Safe cleaning products - Our weapon of choice
Never underestimate the the truth about the harmful effects black mold can have on your health ... area for toxic mold spores will help with your mold removal battles. Always make sure to that all faucets and bathroom areas are kept as dry as possible to prevent mold growth. These areas would [more...]
Date: 2008-11-22 17:38:47
Blog posts
(153) |
Disaster Strikes! Now What?
Disaster Strikes! Now What? Look, there are a lot of things someone needs to know to own a house and keep it in good working order ... really dry and eliminate the contaminants which can cause mold and mildew. Sustaining Water Damage ... to be concerned with the lasting effecting of water like black mold and bacteria. This is where the pros really [more...]
Date: 2009-01-03 23:46:22
Safe cleaning products - Goin green and lovin it
Never underestimate the the truth about the harmful effects black mold can have on your health ... sprays to help in your war against mold. There are also new mold removal kits that kill the mold and also ... mold and not even be aware of it. I hope after reading this that you will think twice about how [more...]
Date: 2008-06-10 21:32:45
Mold Expert Witness Answers FAQ Part 2
Allan Snyder, mold expert witness and principal of AFC Forensic Consulting, answers Frequently Asked Questions: Q: What is Stachybotrys Chartarum? A: Stachybotrys Chartarum (also known as Stachybotrys atra) is a type of mold that has been associated with adverse health effects in humans. Stachybotrys is a greenish-black mold that can grow [more...]
Date: 2008-11-21 14:00:18
Natural cleaning products - Goin green and lovin it
As the humid summer months start to effect our lifestyles we will notice that black mold will be trying to flourish in our homes ... area for toxic mold spores will help with your mold removal battles. Try to keep the areas ... in the attick area because you never know if the roof may have had a leak and mold is growing rapidly [more...]
Date: 2008-11-07 17:18:30
Madlib’s Dirty Album Covers: The Origins
Have you picked up any of the records from the Madlib “Beat Konducta” series? ... like there is black mold growing on their copy of Beat Konducta Vol. 6, here is the reason: it is black mold ... , are all from the same piece of cardboard. This was originally a library sound-effects record belonging [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 21:56:50
tosca hidalgo y teran’s future relics
Did you catch the interview with Tosca Hidalgo y Teran in Metalsmith magazine? Grab it if you can ... that you develop a relationship with. Ritual adornment for the undiscovered tribe. Black Mold ... wrote and composed it. From her website: My work becomes a part of you; it effects [more...]
Date: 2008-08-12 13:08:22
Putting Away Childish Things
I'm kind of a freak (LOL! Yeah, I know you know this!), I do my "Spring cleaning" in the Fall ... it now as a sudden growth of black mold-it needs to go and go now. Even if you can't see the fungus, you can feel it's effects. In a frenzy, I took them to a friends house and threw them in her fire pit. Yep [more...]
Date: 2008-11-11 01:33:57
See ya Stan
See ya Stan Damn. Stan Winston passed away at age 62. The man that brought us all the special effects of the Terminator, Aliens, Men In Black, Jurassic ... has gone… unless his body is just from an alginate mold. There was a time wee ... (Filed under geekD [more...]
Date: 2008-06-18 14:41:08
Voodoo Music Experience - Day 2
I woke up on Saturday morning with absolutely no idea where in the world I was. “Whose house is this?” “What state am I in?” Yet, every red-blooded male child born in the great state of Texas is genetically engineered with a primordial sense to instantly recognize a Saturday morning during college football season and will instinctually turn on [more...]
Date: 2008-11-03 08:32:27
Race and the Election: A Race-Weary Black Republican
Joe Hicks has a voice that commands attention. Deep in tone, yet smooth in delivery, it punctuates every sentence with an audible period, ... to elaborate a point. “Obama believes that racism is still a big problem in the lives of black Americans— ... flat-out dismiss his three-year stint with Ron Karenga’s black cultural nationalist United Slaves [more...]
Date: 2008-10-22 16:00:46
Nimrod Rising - Legion of Ants Part Two
Recently, I heard former British Prime Minister Tony Blair respond to the question, why God is so important. I was so impressed with that courageous man's response. He said, "Because it reminds us that there is someone bigger than us." Yet, I pondered his words that had so stricken by their brevity and their profound simplicity [more...]
