 31, 2008, they are offering free plans. The buyer can customize their own cabin on the website ... and provides some excellent foder for the tiny house enthusiast. Summerwood sells finely crafted [more...]

Date: 2008-12-29 15:00:51

The Universe Called, There's Been a Change of Plans

Today started like any other back to school after a long break day ... events like Christmas and a trip to Disneyland, this last week brought about a raging case of cabin ... nice to have the house to myself for the first time in three weeks, even if only for just three [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 23:45:00

Open Thread "Thursday" - Obama Inauguration

Obama-inauguration Please use this space as an open post on the inauguration.  How are you spending the day? ... ... any special plans or thoughts on the day?  For folks going to the swearing in or parade ... where ... is pleaded with her to drive him by our house.  Or out to a cabin in the middle of the woods in West [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 03:51:11

A Leap

Fr. Thomas Keating will be facilitating a Centering Prayer Retreat in March in NY. None of my CP friends can go ... is that I had already made plans to do a seminar at The Wilson House 2 weekends ahead of this one...with a group ... be interesting to put a face to an email address. We've rented a cabin across the street..and its getting [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 09:57:00

Cabin Fever

Yesterday I finally got out of the house. Since coming home from surgery I'd only left twice very briefly to go to the drugstore and my doctor's ... that the next morning I would fly back to Los Angeles and return to my life by the beach with my friends and my plans.  Cut to a year and a half later. I'm married [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 17:18:09


I wish I had something great to post about. I haven't been out birding in what seems like ages ... problems. Last week I had it surgically repaired but that meant I was pretty much house-bound for the week ... out the window. I think I have a bad case of cabin fever. If we have a warmer day this week or next I plan [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 02:10:00


It’s strange that it’s been so long since I’ve been here ... on that.And here are some from our cabin.  There was almost 4 ft of snow on our back deck.And our house ... discussion about that before it happens.  Until then, I may be vague and odd but know that I have big plans [more...]

Date: 2009-01-04 03:02:22

New Years Eve

No exciting plans for me tonight. I’m just thrilled I made it through yesterday virtually sugar free! ... but the cabin fever girl who has been home since 11:30 a.m. on Monday says to get out! I’ve got to take a FYP party packet by a girl’s house anyway. I am actually doing a party next month. Woo hoo!Well [more...]

Date: 2008-12-31 08:02:18

Friday Fill-Ins

1. Enough with the presidential stuff already. I am so over it!2. Life causes me to be conflicted.3. I've been craving Sour Patch Kids.4 ... . I want to stay holed up in a log cabin with a roaring fire, lots of yummy snacks, and many ... out home plans, researching building tips, and even checking out appliances. I love to dream [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 03:00:00

All Christmas’d Out

I intended to write a post either on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, wishing everyone the happiest of holidays, but time got away from me ... ’s parents’ house on Christmas Eve, and his sister, brother and their spouses were in attendance ... a log cabin. Aunt Gail and Uncle Rick bought him the most obnoxious guitar on Earth. She instructed [more...]

Date: 2008-12-27 04:13:51

I’m not big on making resolutions around New Years.  I find that the failure rate is far too daunting and putting “out there” what you hope to ... plans your weekend for you and you literally just go along for the ride.  We had one of the best times of our lives, doing all sorts of fun things like horseback riding (I was terrified!) visiting a farm [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 20:23:45

Since I got nothin', lets babble.

This is my new, favorite food. This is Sinigang or as Jay calls it, Sour Soup. It's a Filipino dish he grew up with that I've learned to make ... with a bad back for months now. He and I are the gimps of the building and we're both full of cabin ... . Not long before he 'disappeared' bombs went off near his house. He assured us he was safe [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 23:50:00

Anti-Gay Politics, Arizona Style

The Tucson Observer has published a first person account of the final hours of the Arizona Senate’s passage of the anti-marriage amendment ... Boone (R-Peoria)–who had other plans in mind for a number of unfinished bills–made a substitute motion ... is already illegal. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Phoenix) carried out an ingenious strategy to derail the House [more...]

Date: 2008-07-02 00:27:20

My, You're Certainly Animated Today

I was in bed early (okay, early for me) last night, then watched a DVR'd show I wanted to check out and ended up watching part of a movie to get the ... places a group of 13 (natch!) people in the woods in a cabin, then puts them through weird challenges ... not all that interesting and none of the participants seemed like anyone you'd want to spend time [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 03:06:00

Baptists always have the best stained glass ...

I doubt that's universally true, but I like the line --- used by an acquaintance when talking about First Baptist Church in Humeston at a time when ... down their old buildings and building a new joint house of worship that incorporated glass ... occurance for someone who while he was neither born in a log cabin nor walked miles barefoot through [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 15:08:00

News - Views - Commentary

Uncle Jay Explains the Year 2008Gaza: Leaders Lie, Civilians Die and the Lessons of History Are IgnoredBy Robert Fisk, Independent UK - AlternetQuite a lot of the dead this weekend appear to have been Hamas members, but what is it supposed to solve? We've got so used to the carnage of the Middle East that we don't care any more -- providing we [more...]

