November 20, 2008
rites of passages for boys where they became men over their fresh kill. These days, that rarely happens in a suburban cul-de-sac, but you do have the opportunity to grant your son responsibility in front of a family gathering. When you decide the time is right for your son to carve the turkey – and that may come because of age, [more...]
Date: 2008-11-21 05:37:45
Blog posts
(416) |
Smuggling Ring Had Electronic Blueprints for Advanced Nuclear Weapon
American and international investigators say that they have found the electronic blueprints for an advanced nuclear weapon on computers that ... , who has been lobbying in recent months to be released from the loose house arrest that he has been under since 2004, did not have access to Pakistan’s weapons designs. In interviews in Vienna, Islamabad [more...]
Date: 2008-06-16 01:51:43
Today’s Science Policy News for November, 20th 2008
A look at today’s science and health policy news: Bush attacked over wildlife plans BBC–US environmentalists have accused President George W Bush ... to the global environmental threat once he moves into the White House. Obama Advisers May Signal ... emergency funds into old economic sectors like the auto industry, the federal government should look [more...]
Date: 2008-11-20 15:56:13
Is it something he said?
I wonder what the O man has against Howard Dean? I don't mean to diss on the chosen one, ... and modern technology, but let's not forget who started this ball rolling. It was Dean. I think he deserves ... him, but they knew that he had other travel plans. Yeah right. * me rolling my eyes*. “..It’ [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 04:17:00
Mister Stanley Wouldn't Be Happy, As Couple Attempts to Tear Down the Historic Marcus House
The Marcus House, as it looked during construction in 1938 Much of what you should know about Stanley Marcus' former house on Nonesuch Road can ... for a demolition permit with the Texas Historic Commission (and not the city, as originally mentioned ... -designated historic structure, the city won't be able to stand in front of the bulldozers [more...]
Date: 2008-08-11 03:07:52
Money Magazine’s “7 Investments You Need Now,” Portfolio Theory, and My Own Plans for the Future
The most recent issue of Money Magazine had a blaring cover story: “The Only 7 Investments You Need Now.” Those were some tall words, and I was intrigued about what they had to say. Their seven investments: 1. A blue-chip U.S. stock fund 2. A blue-chip foreign stock fund 3. A small-company fund 4. A value fund 5. A high-quality bond fund 6 [more...]
Date: 2008-06-04 20:00:34
First, You Get Mad
Wow. It's kind of unbelievable, really. You take something away from people, and they get angry. Take away hard won rights, and equal protection for those they love, and people get really angry. In the week since, California has seen an outpouring of demonstrations ranging from quiet vigils to noisy street protests against Proposition 8, [more...]
Date: 2008-11-14 19:52:07
Arts Agenda
Photo by Nancy Pastor at The Sewall-Belmont House & Museum We're still in the belly of FotoWeek DC, ... not-to-be-missed events, then see how the art world plans on transitioning back to normal. FotoWeek ... interesting lectures: Irvine Contemporary talks with photographer Kerry Skarbakka about his new [more...]
Date: 2008-11-22 17:27:39
the night we burned christmas
Before I dive into this story, I want to say that all is well. People have expressed concern over those past two posts. I apologize if I sounded grave or despondent. I was just reeling from the past few days. There was a death in my family, and a lot of lay offs happened at work [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 23:09:00
Hillary Clinton tackles Florida for Obama
by Mark Silva When Barack Obama's presidential campaign opened a field office in Pahokee, they got our attention here in the Swamp ... another terrible meaning in modern American parlance. But it's one thing to campaign at an Obama rally at Florrda Atlantic University in Boca Raton on Thursday, as Clinton plans to do. It's quite [more...]
Date: 2008-08-20 21:59:51
get to the fair for fried treats, there are plenty of unique city options to satisfy a sweet tooth. The D.C. food cart scene hasn't really picked up as much as everyone had been hoping. But if you head to Columbia Heights, you might stumble upon some more interesting street food [more...]
Date: 2008-08-09 17:21:46
What I’m Getting Wednesday
Okay, I’m about to throw up with the sycophant way the media is treating Obama. They are fawning over him like he is the second coming and until he walks across a swimming pool; I’m assuming he is just a man.As much as possible I get black Americans and other non-whites being ecstatic about him being elected President, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 05:01:00
Want a netbook for e-reading? Here are some buying tips
unwanted “feature” of DRM? Believe me, I’d rather see Ethan Canin—whose e-book version costs at least $19 ... . As for my plans to buy a Le Corbusier bio in E, forget it—not when an e-book will set me back $45 ... s is an excellent house in many ways, as I know first-hand, having been published by SMP years ago [more...]
