Tales of the downsides
The weather is starting to turn cold here in Italy; it's currently around the same temperature as it was when we left Holland, only sunnier, ... for our type of living. During all the horrible wet weather we were experiencing before we got here ... we know it, ready for the winter. We'll need to get something to get rid of the mold that's started to form [more...]
Date: 2008-11-19 13:44:33
Blog posts
(99) |
The importance of removing mold and mildew
Molds are caused by the growth of several types of fungi on moist organic matters while mildew is the kind of mold that thrives on fabrics or ... ventilation. Use natural cleaning products to get rid of molds. Using natural mold cleaners ... ? Or from the basement? Make sure you do this properly before performing any prevention or mold-cleaning activitie [more...]
Date: 2008-07-18 13:05:31
Mold Removal: Finally Getting Rid Of Mold In Your Home
There are various factors on why mold can be present in a home - too much moisture, poor ventilation and even poor cleaning habits in the part of the homeowner. All these can cause molds to exist in one’s home. They usually form in places where moist and damp exist. In any case [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 10:00:07
How to Get Rid of Mold
by Lee Dobbins The living organism known as mold has been around for millions of years and plenty of time and money has been spent learning how to ... . There are a few varieties of mold that can be considered toxic and may be dangerous to humans ... and then vacuum off. Having mold forming in your house or apartment can become quite a serious problem [more...]
Date: 2008-10-11 07:35:33
Avoiding Mold In Your House
Most of us are familiar with using products on our tub surrounds to either keep mold away or get rid of it once it shows up ... , that is a given. But it can keep mold from forming. You can do a regular wall cleaning ... . Mold is one of those creepy crawly things that arrives unannounced and unwelcome. I have a client [more...]
Date: 2008-08-27 00:10:51
Mold Removal In Six Simple Steps
There are six easy ways to have complete mold removal and once you go through all of the steps, your life should be mold-free ... . The first problem is going to be getting rid of the wetness. Mold cannot exist without some kind of a component of wetness or moisture. Just because you rid yourself of ... [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 13:00:10
The Air That I Breathe
by Herbert Reich Interior air, as it is known to allergists, typically contains more pollutants than exterior air ... and toxic mold. Anything your standard purifier cannot get rid of - this option ... is the solution. Different airborne particulates such as pet dander; mold, dust, smoke and pollen come [more...]
Date: 2008-12-11 07:26:56
Genetically Modified Peanuts Could Save Lives
Genetically engineered peanuts may help fight the most common cause of fatal allergic reactions to food in the United States ... reactions which kill more than 50 Americans every year. But nature may not be able to provide an answer ... normally and can resist a common mold without any problems. Still, getting rid of every allergy-causing [more...]
Date: 2008-12-01 02:16:18
Winterizing your home
Getting cabin fever with all the bad winter weather? The EPA said that the average home has 2-5 times more pollution than outside air ... to rinse out of your home during winter. Instead, get rid of mold and mildew with a solution of two ... on warmer days, I turn off my heat and open the windows to let some fresh air in. I remove my shoes [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 21:33:47
Amazing green enzyme cleaner
Amazing green enzyme cleaner August 25, 2008 ... , but its value and efficacy really shined when it was used for mold mitigation in the gulf region ... are black with mold and covered with eerie red streaks. It looks like the perfect place to shoot a slasher [more...]
Date: 2008-08-25 23:45:58
Homemade Non-Toxic Mold Prevention Spray
created on: 01/08/09 Mold. It's BAD NEWS. As well as just being gross it can do some pretty rotten things to your lungs. Prevention is definitely the way to go, as once you've got mold it's the very devil to get rid of. Luckily, you don't need harsh chemicals to stop mold arriving and bringing 50 gazillion [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 23:39:59
Genetically Modified Peanuts could save Lives
By Aaron Rowe Genetically engineered peanuts may help fight the most common cause of fatal allergic reactions to food in the United States ... and can resist a common mold without any problems. Still, getting rid of every allergy-causing substance [more...]