Date: 2008-12-31 11:37:00

Inauguration Day

Today is a big day in the course of our great country. Anytime we have major change in political power it inevitably signals a new era in our history. My daughter asked this morning why it was all the rage on TV…simple I told her, we will be reading about this election and subsequent inauguration for years to come in the history books [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 15:31:18

131-an off day

source: heretakoyaki. たこたき。otherwise known as fried octopus balls. i want some! maybe two years ago we got invited over to my mom’s friend’s house 我媽的朋友的家 (haha for my limited ... has special plans for us!! ♥ but yeah, we all got to spend a lot of time together, whether it be late nights [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 17:41:32

At thirty thousand feet

Today has been one of those unintentionally awesome days. See, we’ve got Weather today.  Capital W ... d had plans to hit my work stuff pretty hard in the morning, then skeedaddle off into town to give myself ... the house….Mother Nature decides to spring Teh Evil on us.  Thanks.  Thanks for that, Ma [more...]

Date: 2009-01-04 07:28:29

Hudson Plane crash conspiracy diary

Attempted elimination of bank execs failed?BofA, Wells Employees Were Aboard Crashed Plane What was perhaps the most riveting story in New York on Thursday afternoon had almost nothing to do with finance: a US Airways plane that plunged into the Hudson River on the West Side of Manhattan.But there was still a banking angle to the story [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 10:16:00

What a Whirlwind! Live-Blogging the Last Day of 2008

1:04 am: I totally edited this post last night at 1 am to say happy new year all you weirdos, but then um, apparently it didn't go through, ... : Plans to play Rock Band have been interrupted by a lack of a "sensor" and I don't ... cabin with two couples and it was also actually quite lovely and the year before that I feel [more...]

Date: 2008-12-31 23:49:00

The Obama/Media Combine Whoring Abraham Lincoln, Non-Stop

~~By InsightAnalytical-GRLPresident-elect Lincoln, February 23, 1861If there’s one thing that really bugs me about the present sorry state of affairs we find ourselves in, it’s the utter lack of “history.”  Everything goes down the rabbit hole, unless it is re-written and spun into a revised version of what actually happened before [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 07:01:44

better late then never .. right? the book.. SORRY!

what a whirlwind of a time.. I'm glad it over...Merry Christmas to you all! (late is better then nothing!)Christmas eve is when I started wrapping any gifts.. up until about 4pm.. there was not one present under the tree.. we had talked to the boys about this year.. they would not be getting alot.. due to so many people outta jobs. [more...]

Date: 2008-12-27 19:40:00

We Wish the New President and Our Nation Well

Before Barack Obama was born, I too was fascinated by Abraham Lincoln. At the age of seven years, (the "age of reason" as the Church sees it) ... , Illinois where he served as a state legislator, the Soldier's Home house in Washington where he spent ... from Britain. In Wilmington, he applauded the state that first ratified the Constitution. And in my hom [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 20:06:14

It’s A Different Good In California

The Ventura County Star reports from California. “With the influx of foreclosures flooding the market, ... possessions. They originally listed their 1,831-square-foot, five-bedroom, 2.5-bath house for $650,000.” “ ... or foreclosure, you’re just not going to get a lot of people to your house,’ Howell said. ‘You’ve just got [more...]

Date: 2008-06-17 22:38:21

Square Today, Octagon Tomorrow

Orson Squire Fowler was determined to be a preacher. At the tender age of 17 he walked 400 miles from his small town of Cohocton, New York to Massachusetts so that he might be tutored in the ways of the ministry. When Fowler enrolled in Amherst he made fast friends with another minister-to-be, [more...]

Date: 2008-10-14 04:45:17

Saturday & Sunday Recap

Okay bloggies! All of this crazy BLBE shenanigans has caused me not to have time to post my meals! So here's a recap of Saturday and Sunday eats ... that, hubby, MIL and I ventured out for a visit to one of their cousins house. Before we knew ... log cabin style home:Thanks for having us out Norma, Duncan & company!For the rest of the night [more...]

Date: 2009-01-04 21:42:00

Making Art With The Whole Family.

It seems like just yesterday that we were having our Community Art Lab reception showcasing and celebrating the wonderful artworks created by North ... the winter months. It might just be the perfect thing to do to get the whole family out of the house just as cabin fever begins to set in!More information about the two upcoming Family Workshops [more...]

Date: 2009-01-07 20:50:00

Finnegan Biden For President In 2036

CHICAGO, Ill — A press plane packed with Bidens means there are a lot of talkers - and one of the clan’s youngest charmed the traveling press corps ... running for a White House job rescued young Finnie from the pack of jackals - though he said ... s house - owned by Biden’s son Hunter. “And her little sister Masie is up there. She said yeah, pop [more...]

Date: 2008-11-04 21:55:12

Foisting the Jolly Roger

Continuing our series of guest authors from Vets for Freedom, we have a piece on piracy from one of VFF's founders Mark Seavey ... , and French champagne from the House of Heidsieck” can be enjoyed with each of your meals as you travel around the Mediterranean and Horn of Africa in the lap of luxury. And there is no additional [more...]

Date: 2008-10-07 18:01:10

I wrote a story.

