Local Locales Aplenty
At times it appears that we simply don’t give enough credence to various locations throughout the US. And quite frankly, it would be nice to break the monotony of being pummeled by plummeting house prices on a daily basis. So join me in breaking the mold and read along to see what’s going [more...]
Date: 2008-06-04 19:37:05
Blog posts
(153) |
California Wine all tastes the same? Says who?
Well, finally back to blogging. After an intense weekend at the Wine Bloggers Conference, followed by four full days of running around Sonoma and Napa - and Fairfield, and Berkeley and San Francisco - and then returning to a new position at the newspaper in Quebec City, and mulling over about twenty different potential post subjects, [more...]
Date: 2008-11-07 00:43:31
Kombucha and Kvass: Cleansing Ales
Visitors to Russia can observe the following typical sight on Moscow street corners: a large metal drum, larger than a beer keg, turned sideways and mounted on wheels. A spigot on one end releases a brown bubbly liquid into a glass. Customers line up to pay for a draught, [more...]
Date: 2008-08-31 14:58:37
How to Recognize Zion's Secret Police
Could Give McCain the Reagan Treatment southeast us | education | news report Sunday August 24, 2008 15:07 by Kool Kat - The Lord's No Brain! No McCain! Remember when Reagan allegedly fell off his horse? There was allegedly a "snow storm" before that happened followed by a mist. It was dry ice, and the mist was CO2. The horse was overcome too! [more...]
Date: 2008-08-25 19:16:12
Toxic Black Molds - What Do They Eat and How Do They Look Likee
Molds are nothing but living organism of fungi group. They obtain nutrition from dead organic substances ... products are responsible for stains found on mold infested substances. If mold is not taken care ... , walls, clothes, leather goods, curtains and fabrics. Hence, the mold cleaning products used to kill [more...]
Date: 2008-06-27 00:39:45
SHORT FICTION: The Barrow-Maid
by Christine Morgan First appeared in History Is Dead Permuted Press specializes in post-apocalyptic and zombie fiction. Visit them at http://www.permutedpress.com Buy History Is Dead from the Apex aStore (Amazon). The death-cry of Sveinthor Otkelsson ripped through the din of battle as harsh and sudden as the blade that [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 01:04:45
Should We Allow Drugs in Sports?
Dear Mark, I know you used to be involved in triathlon sports administration. I see so much written about “banned substances” and “cheating” going on in the world of professional sports these days, especially with the Olympics looming. What do you make of all this? [more...]
Date: 2008-07-28 17:54:32
Natural cleaning products - Greener is better
Unfortunately there are people living in their homes not knowing the facts and dangers of having black mold ... to deal with mold. Keeping black mold out of your home is half the battle when it comes to mold removal ... . Another bad thing is that there are many homes that have high levels of black mold growing which [more...]
Date: 2008-06-20 21:51:52
Non toxic cleaning products - Goin green and feeling great
As the humid summer months start to effect our lifestyles we will notice that black mold will be trying to flourish in our homes ... and find out that you have toxic mold poisoning.Janitorial cleaning products are a diamond in the rough ... that destroys and prevents black mold. Many of these safe cleaning products will not harm your family [more...]
Date: 2008-06-05 21:25:45
Re-visit. Hope you've got some time on your hands.
About three years ago I started writing a blog on a social networking site whose name rhymes with pieface. It wasn't really about anything in particular...but it did feature a lot of pictures, and a lot of kitchen and restaurant talk. It got many views, and paved the way for this blog [more...]
Date: 2008-11-06 02:23:00
Barack Obama’s Mother was a COMMUNIST!!!
Neocon Latina noted yesterday that an article from the Chicago Tribune had “mysteriously” disappeared from their news archives. As we all know, the MSM and Plumbers have the fix in on McCain and are doing anything and everything to get Obama elected - including the massive deletion of articles that expose Obama’s Communist roots [more...]
Date: 2008-09-30 21:08:29
Mold Cleaning Products - Precautions to Be Taken While Cleaning Molds
Before we proceed with the subject, it will be good to learn the importance and relevance of the topic ... . Stachybotrys produce mycotoxins which are harmful for human health. Inhaling toxic black mold spores can bring about serious troubles. All mold species, including toxic black mold, grow uncontrollably [more...]
Date: 2008-06-11 00:08:59
MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Responsible for the Lack of Public Interest in Space Exploration?
It's not often that our real life science heroes utter disparaging remarks against science fiction. In fact, the opposite is usually true; science fiction is often cited as a source of inspiration and interest. Enter Buzz Aldrin, who caused a stir recently with some comments he made [more...]
Date: 2008-10-29 07:28:56
Black Mold and Mildew - How Do They Remain Active Round the Year
They do not have any specific breeding season. They grow whenever they get the right condition, and spore generation begins as soon as they colonize ... of nutrition for molds and mildews as well. Black mold and mildews collect their food from dead organic ... your thoughts and do some research on black mold, mildews and mold cleaning products. [more...]
