Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about colonial house plans

On Dream Homes

Looking for inspiration for your dream home? Are you ready to get started building? ... you a totally modernist style house on a realistic budget. Other plans that you can choose from are narrows, prairie styles, southern houses, colonial homes, new england plans, beach house and many [more...]

Date: 2008-08-06 17:06:00

Blog posts (100) | Videos (57)

The Pretty Room

On the day we moved into the house we decided that with all the chaos of moving, ... , which gives the following information on this type of house: The center-chimney Colonial style ... plans for our ailing septic system. We finally had access to the whole house now that the "B" family [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 14:00:00

How to build a gingerbread house

This was among the Top 5 articles on Bob Vila’s website: How to Build a Gingerbread House. Man, that guy knows everything! You can download plans for different models of gingerbread houses, including A-Frame, Colonial, Saltbox and Side Gable. I didn’t even know the last three of those house types existed, so Lord knows [more...]

Date: 2008-12-03 12:32:11

How to Live Small Happily Ever After

EXPEDIT, originally uploaded by Michal Soukup. Most of us cannot readily imagine living in 375 square feet and would probably scoff at the notion ... Colony!. weeHouses!, originally uploaded by Ants Colony!. It’s a Wee House and our dream home ... much in love with the “tower.” The first floor is 672 sq feet and you can find the floor plan here [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 11:15:00

Help Wanted: Bloggers, Weekend Warriors, Builders, Engineers, Internet Fanatics - Apply Within

In June of 2007 I created a blog on Wordpress called the Constant Craftsman. The idea was to (1) ... for Craftsman house plans and other notable home improvement blog entries worth mentioning, created ... chronicle the ups and downs of renovating my 1926 Dutch Colonial home and (2) focus on the niche [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 06:54:50

A Thanksgiving wedding

{MS image}As we're getting ready for the holidays and making our plans for Thanksgiving, ... , the bride's parents own a charming colonial-style farmhouse (in Massachusetts, of course!) with an old ... house; Pottery Barn dining room; cranberry wreath; Row 2: MS pumpkin dip; Caramel pumpkin pie; turkey [more...]

Date: 2008-11-07 04:52:00

Squatters, fuckwits, bums, lowlifes

A reply to John Surname, principally, but also an opportunity to review some of the recent history of squatting in Australia ... buildings for accommodation or other, social purposes. Leaving aside the emergence of a squattocracy in the nineteenth century, “bums and lowlifes” have been occupying buildings in this manner in Melbourne [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 14:21:20

Zionist Control of US Policy

Source I was recently asked to answer the following question: In the original post there is mention of Israel controlling US policy. How exactly does that work? The short answer is this: A highly influential and extremely well bankrolled collection of groups directs energy simultaneously in a number of directions: Political, media, academic, [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 20:51:14

The Marijuana Trick

SPECIAL ARTICLE: Occasionally I post articles of special interest on my blog that are not related to near-death research or experiences. This is one of them. Let me be clear upfront: I oppose the use of marijuana except in medical matters. It is a drug and it is harmful. Long term use is devastating to brain function [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 14:46:00

according to my oxford english dictionary cease-fire means:cease-fire: noun a temporary suspension of fighting, typically one during which peace talks take place; a truce. • an order or signal to stop fightingyesterday, of course, the united nations security council voted for a “cease-fire.” 14 voted in favor of this. 0 voted against it [more...]

Date: 2009-01-09 23:38:04

Nashville's unkind English-Only move would hurt refugees

Kurdish children and me. Belmont neighborhood, Nashville. 1992 Nashville will vote Jan. 22 on whether to create an English-Only Metro government ... Colonial Village and saw Kurdish women in head scarves and long dresses sitting on the lawn while dozens ... there. This apartment complex could not have had a better name, Colonial Village, for it was often [more...]

Date: 2009-01-11 02:06:56

Gotta have now!