Date: 2008-12-28 04:16:00
Who To Vote For? My Analysis
Here is my thought process on who I am voting for and why. I use numerical values to show what is important to me and by how much ... in the University of Chicago mold. The same can be said of many others on Obama’s economic team - in other ... Issues: I think electing a black president will send a strong signal to minorities that racism really [more...]
Date: 2008-09-26 07:53:26
post info
02Dec08 Black Friday Deaths Should Give Pause for Reflection on Americanism, Abortion and Future Priorities By Eric Martin Categories: Abortion, ... as our forefathers did. NYC Black Friday mob Just this past Friday in ‘America the Beautiful’— “Black Friday”— three ... problems in America with our behavior towards one another and what many of the [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 11:59:46
Heavy Metal Gold(en) Crests
These medieval soaps were made by Debbie over at SoapyLove Daily Ditties utilizing Bramble Berry's new Heavy Metal Gold mica ... Sparkle Gold. It's got a hint of green and black in the blend to tone the yellow down. In a unique ... to get these effects. You can experiment with your own creative twist and design a customized Coat of Arms based [more...]
Date: 2008-06-25 18:19:10
List Of Best Movies Ever… It’s Not 10 Though… It’s 200… Part 1
Okay, open up another browser, warm up your Netflix queue, and let’s do this. Of course, you’ll want to print this out as well, but let me warn you, in Word it’s an approximately 22 page document. Ready? Seriously though, don’t print this… that would be madness. I’ve been working on this list, in some sense or other, for about six months [more...]
Date: 2008-10-30 05:30:55
The Sword is in The Land- Part Two
Even though science and medicine has made great progress against many diseases in recent years, isn’t it true that things like cancer, ... of this toxic black mold that is driving people from their homes? November 6, 2003 BREAKING NEWS!! “Toxic mold continues to pose dangerous health risks” The number of toxic mold cases is rising [more...]
Date: 2008-08-19 20:44:33
Gaza massacre - PHOTOS - Ground offensive slaughter
The western press seems to be controlled by the Mighty Wurlitzer (CIA plays the worlds media like a giant church organ ). Photos of the suffering in Gaza are rare. Instead we are fed the images of UN, politicians and protestors (learned helplessness). Glorious Israeli troops with pretty looking explosions and awesome firepower. [more...]
Date: 2009-01-03 21:41:00
Olympic Athletes in Beijing: Let The Breathing Challenges Begin!
By Diane Porter They could all be fine. Or they could suffer allergic reactions, coughs, asthma attacks, respiratory infections, ... s endurance athletes have to deal with the effects of ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur ... arrived at the Beijing Capital Airport Tuesday, they wore black breathing masks across their noses [more...]
Date: 2008-08-08 13:26:42
Roy Buchanan
Roy Buchanan-Messiah On Guitar-2007-Music Avenue(France)Roy Buchanan was “the world’s best unknown guitarist” and one of America’s most soulful masters of the instrument. Gary Moore paid tribute to Buchanan on his “After The War” album, covering Roy’s signature tune: “The Messiah Will Come Again” Buchannan’s sound is simply unique: heartbreaking, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 14:08:00
The Silent Villain
After a restful sleeps night, do you wake up feeling completely drained before you even put a foot on the floor? Even though you are a very focused individual, are your thoughts often foggy? You actively exercise and eat right, but are you still at least 15 pounds or more overweight? Despite your dietary limitations, is your stomach swollen? [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 10:50:20
A LOOK TO THE FUTURE... Well, 2009, at least...
I promise to provide more content for this blog, and to rekindle that humour that has been missing from my most recent reviews. 2008 was not a particularly inspiring year (although I still have to finish off my End of Year lists), largely lacking the dizzying highs or baffling lows of 2007. Here's hoping 2009 is a little more fortuitous for us all [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 22:35:00
The X Site, Rhydymwyn.
First they mined lead here: for hundreds of years men dug deep tunnels under the nearby hills. Then they came to do something more sinister and dangerous: the tunnels and caves were hollowed out to form vast cavernous stores; shutters were replaced by these great steel doors, and the place was fenced off and patrolled with security guards [more...]
Date: 2008-08-16 05:54:00
custoMONDAY: Win a Custom Victim By MONSTREHERO
About MONSTREHERO MONSTREHERO is Sean Blay and Cliff Kirschner, two guys who live in Orlando and like to make toys. They draw influence from superheroes, Japanese monsters, comics, old school action figures and the environment around them. Perusing MONSTREHERO’s Flickr, you’ll immediately notice that the duo is not afraid of color or texture [more...]
