Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about toxic mold

Another School Infested with Toxic Mold

Dozens of parents and their teens showed up for a school board meeting in Roswell Tuesday night to voice concern over what they believe is toxic mold in the walls of Goddard High School. One after another, parents addressed the board about fears that toxic mold is making their kids sick. One parent quoted her child as saying, “Mom I can’ [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 21:39:39

Blog posts (7) | Videos (5)

Does mold make you sick? Doctors seek answers (Reuters)

Does mold make you sick? Doctors seek answers (Reuters) http://us.rd.yahoo.com – Reuters - Fungus expert Joan Bennett did not believe in so-called toxic mold -- the cause of "sick building syndrome" and many lawsuits -- until her New Orleans home was flooded during [more...]

Date: 2008-10-28 20:11:18


THE LATEST AND greatest thing Shelby is fixed on is bringing a stuffed animal into the bath tub with her. WHY?!! ... mold deep inside their stuffing and making her sick. The dryer is constantly going along with sun drying in hopes of killing the toxic mold that just has to be there...right? Cant help but love [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 21:46:00

Tips for Green Homeowners

Tips for Green Homeowners If you want to be a green homeowner, ... nicer to live in a home where there are no toxic fumes or other issues to worry about. Most people don ... . Then they find that their old houses were making them sick with mold and nasty fumes everywhere. Ecological [more...]

Date: 2008-09-05 02:12:58

Warning About Pancake Mix!

I have known for awhile now that outdated pancake mix can be toxic, but apparently neglected to tell our grown children ... properly sealed, the mix begins growing mold. If a person has a specific allergy to certain molds, then it could make them really sick, or kill them by anaphylaxis. "If a person an individual [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 17:23:02

In Depth: Understanding sick-building syndrome and the benefits of a green office (By Starre Vartan)

In 1984, the World Health Organization published a report determining the cause of sick building syndrome, ... HVAC units (the heating, cooling and air exchange systems), or may be infested with toxic mold. Newer [more...]

Date: 2008-08-28 14:00:23

Is Your House Making You Sick? Indoor Chemicals and the Depression Link!

Depression is the most common psychological disorder in the US ... for toxic chemicals. Chemicals like pentachlorophenol, a wood preservative, were found in 71 percent ... , and sleeplessness. Strong chemicals are released from new homes, household paint, household cleaners, mold [more...]

Date: 2009-01-02 03:48:49

7 Results

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california / danger of / dangerous / effects of / health effects of / how to get rid of / how to kill / mildew / non toxic mold removal / removing / [more...]

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