Date: 2008-12-07 17:35:33
Obsiquous Dems kowtow to GOP Telecom lobby again
ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE IS ONE MORE MOVE TOWARDS BIG BROTHER CONTROL NEW YORK, June 21st, 2008, Rupee News: FISA was passed as a way to control the Nixonite eavesdropping of political opponents. It has now been demolished. In many ways, the Republicans are better than the Democrats. At least with the Republicans we know where they stand [more...]
Date: 2008-06-21 15:12:49
Not Your Mother’s Wedding
Ed Wang chose August 8 to propose to Tara Prigge, because in numerology, 8-8 represents prosperity and luck. Months later, invitations to their wedding in Washington, D.C., carried the “double happiness” symbol. But that was about as Chinese as the couple envisioned their nuptials to be [more...]
Date: 2008-07-04 09:05:34
Campaign for Liberty Rally Design Contest
As we speak, lots of logistics are being confirmed behind the scenes for the two day event in Minneapolis on September 1st and 2nd ... to be there. We need to pack the house and send a clear message to the Republican Party - “Come back ... participate and submit your design. The competition is tight, and there are already many designs submitted [more...]
Date: 2008-07-07 18:17:57
Illinois Republican Wants Voter ID Law
Illinois Republicans just can't ignore their visions of voter fraud. Two days after the U.S ... Hill) announced plans to push a similar bill in Illinois. He gave no real reason for the bill, simply ... the legislation should be debated during the fall veto session and he's urging the House Speaker to bring [more...]
Date: 2008-10-27 20:47:04
Analysis of Lousiana "Academic Freedom" bill
This was just posted as a comment by “laminu” to the Help Louisiana post. I’m promoting it (with some minor editing for a few typos) ... Civil Code was developed by three pretty darn good Louisiana lawyers from French (a projet of the Code ... with elsewhere in French law. (Louisiana had been Spanish, not French, for decades when Jefferson sent [more...]
Date: 2008-06-29 22:10:19
Steve Parker: Clean-diesels hit the market; VW's 2009 Jetta TDI already hard to find
This post was written originally for the Santa Monica Daily Press newspaper ( so please excuse the few Southern California references . ... the dust off some of their oldest marketing plans to get Americans interested in cars and trucks outfitted with new, clean-diesel engines. And some of those plans call for using racing to get "clean [more...]
Date: 2008-10-07 06:46:08
Interview: John Waters
-by Ken Plume Surely, you know who John Waters is. If you don’t, let me mention just a few of the film he’s written and directed - Pink Flamingos, Cry Baby, Female Trouble, Polyester, and Hairspray. As a certifiable pop culture icon, he’s guested on everything from The Simpsons to My Name Is Early [more...]
Date: 2008-07-01 06:49:42
In My World: Sarah Palin in “Noisy Neighbors”
In My World: Sarah Palin in “Noisy Neighbors” Posted by Frank J. at 11:25 am Sarah Palin relaxed in bed with her husband Todd ... that the house across the water from them seemed to be having a party. “Putin! What’s he up to?” “That guy ... ? Are they flying jets over our house?” “That’s got to go against both noise ordinances [more...]
Date: 2008-09-29 15:25:21
Daily Dose: 06/05/08
> AsianWeek Market Report > Filipino American named New York Times Teacher of the Year Award > Study Says Oregon Asian Americans Excel More Than Other Minorities > Philippine president Arroyo to visit Bush in White House > Assemblywoman Ellen Young Kicks Off Summer Reading Challenge > [more...]
Date: 2008-06-06 00:18:22
Now We Need Leadership
Now that the first vote on the Paulson plan has failed, and barring alien invasion or other game-changer of planetary scope, ... would be for the House to simply cut the plan by two-thirds and declare their task done, saying ... With Conservative Shift. The House can attempt to pass the bill by loading it up with things [more...]
Date: 2008-09-30 15:00:05
Marty Kaplan: Happy Birthday to Me
Not long ago, a guy I know, a good guy who to all outward appearances seems happy and successful, ... than several million, two best-sellers and a house in Majorca. At 48, what you said sounds really good ... sections of bookstores are filled with inspirational messages and 10-point-plans to the contrary [more...]
Date: 2008-08-21 16:35:47
The Bush Administration’s Secret Biowarfare Agenda
Dandelion Salad by Stephen Lendman Global Research, July 28, 2008 When it comes to observing US and international laws, treaties and norms, the Bush administration is a serial offender. Since 2001, it’s: – spurned efforts for nuclear disarmament to advance its weapons program and retain current stockpiles; [more...]