Date: 2008-12-08 23:00:21
When you control a people’s way of thinking you do not have to worry about their actions.
Posted to API by F. Jones Although the formal COINTELPRO covert operations employed by the FBI directed against African Americans during the ... of massive black rebellion and unrest that caused the U.S. Government to fear the uprising ... Black self perception and foster a national consensual environment for the mistreatment of its Black [more...]
Date: 2008-08-21 19:33:45
I collected a few items for desktops/cubicle living to while away the hours. Most of these came from Most were in stock when I put this together, but I’m sure if it’s out of stock, a little googling can find one, if you REALLY have to have it. So have fun, lighten up your life, and think happy… [more...]
Date: 2008-03-23 15:53:42
Sparano handpicked by Parcells to return Dolphins to glory
By Omar Kelly South Florida Sun Sentinel DAVIE, Fla. - The talk is tough. The Northeast slang is thick ... for nearly a month. And 31 years later, the accident's effects are still present. His eyes water ... from home in Davie almost pitch black day and night. The only light in the room is provided by what creeps [more...]
Date: 2008-08-29 13:03:00
Intraracial Stereotypes
September 28, 2008 Uncategorized The other day I was helping somebody flip over a boat he was building so he could work on the bottom. One of the other folks helping was a black guy who had his young son with him. I was a bit ... possibility is that there are very strong selection effects on immigrants from Africa. Only the most [more...]
Date: 2008-09-28 23:36:04
Should The NCAA Pay Student Athletes?!?
Date: 2008-07-16 12:01:32
Sorry: Light Posting for the Days to Come
My regular readers will have to forgive me. I’m getting double-whammied here ... , at all, and if I didn’t know better I’d say I was descending into a huge black hole of depression. Except ... -effects? Probably never. Now, couple that with the horrible effects of summer allergies. Right [more...]
Date: 2008-07-14 12:51:33
Make Your Own Soap at Home!
Here, Anne-Marie Faiola, aka Soap Queen, gives us an easy, non-toxic recipe to make your own herbal soap at home! ... to what enters us through our diet, parents are becoming more aware of the effects of personal care ... and pour soap, organic base 1 ounce essential oil (we used lavender, orange and eucalyptus) "Soap mold [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 04:42:39
How did we African Americans become living contradictions of our former selves?
How have unity, racial pride, and educational aspiration, once hallmarks of Black identity so dramatically declined? ... consciousness that to suggest that the current problems among Black America are now the results ... to now blame the many disparities among Black America on White racism that they would be immediately accused [more...]
Date: 2008-07-31 12:04:22
Bad Breath. Never a Good Look.
I was looking through the archives of my old website and came across something that was both relevant and humorous in the context of all our lives…unless you’re the person I’m describing. I don’t poke fun at those who fit the mold of what I describe below. I just ask that you do what you can to control it. Nonetheless, enjoy. How does [more...]
Date: 2008-12-16 06:00:10
Delicacies of Frozen Window Synapse
Blurred Vision Vol. 4This is a new anthology of b&w comics, the latest in a series from Blurred Books. There's not a lot of adornment, nor even a credited editor (from reading around, I know Kevin Mutch is one of several). Those of its 232 pages not occupied by comics are primarily white, speckled with small type [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 04:59:00
Affirmative Action Has Run its Course
Affirmative action, like labor unions, once served a legitimate purpose. But, as is often the case when remedial measures get institutionalized, having addressed the problems that gave rise to them, they entrench themselves in self-sustaining bureaucracies and set about creating new problems to solve [more...]
Date: 2008-08-02 20:34:16
Gingerbread Cookies
Unglazed cookies, prior to decoratingI first tried this recipe a few weeks ago, looking for an excuse to use some of my antique Springerle molds, ... , and holds up in the fridge and freezer, and just.. wow! I found it via No Special Effects, who adapted ... on the edgesSoft Glazed GingerbreadPosted by No Special Effects, adapted from Tartine.* 225g (2 [more...]
Date: 2008-12-24 13:00:06
When did I write this I wonder? Later than the other things below, that I know.