I wrote this for someone the other day. I feel as if posting it on my blog cheapens the gift a little. But I did ask for permission. And I made some edits. I had to balance out the wussiness I felt for writing it by listening to heavy metal and lifting weights. But I like it ok. It seems to have come from a real enough place [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 18:50:00

I could blog about

My car not starting because of the horrific bone chilling cold, freezing my gas line. At least that’s what my Step-Dad said ... and puffing on the elliptical. No worries. She plans on working out until the day she goes ... when I am old and all boozed out, I will be all about French Fries and daytime television. I’m kidding [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 06:45:06

2008 Year In Review

Before I can write about my 2009 goals, I simply must wrap up 2008. Since the year I found out that Ryan was coming (2001) ... her feelings about anything, was quietly making plans to trick us later in the year.We spent a good deal of time at the cabin, interviewing new management companies, since our old one dropped [more...]

Date: 2009-01-07 05:14:00

Bram Stoker’s Dracula - Dr. Seward’s Diary

Chapter 26: Dr. Seward’s Diary 29 October.–This is written in the train from Varna to Galatz. Last night we all assembled a little before the time of sunset. Each of us had done his work as well as he could, so far as thought, and endeavor, and opportunity go, we are prepared for the whole of our journey, and for our work when we get to Galatz [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 07:43:52

We climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro…but

Jump to Comments we didn’t get to the summit. As you can imagine, this came as a big surprise, because both my daughter, Martha, and I felt great as we were climbing pole pole (slowly, as instructed by our head guide, Clemence Mtui) through the lush rain forest and the moorland (alpine desert), and across the Shira Plateau [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 00:00:08

Airline Passenger Bill of Rights: It Lives!

It’s alive. Sens. Barbara Boxer (D., Calif.) Olympia Snowe (R., Maine) ... with food, potable water, comfortable cabin temperature and ventilation and adequate restrooms while a plane ... contingency plans for delayed flights to be reviewed and approved by DOT. The bill also allows the DOT [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 14:16:53

Christmas, New Year’s, Complications, and more…

So Sorry, we haven’t been very good at postingl. We are having some complications with our website ... was Wonderful up in Boise, ID. We went and stayed at Andrew’s parents house util the day after Christmas. Then all of the family went up to their cabin in McCall. We had a Blast up there. We snow mobiled [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 19:05:43

ALA2008 Privacy Revolution Panel

does anyone care if their library records are being tracked? should they? ALA OIF has received a grant from the Open Society Institute/Soros Foundation to explore the issue of privacy in the digital age Panelists: Dan Roth (Wired), Cory Doctorow (CrapHound), and Beth Givens (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse) [more...]

Date: 2008-06-30 07:27:11

Top Magnolia stories from 2008

We thought it would be interesting to look back at 2008 and the top stories from our neighborhood this past year ... have been hard at work fixing up the house. September:  Magnolia Voice broke the news that the Whole ... who expressed anger and frustration. The city did back off on plans to ticket BAT lane violators following [more...]

Date: 2008-12-31 07:27:14

Putting On My Big Girl Panties

Putting On My Big Girl PantiesI want to tell you that we had a glorious Christmas with lots of fun and festivity. I really want to tell you that ... and lots of frustration and exhasution. My house is in sad shape and I am D.O.N.E. with this horrible ... had to cancel our plans to take the babies to see Santa Claus, a much needed day out with my sister [more...]

Date: 2008-12-27 04:31:00

1974-1978 Ford Mustang

by the Auto Editors of Consumer GuideThe 1974 Ford Mustang, a dramatically smaller, lighter design, marked a fresh start for America's original pony car. It was the brainchild of Lee Iacocca, who fathered the first Mustang a decade earlier. Appropriately named Mustang II, the car eventually would be seen as a low point in Mustang's proud history [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 13:47:00

Good Ideas that are Bad Politics

There are some ideas that make sense, but are a tough sell on Capitol Hill. The classic example of recent years: gas taxes for public transportation. For years (decades), there were proposals on the tables that would have added to the cost of gas, with the money dedicated to reducing future need for that same product [more...]

Date: 2008-06-22 13:49:58

The Ghosts of New Year's Past

I got a little inspiration for this post from Sequined who recently posted on the best and worst days of her life. Recently everyone has been asking my plans for New Years from friends to family to near ... would have it, or not we’ll see, L’s family friend was staying at a cabin with some of his friends [more...]

Date: 2008-12-31 15:48:00

Almond Cream Cheese Bundt

Before we get to the recipe, I had to show you my yardsale finds for the weekend ... my plans for changing out the guestroom and he is fine with it as long as I use things I buy and get rid ... from us. Eleanor has a little house near downtown that is going to be put up for sale soon. Nothing [more...]

Date: 2008-08-21 01:08:17

Obama and Lincoln -- Keep Hype Alive

A recent Bloomberg article points out the obvious efforts to compare Obama and Lincoln. Politically, I understand the attempt ... , no law school.1837 - First protest against slavery.1846 - Elected to the US House of Representatives.1847 ... - Losing Senate race against Douglas. Makes 'house divided against itself cannot stand' argument.1837 [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 07:25:14

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