Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about flood assistance

FEMA Assisting in Repairs for Indiana Hospital

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has released $6 ... . In addition, the first floor area sustained heavy damage from standing contaminated water ... , Indiana.On June 7, 2008, flood waters inundated the hospital. The entire basement, containing much [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 17:40:00

Blog posts (109) | Videos (43)

A Salute to Laura Bush

Our Bush Thankathon would not be complete without a look at one of the best First Ladies of our time!Laura Bush is unquestionably one of the best First Ladies of the last 50 years or more. Unlike Hillary Clinton, whose time in the White House was dogged by scandal, Mrs. Bush has maintained an air of dignity and calm throughout [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 23:07:00

Time For Some Hard Questions

Time For Some Hard Questions Jennifer Rubin - 10.03.2008 - 10:29 AM John McCain needed a break, and he may have just gotten one. Larry Walsh, poker buddy and close political confidante of Barack Obama, was raided by the FBI. So reports this paper. This is not just a guy in Obama’s neighborhood, as one report details: Mr [more...]

Date: 2008-10-03 14:29:05


Barack Obama will today unveil an economic team steeped in fighting crises and likely to push for an unprecedented ... chief Lawrence Summers will be White House economic director and Peter Orszag, head of the Congressional ... , who served as White House chief economist under Clinton and is now at the Brookings Institution [more...]

Date: 2008-11-24 15:24:34

Obama's first plan

Obama's first plan The House Appropriations Committee introduced its version of the Obama administration's American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan of 2009 yesterday. The New York Times reports that this is expected to be in the final stimulus bill. See the Committee Chairman, Wisconsin Representative David Obey's memo here [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 22:16:25

U.S. troops prepared to fight drug lords

More on this troubling post regarding the spiraling chaos occurring in neighboring Mexico. The problem has become so acute that U.S. troops are prepared to fight drug lords "if Mexican violence spills over" into the United States from an article by Jerome Corsi at World Net Daily, January 13, 2009: [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 21:41:24

India Helps

While I and so many others sit dormant in the wake of the Mumbai terror, there are others who help. There are people who don't care ... the Akshardham operation in 2002 - and providing relief to the Kosi flood victims. In fact, the blog ... and are willing to be of assistance, either immediately during the crisis itself, or later in relief [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 14:50:00

Equitable Life: compensation hopes raised

Expectations are rising that investors who lost money through the near-collapse of insurer Equitable Life could be offered financial help later this ... minister, Gordon Brown, – the prospect of some assistance is much more likely. The possibility [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 16:26:42

FEMA: National Situation Update

National Situation Update: Monday, January 12, 2009Homeland Security Threat Level: YELLOW (ELEVATED) ... is expected. Flood Warnings have been issued in Washington for the Cedar River near Landsburg ... for portions of South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa for winds gusting to 50 mph. Flood Warnings [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 19:30:00

Comics Column #3—A Question of Accessibility: Studying Pathology and Archaeology (Warren Ellis, Superheroes)

By Michael Peterson "This is what you get when you emotionally invest yourself in a company-owned product that has to keep on coming out regardless of who's writing and drawing it. This is what you get when your lizard compulsion to jerk off over superheroes overrides your forebrain [more...]

Date: 2008-10-31 06:00:00

Aussie tourists furious over Fiji travel warning

January 14, 2009 in Australia and Oceania, Holidays, Travel, australia, travel news | Tags: australia, Holidays, Travel, travel news Australians who have been forced to cancel holidays to Fiji are furious the Federal Government travel advisory websites did not make clear the severity of widespread flooding on the island nation [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 09:08:47

ADL's New Trojan Horse Hate Bill

By Rev. Ted Pike1-15-9The Anti-Defamation League, architect of hate laws worldwide, has served up two hate bills to Congress this term. These include a condensed version of the same one that failed to pass over the past ten years, "The David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 19:09:00


After days of rain Mindanao has seen the sun again after almost two weeks ... to the widespread destruction by flashfloods to crops and infrastructure in the four towns. Meanwhile flood ... who are victims of the flood. We cannot just turn our backs on them. it is our responsibility and obligation [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 11:30:01

Jindal: Government’s role in flood recovery should be limited

Louisana Gov. Bobby Jindal told recently flood-ravaged Cedar Rapidians of his experiences during the Louisiana hurricanes ... . By and large, Jindal left politics at the door. Louisana Gov. Bobby Jindal told recently flood ... his focus on one thing: flood recovery. But while the possible contender for the Republican presidential [more...]