Date: 2008-06-26 23:33:30
Estrogen Play
We are playing with the concept of four prototype pairings, with eight prototype human beings. We are estimating that because the mother, at six weeks before birth, sets her children’s testosterone levels based upon her own testosterone levels (mother with high testosterone T creates a low t male and a high T female while a mother with low t [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 13:24:03
Why Mold Manifestation Increase During Summer - How to Kill Black Molds
After a long pause through out the winter season, they come back again in summer with a more aggressive form. When summer begins, mold problem becomes a pain in many houses and people really get surprised where all these molds were during the wintere Here are the reasons that answer why mold growth [more...]
Date: 2008-06-27 00:46:34
Mold Makes News Headlines?
You don’t see mold in the news that much, but it really should be more of a topic of conversation ... because people aren’t reminded of it like they should be. Most people think that mold is gross so it shouldn’t be talked about. They do have somewhat of a point. Mold is gross. It’s also fascinating [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 21:00:25
Ten Natural Allergy Relief Tips from Dr. Holly Lucille
Spring showers may bring May flowers, but for many, springtime brings the misery of allergies. “People with seasonal allergies are especially sensitive to pollen and mold spores,” noted Dr ... with the body and help patients avoid the side effects of prescription or over-the counter [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 17:47:24
The Beauty of Everyday Objects; and Beautiful Monsters
Red-haired Karla practices ministry and magic, disguised as cosmetology ... , the mirror image of the big, black, furry boy cat I am housesitting now. Amidst the salon's swirl ... her I was inspired by what I imagine to be Blake's 7's special-effects budget of $3.79, she exclaimed, "You should [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 02:56:00
Yes: Hartford 1976 (PRRP 040) FLAC
PRRP040- YES: "GET DOWN!" June 19, 1976 (Colt Park - Hartford, Connecticut) Disc 1 1.1 ... were understandably tired and in much need of rest. In an effort to get away from the Yes mold ... by Martyn Dean) and amazing laser effects to top it all off, Yes began a short, yet memorable new [more...]
Date: 2008-07-08 12:21:03
EXPOSING OBAMA’S DECEPTION MAY BE THE ONLY WAY TO PROTECT DEMOCRACY An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches Please read this article from beginning to end even it may by times seem farfetched or even insane but everything claimed is supported by tock hard scientific evidence [more...]
Date: 2008-11-09 20:33:41
Non acidic cleaning products - The benefits you are unaware of
Once you have toxic mold in your home you can expect to make a trip to the hospital very soon ... that your home is not a vacation area for toxic mold spores will help with your mold removal battles. Take ... . Another bad thing is that there are many homes that have high levels of black mold growing which [more...]
Date: 2008-08-09 15:14:44
The very ink with which history is written
Or the simple process of making black walnut ink using objects found around the home and yard.I will start this tutorial by admitting that I have not found any definitive evidence that black ... creates a nice dark brown to black color which looks nice on reenactment paperwork and personal [more...]
Date: 2008-12-18 03:46:00
ode to the letter X
There sure arnt many words in the english language that start with the letter x, but there sure are a lot of emotions tied up in it ... from within. We feel the huge loss in the form of an empty bed mold where said x used to comfort ... the recipient of the effects of the letter, but this is untrue, in fact the guilt of having [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 03:25:48
admonishing it's immature 106 and Park hosts long enough to announce some election year programming of their own. But for some reason, their choice of hosts tells me this thing is doomed to fail. BET Networks unveiled its plans for extensive, multiplatform election year political coverage, [more...]
Date: 2008-07-16 16:21:18
Best Of Design - October
This October brought lots of really cool design articles into the blogosphere with lots of neat ideas. I have been compiling this list over the last four weeks, and today bring you the best of the online design world for October 2008. From tutorials to inspirational posts, this compilation has everything you would ever want [more...]
Date: 2008-11-02 21:39:47
Owens Corning - Basement Finishing in 2 Weeks. Call today to get a Free Estimate!
If you have a leaking basement, Owens Corning can turn it into a dry one! If you have a toxic black mold problem, they can begin a thorough mold remediation program to make ... solution for your basement. Living with black mold can create serious ill effects in adults and children [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 18:31:01
Bulgaria / yoghurt / Sheryl Crow〜 If It Makes You Happy
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , a state in Southeastern Europe, borders on five other countries: Romania to the north (mostly along the River Danube), Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia to the west, and Greece and Turkey to the south. The Black Sea defines the extent of the country to the east. Bulgaria comprises [more...]