Date: 2008-07-28 12:33:00
Index of ‘Achieveing Balance’ Questions
Index: Achieving BalanceCLASS #1 1. Davening in public e.g. Dr.’s office 2. Advice on house management 3. Family vs. Smachot 4 ... at home and work 15. Pressure to have large familiesCLASS #3 1. Mother of young children with many ... Responsibility 6. Negativity in home because of husband’s lack of parnassah 7. Opening new school [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 16:56:49
Speeches, speeches... including Barack Obama's
(NOTE: The live blog of the events at Invesco, along with photos, video, and my personal thoughts are here. ) And the pull quote, a very public one that he could have easily left out because of the red meat the Republican Sexual Hypocrites love to chew on:I know there are differences on same-sex marriage, [more...]
Date: 2008-08-29 00:59:12
The POEt
He invented the modern short story and the genre of detective fiction tales which led to Sherlock Holmes, he wrote science fiction and works about alchemy and cryptographic systems, he told macabre stories of horror and terror, he is one of the greatest icons in my personal universe and today we have the honour to celebrate his 200th birthday… [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 03:48:00
McCain, Reagan and Greatness
Or consider his proposals for energy policy: My fellow Americans, when I’m president, ... on every front. We will produce more energy at home. We will drill new wells offshore, and we’ll drill ... the health of our planet. It’s an ambitious plan, but Americans are ambitious by nature, and we have faced [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 18:40:03
December 3, 2008 in history and current events | by davenoon So a while back, my blogging colleague Rob Farley reviewed David Horowitz’ latest masterwork, Party of Defeat: How Democrats and Radicals Undermined America’s War on Terror Before and After 9-11 (though, not, we surmise, on 9-11) [more...]
Date: 2008-12-03 22:17:39
Healing touch that doesn’t heal or touch
An article taking a critical look at the rise of alternative modalities in our healthcare system appeared in the Arts & Entertainment section of the ... the healers at Oughten House Foundation, specializing in "tools and techniques for self-empowerment through DNA Activations." Oughten House recommends regular therapy as part of its DNA Activation [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 01:35:00
Dr. Paul’s Speech - Rally for the Republic
’ One of the things we love so much about Dr. Paul is that he never reads canned speeches - he always speaks from his head, and, his heart. For the Rally for the Republic, Dr. Paul worked hard on an outline and wanted to share his notes. His exact words will differ, and some parts will improvised, but his sentiment is in this text [more...]
Date: 2008-09-02 23:39:23
Meet the Odd Couple (Our Current Constitutional Dictators re the Economy)
Tomorrow's NYTimes will include a just-posted article by Peter Baker on how "A Professor and a Banker Bury Old Dogma on Markets." It is, of course, about Ben Bernanke (the professor) and Henry Paulson (the banker). I include some passages from the article that are especially interesting if one is wearing glasses with a Schmittian lens, [more...]
Date: 2008-09-20 19:48:11
'Nobody else is paying, so why should I?'
From the Sacramento Bee:Across the Sacramento region, businesses and governments fretted over a credit crunch that showed no signs of improvement, even though Congress had approved the $700 billion rescue plan for the financial markets on Friday. Analysts said the message was that the rescue plan might eventually unclog the credit markets [more...]
Date: 2008-10-07 21:07:00
This week’s ‘Special Person’ is Ralph Ramkarran
“Because I have a leadership position in the PPP, the challenge as Speaker of the National Assembly is ensuring that all sides develop and maintain confidence in my management of the business of the House and that all parties are given a fair shake. “Judging from the fact that both sides of the House are at times unhappy with me, I believe [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 09:48:07
With allies like this ...
ARTICLE: "Georgians Eager To Rebuild Army: U.S. Mindful That Aid Would Anger Russia," by C.J ... to its prewar strength or making it a much larger force with more modern equipment, like air-defense systems, modern antiarmor rockets and night-vision goggles. State and DoD say no decisions made [more...]
Date: 2008-09-04 13:06:20
OCIP Sarawak 2008
OCIP Sarawak 2008 By Ms Candida Ho Day 2 Being our first day of teaching, I had mixed feelings. I felt both excited and scared ... what we had been planning for weeks. But I was afraid that things that we had plan might not turn out as well ... was beating quite quickly. Having already memorized the lesson plan for the day, I started [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 09:19:36
The Political Economy of Media (Part II) by Stephen Lendman
Dandelion Salad by Stephen Lendman Global Research June 27, 2008 Review of Robert McChesney’s book McChesney’s book is a compilation of his best political economy of media work in the past two decades. It contains 23 separate offerings under three topic headings. In them he covers “enduring issues” and “emerging dilemmas [more...]
