Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about toxic mold

Another School Infested with Toxic Mold

Dozens of parents and their teens showed up for a school board meeting in Roswell Tuesday night to voice concern over what they believe is toxic mold in the walls of Goddard High School. One after another, parents addressed the board about fears that toxic mold is making their kids sick. One parent quoted her child as saying, “Mom I can’ [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 21:39:39

Blog posts (6) | Videos (1)

How to Tell if you Have Toxic Mold in your Home

If there are stains on your walls or ceilings this could be a sign of toxic mold. If the area is very dark, it could be toxic and should be taken care of immediately. Mold ... outdoors it’s not normal. Mold doesn’t give you allergies necessarily, rather causes allergy [more...]

Date: 2008-11-16 00:04:31

Toxic Black Molds - What Do They Eat and How Do They Look Likee

Molds are nothing but living organism of fungi group. They obtain nutrition from dead organic substances ... products are responsible for stains found on mold infested substances. If mold is not taken care ... , walls, clothes, leather goods, curtains and fabrics. Hence, the mold cleaning products used to kill [more...]

Date: 2008-06-27 00:39:45

Home Buyers Can Make a Great DEAL in this Changed Real Estate Market!

Howie Mandle isn't the only one giving people the opportunity of a lifetime....You CAN Make a GREAT Deal if you buy a home now ... then discovers toxic black mold in the walls costing, a failed septic system or cement in the plumbing [more...]

Date: 2009-01-10 23:00:00

The Poisoned Presidency

There has GOT to be something wrong with the waterpipes in the Whitehouse. Or perhaps there's black mold or some sort of toxic germs hiding in the walls or airducts. Or something. I mean, Reagan got Alzheimer's. George Sr became clueless and out of the loop after [more...]

Date: 2008-06-26 05:04:35

Market Update

Via the Deviant Behavior blog (h/t to Tom) … . Dear Henry Paulson, Isn’t this bailout just one big subprime mortgage? ... and greed and toxic mold that used to be the US economy is left to the nation’s workers to rebuild ... in the bathroom of a plush Wall Street bar. Aren’t you just asking us to insure your fragile house of cards [more...]

Date: 2008-09-24 16:02:34

6 Results

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california / danger of / dangerous / effects of / health effects of / how to get rid of / how to kill / mildew / non toxic mold removal / removing / [more...]

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