(A bingo hall in Baltimore. Awesome.) Ri-chan is sending out resumes and cover letters for nursing positions. She has a potential sponsor for her work visa, at John Hopkins. She has been studying and job hunting since I got here. She has two of her licenses; and is soon to take the registered nurse test for her final license [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 03:18:22
Today is Inauguration Day, when history is being made with the swearing in of America’s first black president. That’s nice. Now let’s talk guitar solos! We’ll pretend that having a black president is no big deal ... and contains a solo where Jimi seems to turn his guitar inside out with some otherworldly effects, yet [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 16:41:30
Anatomy of a Dog Whistle
Back in July and August, Digby tried to show the world how she wasn’t a racist like the rest of her benighted family by finding racism in every ... brass bands) because it inures people to real calls to fight the invidious effects of racism. Racism ... , because they don’t fit the name-calling mold. They are dog whistles because their treatment [more...]
Date: 2008-10-02 00:24:00
A New/Old Way to Learn
Awhile back, I wrote an article that I intended to publish in a certain Christian magazine. I was told that it would be published, but time went on and on and, when I inquired about it, I was told that it was on their stack but that other things were taking priority. I withdrew the article from them and never did get the article published [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 04:05:57
The Day the Earth Stood Still, Doubt, Nothing Like the Holidays & Dark Streets
The Day the Earth Stood Still Sigh! Why has science fiction been so horrible this year? For every solid work like Wall-E or even Cloverfield, we get crap like The Happening, the second X-Files movie, Journey to the Center of the Earth and Jumper. Do people who make these films understand that we don't need conventional love stories or cute kids [more...]
Date: 2008-12-12 19:50:40
Organic cleaning products - The benefits you are unaware of
Unfortunately there are people living in their homes not knowing the facts and dangers of having black mold ... are what many people are using now to go green and fight mold. One way to remove black mold from your home ... the basement area for mold as well because this is an ideal place for mold growth. You also will need [more...]
Date: 2008-09-28 17:18:38
NEW ARRIVALS AND RESTOCKS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19thanks for looking.alright… it’s looking like this may be the last update of 2008 (although i might have a last minute order coming in next week, we’ll see)… either way, there’s some heavy action coming in that should not be missed, check em out: shadoks music represses of the witch and amanaz lp’s ( [more...]
Date: 2008-12-19 02:52:00
A Trajectory Analysis
Barack Obama first came to my attention, as he did for many Americans, in 2004 when he addressed the Democratic National Convention in Boston [more...]
Date: 2008-10-08 00:53:50
Hiroshima: The Lost Photographs
Hiroshima: The United States Strategic Bombing Survey Archive, 1945, International Center of Photography, Purchase, ... the clasps. He was surprised to discover that the suitcase was full of black-and-white photographs ... . He was looking at something he had never seen before: the effects of the first use of the Atomic [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 15:17:48
Draft - Shadows of 5GW: The Default American PoV has become a Leftist POV
I started writing this back some time. I wrote out the rest of on a legal pad in long hand which I can not f*cking find at the moemnt! Since Seerov, is heading into this area, I want to publish what I have so far. I will re-write the rest shortly.So here it is so far…—–I started writing this post a month ago, but just didn’t get back to it [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 15:33:40
Exclusive Toys
Exclusive Toys Here’s just a sampling of some of the exclusives from the VTN Winter 08 show. (Click here for a tidy tagged version of all the coverage.) People who had been waiting in line for hours got right to business locating these particular figures. It seemed to me like much of the crowd got in, got the exclusives and then fanned out [more...]
Date: 2008-12-08 21:25:28
Crack Engineering Software Very Cheap Price
Download Latest Petroleum / Chemical / Plant Engineering / CAD CAM CFD FEA Engineering Software Let's put an end to your rigorous search for softwarePS, sending money and getting cheated, paying for evaluation versions in the name of full versions etc.. You can get almost all full working versions under one roof [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 19:26:16
Debt Rattle, September 28 2008: Your country needs you
G. G. Bain Your country needs you April 1917 New York City recruiting office - 23rd & Broadway (Flatiron Building). Ilargi: Of course I sympathize with the people who are trying to get through to their Congressmen and Senators with petitions and pleas and plans, screaming for them not to accept the $700 billion -at any one time- Paulson plan [more...]
Date: 2008-09-28 21:06:11
Non acidic cleaning products - Oh what a great feeling
As the humid summer months start to effect our lifestyles we will notice that black mold will be trying to flourish in our homes ... will deteriorate with more and more exposure to toxic mold.Janitorial cleaning products are a safe way ... in a area that has toxic mold spores growing. That is why black mold is so dangerous because [more...]
Date: 2008-08-24 15:54:24
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