Date: 2008-11-22 20:38:52


I'VE CHOSEN TO POST ONE OF MY FAVORITE ESSAYS BY DR KING, ... WHEN IT WAS WRITTEN. I HOPE YOU APPRECIATE IT AS MUCH AS I DO!!! The World House Essay Introduction Dr. Martin ... summation of Dr. King's teachings is "The World House" chapter of his book, Where Do We Go From Here [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 02:35:05


I'VE CHOSEN TO POST ONE OF MY FAVORITE ESSAYS BY DR KING, ... WHEN IT WAS WRITTEN. I HOPE YOU APPRECIATE IT AS MUCH AS I DO!!! The World House Essay Introduction Dr. Martin ... summation of Dr. King's teachings is "The World House" chapter of his book, Where Do We Go From Here [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 02:33:16

Notes on the crisis

I’m standin’ in the shadows with an aching heart I’m lookin’ at the world, tear itself apart — Bob Dylan, “Mississippi” Here Dylan has given us a brilliant summation of the condition of the simple citizen in the face of the economic crisis that exploded in our faces in mid-September, [more...]

Date: 2008-12-13 21:12:38

Why House Republicans Balked

Why House Republicans Balked The political and economic worlds were updended Thursday by what would normally be the least-powerful constituency in Washington -- the House minority. For all the happy talk early in the day that a deal on Wall Street bailout legislation was at hand, [more...]

Date: 2008-09-26 17:09:57

An important anniversary

Ten years ago today - well, close, I believe that it was on Monday, January 11, 1999 - I started the job that I still have now, although, ... for such assistance, and he did nothing short of humiliating me by telling me that Rick and I had very [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 12:00:00

The Most Asinine Comments Ever Uttered by Martin O’Malley

The Most Asinine Comments Ever Uttered by Martin O’Malley Posted on January 17th, 2009 by Octagon Ref Actually, the Governor has an entire notebook full, but this is over the top. The governor is either taking psychotropic drugs or Al Gore’s psychoactive Kool-Aid mix has seeped into the states water supply [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 17:16:28

Treading Lightly

A roundup of up-armoring, down-armoring, soft vs. hard airpower, plus news and views re Afghanistan kicks off with a Canadian Army Journal report* on the use of armor in counterinsurgency, by two-tour Afghan vet Maj. Trevor Cadieu, Lord Strathcona’s Horse: [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 13:01:42

The Essential 007: A Recap of all 22 Bond Movies

Written by Michael DeZubiria Before you go out and watch the much-anticipated new James Bond movie Quantum of Solace, here is a quick recap on the evolution of the cinema’s most successful and recognizable stars [more...]

Date: 2008-11-14 00:15:09

FEMA: $18 Million For Southern California Wildfire Assistance

FEMA, SBA, State Have Approved More Than $18 Million For Southern California Wildfire Assistance.. ... from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for rental expenses, home repair or replacement ... and damage to personal property; vehicle repair or replacement; moving expenses; and other disaster-related [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 14:41:00

Eastside - A look at “affordable” housing

I need to take a look at “affordable housing” issues after a meeting I had this week on the subject, and in preparation for a meeting I have next week on the subject.  I’m primarily looking at Kirkland and comparing Kirkland to places people would move to from there [more...]

Date: 2008-10-16 18:25:25

In Cedar Rapids, Culver makes case for revenue bonds

[ Gov. Chet Culver made his case for a $700 million state incentive while surrounded by stud-bare and plastic-covered walls at the Cedar Rapids ... , they are not eligible for federal funds,” he said. “In addition, we are setting up a case management [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 18:11:12

Well-balanced Lembit.