Date: 2008-12-01 18:51:00
Frequently Asked Questions about teeth Whitening
by Gregory Chase Afraid to smile? Afraid to show those not-so-white teeth? ... , either way. Over a period of time, the gel bleaches your teeth, getting rid of stains ... , mold to the shape of your teeth. Then you fill the tray with whitening gel, and wear [more...]
Date: 2008-12-11 08:40:11
See Liver Cancer Symptoms and Treatments
More info… CLICK http://medicalinfodirectories.com/cancer/livercancer/ Liver Cancer discussion on symptoms and treatment. Transplant, etc ... /moldtoxicblackmildewtestingremovalremediationabatementallergyillness Toxic black mold and mildew testing in the house ... how to get rid of spores growth is by cleaning your food well. Kill it before it kills [more...]
Date: 2008-09-21 07:09:58
What’s In Your Crawlspace?
crawlspace Most of today’s homes have crawl spaces, but few of us ever venture up there. No one really likes to think of crawling up into that tight space, but there may be a few reasons ... up there. It is important to get rid of this problem as quickly as possible, since mold could also [more...]
Date: 2008-06-30 13:28:52
10 Steps to “Primalize” Your Pantry
The freezer has ice cream and frozen pizzas, but it’s the pantry that harbors the usual carb suspects - chips, cookies, crackers, pasta, ... of bread collecting mold alongside dry pastas. Get rid of the cookies, crackers, and chips standing [more...]
Date: 2008-11-11 17:18:21
Top 20 household uses of baking soda
There are so many uses for baking soda. The first time I picked up a box to use in a recipe I realized I could put it in my refrigerator to get rid ... ater. This clay is completely non toxic. Children can mold it, let it dry and paint their creations. 10. Clean vegetables and fruits with baking soda: sprinkle in water, soak and rinse the produce. [more...]
Date: 2008-11-18 19:25:04
He Might Be Late, But He's Still Santa, Dammit
Just in case you were wondering, Blogger will not let you steal somebody's banner. Hmm, steal is such a negative word ... . He'll grow on you like mold in the bathroom that you'll never get rid of. But in a good way.Merry [more...]
Date: 2008-12-28 08:01:00
Because I Care
Bitching, Moaning, Complaining....is that all I do here for you people? Well mostly...when you are a bitter old coot like myself..it happens ... and not mold! Brownies: For a cool brownie treat, make brownies as directed. Melt Andes mints in double ... . Get Rid of Ants Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants. They eat it, take it "home," can't [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 11:06:01
Get Rid Of Pest On Your Houseplants
by Thomas Fryd When you grow plants from seeds, they may be attacked by a fungus known as “damping off ... to the healthy plants. Leaf mold is another common ailment of houseplants. If your plants get it, remove ... the insecticide. Mealybugs are another common houseplant pest. A small white insect [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 10:31:45
Get Rid Of Pest On Your Houseplants
by Thomas Fryd When you grow plants from seeds, they may be attacked by a fungus known as “damping off ... to the healthy plants. Leaf mold is another common ailment of houseplants. If your plants get it, remove ... the insecticide. Mealybugs are another common houseplant pest. A small white insect [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 18:33:34
Get Rid Of Pest On Your Houseplants
by Thomas Fryd When you grow plants from seeds, they may be attacked by a fungus known as “damping off ... to the healthy plants. Leaf mold is another common ailment of houseplants. If your plants get it, remove ... the insecticide. Mealybugs are another common houseplant pest. A small white insect [more...]
Date: 2008-12-13 18:06:45
Recession Christmas Eve Dinner
Since Kayoko left NYC, I feel everyone is slacking from posting, including myself ... on food network using sliced cucumber as a mold to put salad and various items in, and I used ... through to get rid of seeds. Easy pie. For halibut, I mixed yuzu pepper, EVOO, vinegar, salt [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 20:15:00
Black Mold Removal
A little over a year ago, we had our bathroom completely renovated ... taken apart. Black Mold Removal from Water Restoration 911 does exactly this type of thing ... it was filled with nasty black mold. It was such an old bathroom — we were sooo ready to get rid [more...]
Date: 2009-01-01 01:18:34
Hurricane Ike: Clean with Caution
The Mesothelioma Cancer Center sent me this article to help spread awareness for the environment and Mesothelioma ... litter to get rid of excess moisture.· Remove wet wallpaper - damp wallpaper paste is a prime location for mold to grow.· Ask a contractor or building inspector to check for mold damage after a flood [more...]