Date: 2008-06-28 02:15:42
Top Secret
A second batch of secret government files has been found on a train, ... to be released from the loose house arrest that he has been under since 2004, did not have access to Pakistan’s weapons designs. In interviews in Vienna, Islamabad and Washington over the past year [more...]
Date: 2008-06-16 16:19:57
The Denver Adventure: Day 8 – A Heartland Sunday
If it’s Sunday in Kansas, it’s church day. Jan and her family members belong to a small local Baptist church and we attended the 11:00 am service. Prior to leaving the house, we were watching CNN’s coverage of Hurricane Gustav and the potential modifications being made by the Republican Party to their convention plans. I don’ [more...]
Date: 2008-09-02 05:48:02
“Modern Debt Peonage”? Economic Democracy Is Turning Into a Financial Oligarchy
Dandelion Salad By Mike Whitney 09/08/08 “ICH“ An interview with Michael Hudson, former Wall Street economist specializing in the balance of payments and real estate at the Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase & Co.), Arthur Anderson, and later at the Hudson Institute (no relation) [more...]
Date: 2008-09-08 23:57:38
Emptying The Big Basket 05
CR receives two to three comics a day. That adds up. It's more than we can handle in our 200-plus regular reviews a year. Some comics are reviewed right away. Some comics are never going to be reviewed. The remainder go into a giant basket. When the basket is full and must be emptied, it's time to run whatever commentary we can muster [more...]
Date: 2008-08-31 16:53:47
DrumBeat: October 8, 2008
Oil prices: Buckle up for a wild ride Outlook for crude depends largely on the health of the global economy. Analyst predictions range from a fall to $50 or a surge to $150 a barrel. NEW YORK ( -- Expect nothing but volatility for oil prices over the next year or two - with the fate of the global economy largely dictating whether [more...]
Date: 2008-10-08 13:29:59
Going on an Imperial Bender - How the U.S. Garrisons the Planet and Doesn’t Even Notice
Dandelion Salad By Tom Engelhardt ICH 09/04/08 “TomDispatch“ Here it is, as simply as I can put it: In the course of any year, there must be relatively few countries on this planet on which U.S. soldiers do not set foot, whether with guns blazing, humanitarian aid in hand, or just for a friendly visit [more...]
Date: 2008-09-05 00:57:02
The Effects of the Democratic Stimulus Package
For all you Obama fans, this one’s for you. Hope and Change, Obama-style.From Powerline: ... , Minority Leader John Boehner sent out an email on the House Democrats' ridiculous $825 billion ‘stimulus’ bill. It is worth reproducing in its entirety:A Dozen Fun Facts About the House Democrats' Massive [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 21:32:00
Morocco to build up athletics infrastructure
The Moroccan government plans to boost the national track-and-field infrastructure to ensure that the country's disappointing performance at the ... to provide better facilities for athletes. As part of the joint plan, regional athletics training ... athletes in all sports disciplines to train closer to home. In addition, 21 new athletic tracks [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 11:24:00
Watching the News: Saying the Obvious
The difference between a politician and a statesman is the breadth of their horizons. But have we ever seen people with horizons as limited as our modern Congress? Of course ... of a bouncing baby? And a week later, that child would move out of the house? My business partners called [more...]
Date: 2008-07-23 01:40:51
Iraqi Government Confirms Preference For 2010 Withdrawal
Iraqi government statements about a time horizon for our withdrawal from Iraq is a big plus for Obama and a big negative for McCain. It might be true, but it does not have to be that way. Since the McCain campaign is seemingly unable to get out of their own way, I offer this simple three step plan for McCain to retake [more...]
Date: 2008-07-22 01:13:36
Grand Rounds 5:1 - In Your Own Words
I'm honored to co-guest-host this week's Grand Rounds. Without further ado, here's Dr. Val Jones. Welcome to the historic, 5th year anniversary of Grand Rounds, the weekly summary of the best ... by healthcare’s movers and shakers. This day happens to be historic for me as well, since I have just taken [more...]
Date: 2008-09-23 11:00:44
Is Barack Obama Channeling Dukakis and Comb-over Politics?
Dukakis was the ultimate liberal (who looked very goofy in a tank). Beyond the Politics, I had a real problem with Michael Dukakis as a Presidential Candidate. I could never vote for anyone whose last name sounds like what my mother would tell me to do before we went on a long drive [more...]
Date: 2008-07-22 15:51:51
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