Estonia’s gift to parliamentary chutzpah claimed full sanity in a debate on Wednesday. His speech was well informed, witty and startling ... in the UK, albeit with the assistance of gyroscopes.” Sadly when deprived of his gyroscopes [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 21:27:11

'Daily Voting News' For October 29, 2008 – Morning Edition

6 days until Election Day. A blind voter in Dane Co, Wisconsin, went to the polls hoping to finally be able to vote without assistance from another person. She ended up having to call over an election worker to assist her because the ES&S AutoMark machine only [more...]

Date: 2008-10-29 15:47:56

Where FEMA Was, Where FEMA Is Now, and Where FEMA Is Going

A bit of FEMA PR info: Agency Accomplishments: In 2008, FEMA responded to 90 declared disasters and assisted 36 states ... and $30 billion in damage, based on FEMA and insurance industry figures. FEMA has reimbursed Texas ... in assistance to local communities. Supplied more than 42 million liters of water and 41 million emergency [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 19:40:27

A Salute to Laura Bush

Our Bush Thankathon would not be complete without a look at one of the best First Ladies of our time! Laura Bush is unquestionably one of the best First Ladies of the last 50 years or more. Unlike Hillary Clinton, whose time in the White House was dogged by scandal, Mrs [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 00:49:41

An Urgent Appeal For Help for the Flood Victims of Misamis Oriental

.fullpost{display:inline;}Our NGO (CAPP-SIAD) received an urgent appeal from our partner NGO - Balay Mindanaw Foundation, for help for the flood victims in our project sites. Below is a situation report. For those who are interested to give support, financial or otherwise, please send email to either of the following [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 23:54:00

Take this Crackberry and Shove it!

I work for a decent sized non-profit.  When smart phones began appearing, people at work began purchasing quite a variety of them ... owners, we suggested that Manglement, the folks who congenitally require the most assistance [more...]

Date: 2009-01-10 19:53:43

Flood Appeal

There are a number of different organisations organising appeals for flood victims ... has a better system of identifying victims and delivering assistance direct to them. The other trusted option is for you to identify victims that you want to help and take your assistance directly to them [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 19:36:00

A Mighty Hoax from ACORN Grows (Guest Voice)

In this Guest Voice, PBS’s Bill Moyers’ Journal’s senior writer looks at the growing controversy over ACORN, the accusations by the campaign of Republican Senator John McCain, the Obama campaign and its meaning. Guest Voice posts do not necessarily represent the views of TMV or its writers [more...]

Date: 2008-10-18 18:16:25

A Look At The House Stimulus Proposal

We’ve spent a lot of time considering what should be included in any stimulus package passed by the new Congress ... infrastructure modernization ($31 billion); clean water, flood control, and environmental restoration [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 15:46:47

Newsreel 200109

Newsreel 200109 January 21st, 2009 Zimbabweans have high hopes for Obama presidency On Tuesday all nations of the world were gripped with inauguration fever as they witnessed the profound moment when Barack Obama was sworn in as the first African American President [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 06:58:49

01-19-09 National Ag News Headlines for today…

Take a look back at the Top National Ag News Headlines for Monday, January 19th…Sponsored by the American Farm Bureau Federation…CLICK HERE to listen the BARN’ ... of current U.S. farm exports are now duty-free. Other tariffs on agricultural products will be phased [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 23:45:41

Use of marketing tools to make money online

The world has gotten into a new era that it embraced the advent of internet and integrated the use into major aspects of everyday living ... now! This type of online business takes not only knowledge and financial assistance but mostly [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 15:41:23

The Friday Line: Ranking Modern Political Scandals

The Friday Line: Ranking Modern Political Scandals The arrest of Rod Blagojevich has sparked a furious debate on the Fix about where the Illinois governor's blatant attempt to sell a U.S. Senate seat to the highest bidder ranks in the annals of modern political scandals. In order to determine Blagojevich's place in this (un) [more...]