Date: 2008-10-14 03:12:00
Secretary of State Project in Effect
Last cycle, the Secretary of State Project did tremendous work in raising money and awareness for several contested SoS races across the country ... , so it's hardly a surprise that the GOP would like to get rid of it. To give you an example of just how important ... forgotten either, and they are eager to unseat him in 2012. Brad Johnson is in the mold o [more...]
Date: 2008-10-05 19:35:12
When In Doubt
Plan another project. When winter comes, and you know spring is still way too far behind, make the project an afghan ... . The getting rid of yarn I thought truly dreadful and with which I would never do anything ... more promising than "dirty mold green" and "washed out grayish blue." It means, however, that they'll work [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 18:56:00
Open Loops 1/20/2009: Articles I Found Interesting
Tuesdays are open loop at SimpleProductivity blog. ... living is about getting rid of distractions that prevent you from enjoying a modern, luxurious life. It’ ... with your personality and quirks, not trying to change them into a mold.” Over at Organize It, they ran an article [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 11:00:00
Organize It: Storage Solutions
Topmost in my "to do" list before Christmas is sorting through all the closets in the house and get rid of all clothes and any article of clothing ... out all the thrash that I've accumulated through the years. There are blueprints eaten by moths, books with mold, notebooks glued together, test papers, school projects, and other what-nots of my five [more...]
Date: 2008-11-17 05:12:00
Tackle It Tuesday
We have had this nasty mold growing on the front of our house since the sun never really shines on it. I had finally had enough of it the other day and decided to get rid of it. I used some Mildew remover, a hose, and a scrub brush and look what I did... Now people can walk up to our front door [more...]
Date: 2008-06-10 12:31:09
Making Toys With Salt Dough
Boys need things to pound. Girls probably do too ... flour and salt, for about 10 minutes. This gets rid of the air bubbles, and makes a smooth, pliable ... as soon as you make it. As you mold your pieces, keep the dough you’re not using in a bowl covered [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 13:35:59
Holster Hoarders...
...what is it about them that causes them to buy many more holsters (or other accessories like gun belts, handcuff cases, magazine pouches) than he or she will ever need? I suppose I just don't get it when it comes to holster hoarders, I mean me, I buy one for a gun and use it. If it turns out to be a piece of junk, well I usually get rid of it [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 15:16:00
Health Update: So How Are We Doing Now?
I realized I haven't posted an update since we've moved, about Terri's health (or mine).(been too busy being grouchy for that)So, let's see ... this might actually be a good sign. Whether it's her body detoxifying, or adjusting to no mold ... to rest (plus the illness). Stress and mold and moving and toe surgery/infection and grief over [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 23:46:00
Why Your House Could Be Making You Sick
By now almost everyone must have heard of ‘sick building syndrome’ ... be cleaned before each use as they provide an ideal breeding ground for air-borne bacteria and mold ... with a germicide or even a solution of baking soda or bleach will kill any pesky bacteria that may want to linger [more...]