SHELTER MEby Alex McAulayA teenage girl discovers that evil comes in many forms, when she and a group of friends run away from boarding school in this stunning novel of suspense and survival from the author of BAD GIRLS.Maggie Leigh just wants to be a normal teenager, but when German bombs tear apart London during World War II, [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 12:14:00

Final Philippic Against Bush

In the last week we’ve seen Bush give a final press conference and a farewell address. Before that there were some interviews, and in all these appearances Bush has sought to defend his record, his so-called legacy. It’s not enough that he leave office having been despised by close to 80% of Americans and—this is the remarkable thing—been despised [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 02:36:00

It is timely to reprint what is arguably Dr. Martin Luther King’s greatest speech ever.  Those who give lip service to Dr. King today need to take note of this speech and see if they will still speak so highly of him.  As for me, this man was way ahead of his time here and these words definitely ring loud and true [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 08:03:04

The Middle Eastern Powder Keg Can Explode at Anytime

Historically, some great powers have originated in the Middle East: The Persian Empire, the Islamic Caliphate and the Ottoman Empire ... both Paris and London, an outcome of World War Two was the loss of their colonial possessions ... government.Washington also forged an understanding with Saudi Arabia's ruling elite: The House of Saud [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 18:06:00

Examples Of Hate Speech

1. "There is a huge gap between us (Jews) and our enemies �*not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life, and conscience. They are our neighbors here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away, there are people who do not belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy [more...]

Date: 2009-01-01 20:07:36

gaza graffiti on wall outside my old apartment in hamrai keep thinking about safa joudeh. the last two days since i read and blogged her words from electornic intifada:We have fled for too long, Gaza is our last refuge and our home after we were displaced from what is now called Israel. All this happened 60 years ago. What more could they want? [more...]

Date: 2009-01-11 15:28:14

A little history or are the elites of Israel idiots and what the hell is Hamas anyway

Right. Lets get this shindig started (again). I feel a need for a long article, so grab a coffee, or a tea, or something stronger, get some snacks (no high fructose corn syrup, please, something healthy) and lets begin. Right now you have probably seen Israeli bombers using bombs, including white phosphorus ( [more...]

Date: 2009-01-06 05:14:30

I know, I *know*, it's been forever!

January 5 I’m sitting here on the balcony of our hotel, watching squirrels and birds scamper through our trees, with a view of the gulf about 10 yards from our room.  I have always made it a habit to take pictures from the balconies of our hotels when we are on vacation or at one of Brad’s conferences, and I think this is, even tree-obscured, [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 20:21:52

Beyond Vietnam

Just read it. (Or listen.) Beyond Vietnam -- A Time to Break Silence, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered 4 April 1967, at a meeting of Clergy and Laity Concerned About Vietnam at Riverside Church in New York City You can also click here to listen to Dr. King delivering the speech and download an MP3 file to replay any time [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 21:58:58

State-Sponsored Terror: British and American Black Ops in Iraq

by Andrew G. Marshall featured writer Dandelion Salad June 25, 2008 Shining Light on the “Black World” In January of 2002, the Washington Post ran a story detailing a CIA plan put forward to President Bush shortly after 9/11 by CIA Director George Tenet titled, “Worldwide Attack Matrix, [more...]

Date: 2008-06-25 20:49:16

Another Historic Site to Disappear

Many thanks to regular reader Todd Berkoff for sending this article from today’s edition of the Washington Post: Planning Agency Approves Homeland Security Complex Preservationists Fear Effect on St. Elizabeths Campus By Mary Beth Sheridan Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, January 9, 2009; [more...]

Date: 2009-01-09 00:25:24

the night we burned christmas

Before I dive into this story, I want to say that all is well. People have expressed concern over those past two posts. I apologize if I sounded grave or despondent. I was just reeling from the past few days. There was a death in my family, and a lot of lay offs happened at work [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 23:09:00

Isaiah, Bloomberg, Larry Jones

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Princess Brat's Big Plan" went up yesterday and I know you will enjoy it as much as I did. And Rebecca reminded us all not to forget Kat's "Kat's Korner: The really best of Janis Ian"This is from Nicholas Johnston and Andrew Harris' "Burris Expected to Be Seated in U.S. Senate This Week (Update5)" ( [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 04:00:00

Noam Chomsky and the pro-Israel lobby: Fourteen erroneous theses

Introduction Noam Chomsky has been called the US leading intellectual by pundits and even some sectors of the mass media. He has a large audience throughout the world especially in academic circles, in large part because of his vocal criticism of US foreign policy and many of the injustices resulting from those policies [more...]