Date: 2008-12-12 11:30:00

For victims of the Cedar Rapids flood, the budget crisis is hitting home

Flood map courtesy City of Cedar Rapids. Click for larger PDF version. Few in the crowd of 70 people sat peacefully on the padded folding chairs in the basement of Trinity United Methodist Church in downtown Cedar Rapids Monday afternoon, as two dozen state [more...]

Date: 2009-01-08 16:17:50

Capiz gives 900 packs of relief goods to flood-hit areas

Jump to CommentsRoxas City (14 January) — About 900 packs of relief goods were distributed by the provincial government of Capiz to families in ... province’s relief assistance was augmented by REACT Halaran, a socio-civic organization.Heavy ... . 0 CommentsFiled under PIA-CapizTags: Capiz, Capiz News, flood, REACT Halaran, relief goods, Roxas City [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 12:20:02

Richmond Report: Let’s set aside partisan bickering and focus on the issues that matter

On Wednesday, the Virginia General Assembly convened for the 2009 legislative session.  Between the $3-billion shortfall in state revenue, the economy in crisis, and families and businesses struggling, now is the time to set aside partisan bickering and focus on the issues that matter to the people of Virginia [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 17:29:59

Ternus delivers State of the Judiciary

Iowa Chief Justice Marsha Ternus -- the state's first female chief justice -- delivered the 2009 State of the Judiciary address to the Iowa Legislature this morning. In her two previous addresses before lawmakers, Ternus has successfully pressed for more help with juvenile courts and juvenile offenders [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 21:19:26

McCain campaign uses flooding as political tool in robocall and mailer

Iowa residents have received  automated phone calls and mailed flyers from Sen ... of a flooded building that may or may not be a property that was damaged in Iowa during the 2008 flood. “ ... Before Iowans saw the worst of the flood damage, both McCain and Sen. Barack Obama had planned [more...]

Date: 2008-10-13 21:06:15

Jayne Anne Phillips' 'Lark and Termite'

Jayne Anne Phillips' 'Lark and Termite' filed in Arts on Jan.18, 2009 ‘); –> Text Size Lark and Termite By Jayne Anne Phillips. Illustrated. 254 pages. Alfred A. Knopf. $24. Why do writers ascribe innocence and, in some cases, mystical powers of perception to the mentally impaired? [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 23:10:51

States Are Next To Need Government Assistance (pfblogs.org)

This is a letter sent on October 2, 2008 from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson ... until the usual flood of sales tax receipts comes in after Christmas and income tax receipts arrive [more...]

Date: 2008-10-04 01:54:31

Gaza is Sinking in a River of Blood: A Message from a Gazan to the World

Published on Monday, January 12, 2009 by CommonDreams.org by Mohammed Fares Al Majdalawi I want to write about the suffering of my people and my family in these days of siege against the people of Gaza. 888 people have been killed and more than 3700 injured [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 11:30:00

Bailout Plan Kills Obama Foreign Policy Hopes

Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden have argued that they will CHANGE the way things are done in Washington DC ... Administration would have to flood Iraq with more reconstruction money, more money for training Iraqi forces [more...]

Date: 2008-10-05 13:35:27

Cuba 1959-2009: 50 years of socialism

The Long March of the Cuban RevolutionRicardo Alarcón de QuesadaThe Cuban revolutionary victory of January 1, 1959, was a news event of epochal proportion even for those who knew little about that country. For many, it was like discovering a new world [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 16:09:18

Dufferin Flood: Toronto Blackout Engulfs Half of City - Toronto Hydro?

Dufferin Flood: Toronto Blackout Engulfs Half of City - Toronto Hydro? Posted by Jess on January 15, 2009 Yikes! As of 11PM this evening, approximately half of Toronto has gone dark. Details are still very sketchy as to the cause or when power is expected to return [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 03:55:27

VHF Harbor Prose: the salvage of the plane

Tugster caught the lifting of the plane from the river! he stayed stubbornly put from about 10am until 1am ... , over.” KW: “OK.” QH: “Thank you for your assistance this morning. Over.”But, she strayed in again [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 23:54:18

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