Date: 2008-12-03 10:43:36
Lets get these teen hearts beating faster, faster…
I think for a really long time, I blew sunshine out of my ass. I think it was probably rainbow colored and smelled like Berry Berry Kix. People seemed to praise me from all around for the amount of energy I possessed, my colorful espressions, and the Kate-isms that seemed to genuflect their way to the masses as I bowed down to everything before [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 21:54:48
The Silent Villain
After a restful sleeps night, do you wake up feeling completely drained before you even put a foot on the floor? Even though you are a very focused individual, are your thoughts often foggy? You actively exercise and eat right, but are you still at least 15 pounds or more overweight? Despite your dietary limitations, is your stomach swollen? [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 10:50:20
Given my intense hatred for Richard Smith’s defense and my corresponding joy at his firing, I would be remiss if I didn’t take a little time and look at some of the most likely candidates to replace Smith. I figure any in-depth look requires (1) a discussion of the type of system the candidate prefers, (2) [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 01:42:10
Del City’s Challenges and Opportunities
As a resident of Del City it is easy to become excited and also distraught with some of the changes going on ... large apartment complex that was built late 1970’s early 1980’s time frame. This apartment complex ... has been filled with mold and many local news stories have been published about it. Condemned Kristie Manor [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 00:27:51
Camping in Costa Rica
Camping in Costa Rica can be a great way to save money and see the country from a very different perspective. The problem is, there is very little information online about camping in Costa Rica. What information you do find is either out of date or inaccurate. More times than not, guide books also provide questionable advice and recommendations [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 17:12:04
Asthma Friendly Gardens
Asthma Friendly Gardens Tom Ogren Recent studies have shown that babies born to mothers who were exposed to high levels of pollen in their last ... at all. There are mold spores to contend with and worst of all is the pollen. Typical gardens ... used that would off gas any harmful or toxic chemicals, no materials were used that would trigger [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 13:13:21
Nothing Personal
The last couple of days, I've had long chats with two old feature animation vets -- one from management, one with the artistic side ... they're getting, and the advice they're getting comes from the small ring of people who report ... he was getting laid off. After thirty-two years. He asked if there was somebody I could talk [more...]
Date: 2008-12-04 08:01:00
Mark Waid Chat Transcript
Mark Waid sat down with me Tuesday night for a very long chat where I tried to ask as many reader-submitted questions as I could, but you folks sent in sooo many that there were still a whole lot of questions that I did not get a chance to ask - I guess we’ll just have to do this again in the future! Anyhow, here is the chat transcript! [more...]
Date: 2008-12-12 19:00:14
Houseplants: Fresh Air From a Pot!
Photo by madaise via Flickr During the winter months, when it is really cold outside, ... , tile floors, carpet, clothing and cleaning supplies. While outgassing can continue for long periods ... dander, mold spores and dust mites: These items contribute to poor indoor air quality [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 16:00:52
Seven Websites That Saved Me Money in the Last Week
About a week ago, my wife said (paraphrased), “We use a ton of websites to save ourselves a lot of money directly. Why don’t you write about those? You could just keep track of what sites you visit to save money over a week, how much they save, and whether or not this pays for our internet connection?” A great idea. So that’s just what I did [more...]
Date: 2008-07-05 17:00:05
Decidedly Uncomfortable
As mentioned briefly in my last post, my passport expired, so I could not go to Taiwan ROC with my mother and grandmother, so this last week I have pretty much been a stone statue on my chair in front of this very computer [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 05:32:00
'Nashville Star' recap: AWKWARD!
Normally, we break it down for you in the order the contestants performed. But this week, we're starting with the bottom two because seriously... Laura & Sophie Thanks goodness the teen duo got gone. John Rich and Jewel would have thrown (bigger) fits had they not gotten the boot [more...]
Date: 2008-07-15 15:45:31
Attack Abby.
The plumber came this morning to fix our big leak.$90 later, and know what it was? ... there. I certainly can't afford to hire those mold removal people for big bucks. I wish I could! I don't think ... . It's black mold. I hope it's not one of those super deadly rabid house molds! Hah.When the plumber [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 17:43:00
Day Knight/Dark Knight
This is for my Time out of Place story.One of the prime and most pertinent questions ever asked in the cinema versions of Batman was done by the Nicholson/Joker in the Keaton movie. That Joker, for all of being over-the-top flamboyant, actually came up with the question that allows you to understand who Batman is beyond the avenging Dark Knight [more...]
Date: 2009-01-01 14:10:00
Birth Of A Baby
Proof Positivity: Baby It’s Cold Outside It’s getting cold and frostbite in some regions is possible. In Cleveland, OH, where I am from, it gets so cold that when you come in from it your hands burn from getting warm. Here are a few tips from me to you:*If there is shelter nearby then stay in the shelter to keep the wind from hitting you [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 13:56:07
Carbon monoxide or other toxins in the home
houses Image by dospaz The average person probably spends at least 8-9 hours in their home every day ... .especially if your home had hidden toxins in it such as carbon monoxide, radon, lead, mold, etc ... . Please note, this average just factors in sleep time, it doesn’t include eating at home, working [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 17:07:08