Date: 2008-12-31 14:32:05

My Daybook ~ January 12

My Daybook ~ January 12 By Danielle | Posted in My Daybook | Comments (7) January 12, 2009 – 2:22 pm ... through the house. I am thankful….we live in Florida. When we were considering retirement ... it is all about Colonial life, immunizations and the Scientific method. Math???? We’re still in review mode [more...]

Date: 2009-01-08 15:21:35

Spanish Civil War: Beginnings and Colliding Forces

Women militia fightersThis Maoist analysis of the Spanish Civil War offers an important and scathing critique of the Communist International’s Popular Front strategy — where, after 1934, Communist Parties made the defense of bourgeois democracy (and strategic alliances with “anti-fascist” powers) the center of their political work [more...]

Date: 2009-01-08 18:41:57

Zionists in America, A to Z

I hope it's okay with Malooga and Bernhard at MofA, but I'm posting this entire piece. It's very, very long, and you'll probably need to spend some hours both reading it and following its links... but this is the essential information we all need to master in confronting the racist and malignant movement known as Zionism [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 19:16:00

LAistory: Grand Central Air Terminal

LAistory is a series that takes us on a journey to what came before to help us understand where we are today. So far we've been to Val Verde (the "Black Palm Springs"), Thelma Todd's Roadside Cafe, a house in Beverly Hills, Echo Park's Bonnie Brae House, and the long-gone Marineland of the Pacific [more...]

Date: 2008-06-16 22:08:37

This week’s ‘Special Person’ is Ralph Ramkarran

“Because I have a leadership position in the PPP, the challenge as Speaker of the National Assembly is ensuring that all sides develop and maintain confidence in my management of the business of the House and that all parties are given a fair shake. “Judging from the fact that both sides of the House are at times unhappy with me, I believe [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 09:48:07

The Political Economy of Media (Part II) by Stephen Lendman

Dandelion Salad by Stephen Lendman Global Research June 27, 2008 Review of Robert McChesney’s book McChesney’s book is a compilation of his best political economy of media work in the past two decades. It contains 23 separate offerings under three topic headings. In them he covers “enduring issues” and “emerging dilemmas [more...]

Date: 2008-06-28 02:15:42

2008 Fall TV Schedule Preview

The new 2008 Fall TV season is almost upon us, with the first new show of the season premiering on September 1st ... you have plans that you have to alter for your favorite TV show. We give season premiere dates, summaries ... , Eleventh Hour and Fringe Ghost Whisperer, Heroes, House, Knight Rider, Law and Order, Life on Mars [more...]

Date: 2008-08-28 15:50:15

From Today's Papers - 16 Jan 09

The Chief of Defence StaffBy Bharat VermaIssue: Vol 20.2The divisive Indian culture continues to act as the principal destroyer of consolidation of military power by dithering over the appointment of a Chief of defence Staff (CDS). The ‘divide and rule’ concept not only costs the taxpayer a huge monetary loss through duplication of efforts by Army, [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 02:27:00

ELECAM and Paul Biya’s arrogance:Strategic time for powerful opposition action to fight regime

The Biya regime is presently not at its strongest. Taking advantage of an opposition that exists only in name Paul Biya does as he likes. But his arrogance appears now to be causing him harm. The ELECAM controversy has damaged the government. We think this is a timely opportunity for the remnants of the opposition to pull themselves together and [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 18:02:00

Weekly Roundup - January 9 Edition

Here's this Friday's edition of the "Weekly Roundup"...Congress asks judge to keep Bush records at White HouseAssociated Press - Jan 8, 2009The new Congress on Thursday asked a federal judge to force the Bush White House to keep documents on the controversial firings of nine federal prosecutors instead of turning them over to the National Archives [more...]

Date: 2009-01-09 16:00:00

"Vicious Circle" by Mike Carey w/Bonus Q

Official Mike Carey Website Order “Vicious Circle” HERE (US) + HERE (UK) Read An Excerpt HERE Read Fantasy Book Critic’s REVIEW of “The Devil You Know”Read Fantasy Book Critic’s 2007 INTERVIEW with Mike Carey AUTHOR INFORMATION: Mike Carey got into writing through comic books where he is best known for the Eisner-nominated horror/fantasy series [more...]

Date: 2008-07-23 07:01:00

Posts by Natalia Antonova

Natalia Antonova @ Feministe 17 Jan 2009 2:00 pm ... out to my friend’s house in the west of Amman last night, and stared at Israel glittering in front ... . Now that plans for a ceasefire have officially been announced, you’d think that everyone would [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 00:00:42

2009 Stock Exchange: What Help You Double Your Money?

On Nov. 20, 1962, one of the bluest of America's blue chip companies issued 1,581,692 shares of its common stock after the closing bell. And almost all of them were snapped up before the opening bell the next day. The people who got in on this offering knew something extraordinary was about to happen [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 06:26:00

2009 Stock Exchange: What Help You Double Your Money?

On Nov. 20, 1962, one of the bluest of America's blue chip companies issued 1,581,692 shares of its common stock after the closing bell. And almost all of them were snapped up before the opening bell the next day. The people who got in on this offering knew something extraordinary was about to happen [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 06:26:00

2009 Stock Exchange: What Help You Double Your Money?

On Nov. 20, 1962, one of the bluest of America's blue chip companies issued 1,581,692 shares of its common stock after the closing bell. And almost all of them were snapped up before the opening bell the next day. The people who got in on this offering knew something extraordinary was about to happen [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 06:26:00

Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines January 14, 2009 ~

US cancels Israel arms shipment over Greek objections The US military has to had to cancel a planned shipment of munitions from a Greek port to a US warehouse in Israel due to objections from Athens, a Pentagon spokesman said on Tuesday. "I think the Greek government had some issue with the offloading of some of that shipment in their country and [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 14:18:00

Popular Colonial Design.

Herman R. Howenstein was another active builder in early 20th century Washington ... and owner of the Potomac Park Apartments. Washington Post, May 25, 1919 With plans completed ... and of popular colonial design. A new idea will be followed in building a fireproof garage under each rear porch [more...]

Date: 2008-08-12 16:23:35

Friday Links — January 16, 2009

A glowing pseudo-review of The Hijabi Monologues. Another one here. The life journey of one Lisa Nichols ... to vacate her house. The National profiles Salwa Zeidan and delves into her plans to re-open the first ... -brother’s abusive treatment. Hijab Style reports on a Palestinian fashion show [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 13:00:06

DrumBeat: September 30, 2008

Oil Drops Most in 17 Years in Quarter on Economy Woes (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil futures plunged 28 percent in the third quarter, their biggest decline since 1991, amid concern that slowing economic growth will curtail global demand and as the dollar advanced. Oil traded within a $56 range in the quarter, reaching a record $147 [more...]

Date: 2008-09-30 14:03:02

The Gaza Ceasefire and the Hereafter

Thanks to Jill for letting me do this guest-post. My apologies if it’s a bit slapdash. I went out to my friend’s house in the west of Amman last night, and stared at Israel ... of volunteering. Now that plans for a ceasefire have officially been announced, you’d think [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 22:00:35

Mr Mubarak, Tear Down That Wall!

By Franklin Lamb"I'm not calling for a coup d'etat, but go talk to your leaders and tell them you do not accept what is happening in Gaza". -- Hezbollah Sec-Gen Hasan Nasrallah calling for Egyptians "in millions" to demonstrate their support for opening the Rafah crossing from Gaza to Egypt, 28 December 2008 ".. [more...]

Date: 2008-12-30 15:38:00

Myth and reality in Gaza

Article #1: In the first article below, Naomi Klein discusses the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement in the light of the recent war.  She argues that it provides the best strategy for the international community to end the occupation, and she easily counters some of the arguments brought up in opposition to BDS [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 15:37:31

DrumBeat: August 17, 2008

Peak oil is coming, and we're unready Has the world already reached peak oil, a time of permanently high oil prices and shortages that will profoundly change our way of life? The answer, I think, is likely yes, but the proximity of this catastrophe is not the most important question to ask [more...]

Date: 2008-08-17 13:50:02

The Greatest Story Never Told

So what if I told you that the powers of financial capitalism (bankers etc.), had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole [more...]

Date: 2008-07-27 09:41:13

Three Times is Enemy Action

"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is Enemy Action." -- Auric Goldfinger James Bond's wealthy nemesis may have had an obsession with gold, but he judged, quite correctly, that if people keep putting your plans awry, that was likely their intent [more...]

Date: 2008-09-21 14:03:41

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