Date: 2008-07-22 15:00:39
What Are the Best Toys for Your Young Learners to Play With? Part 1
Flash back to a Christmas MorningEyes wide and beaming with ear-to-ear smiles, ... in the education of children and in helping to mold young, eager minds? The two year old began to illustrate my point. He didn’t want to simply watch the red and black cars race around the tiered track [more...]
Date: 2008-07-12 02:13:00
Safe cleaning products - Greener is better
Never underestimate the the truth about the harmful effects black mold can have on your health ... beneficial to you. Keeping black mold out of your home is half the battle when it comes to mold removal ... so it can make your mold removal task much easier. It wont be hard to find you an all in one mold [more...]
Date: 2008-07-05 20:42:13
How to prevent moisture
We all know that moisture is a big requirement for the black mold to thrive ... natural cleaning products. These natural cleaners are safe and unlike commercial cleaners, they don’ ... . Moisture is the key ingredient for mold growth because mold can feed on water for survival. While [more...]
Date: 2008-07-29 13:08:10
10 Amazing Telescopes
10 Amazing Telescopes Posted by razorram on January 7th, 2009 The drive to map the sky is as old as civilization itself. The Great Pyramids in Egypt point straight at specific stars. The ancient stone configuration Stonehenge in Britain is arranged to track the progress of the sun toward its northernmost point in the sky [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 09:13:47
Essential Oils Blends and Uses
Better Living With Essential Oils Practical formulas you can use in Personal Care and Your Environment Personal Care - What Essential Oils can do for Your Skin: l Penetrate lower skin layers to work on moisturizing and healing. l Stimulate and regenerate skin cells, to heal skin damaged by sun, burns, wrinkles, or injury [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 20:51:18
Maria Duval - World War II Foo Fighters
World War II Foo Fighters In the 1938 comic strip Smokey Stover, a firefighter was known for his line, “Where there’s foo, there’s fire.” From Smokey, aircraft pilots borrowed the term “foo fire” to describe the various unexplainable phenomenon seen in the skies over Europe and the Pacific theatre during World War II [more...]
Date: 2008-10-30 03:31:00
The Secret War on Black America
By F. Jones When people in power wants to suppress or to exploit a group they do so by portraying that group as a fearsome enemy or a major problem ... the fraudulent worst in themselves. Its motto is Divide and conquer. It drills the message into the black [more...]
Date: 2008-10-03 13:04:03
Cup2Cup: Awoono’s “Early Nineties Loose Pu’er” & Red Blossom’s “Wild Leaf, Sheng Pu-erh 1993”
by GERALDOSince the big price jump in aged pu’er, my attention as a buyer has turned away from 70s and 80s sheng to 90s sheng. Lacking a winning lottery ticket, I find that acquiring aged pu’ers is no longer an option. The adolescent teas from the 90s will mature as I wait for my nascent beeng chas to take on some age [more...]
Date: 2007-12-26 10:21:00
MAD MAD took a pause from steady signing and sketching to mug for this photo with his 5-inch Skin Deep Mad*L exclusively released at VTN. MAD had representation at the Bic Plastics table as well, with the release of the gigantic Sham the Clown. Dan Goodsell One of the nicest guys around, Dan Goodsell, [more...]
Date: 2008-12-08 20:59:27
CIRCLE OF BLOOD Filed under: Poetry i want to bleed all over everything until th whole word is a flood, carnage terminal placental mass, ... hem of my garment, clean up the dribbles on my toes with yr tongue. that is what it tastes [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 15:13:40
The U.S. Government’s Black mind manipulation: the real Black Matrix
Today, in carrying out many of its social-engineering agendas, ... psychological manipulation of its Black population. When most people hear the term of psychological ... deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda about its Black population that are deliberately [more...]
Date: 2008-06-08 18:55:46
Posted by Anonymous.My dear mother-in-law,I don't know that you realized this weekend how much your cavalier comments regarding the abuse that I ... had are long since gone, but I deal with the after effects of the emotional abuse to this day. While [more...]
Date: 2008-10-06 15:47:00
Answers to Your Google Q's (4) ANNE FRANK FOOD
(from London, England 9/17/08 09:45:54 AM)Q: what did anne frank eat and drink when she was in the cupbourdA: ... had smoked 'skonk,' Anne Frank's mother was heavy into the late 1920's Manchester black metal scene ... and grow mold, it was because of the blue mold off a certain early kind of Triscuit that Anne Frank lost [more...]
Date: 2008-10-19 17:20:00
How to Create a Classic Guitar from Scratch In Photoshop
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to design a Classic Guitar. We’ll be creating each shape and effect used to make this in Photoshop. No outside images or textures are used. We will make extensive use of the Shape Tools, the Warp Tools, and various effects to achieve the final design. Let’s rock this digital illustration! Final [more...]
Date: 2008-11-21 19:54:11
Playin’ Free in PDX: A Free Music Archive mp3 sampler of Portland, OR (MP3s!)
via Tommy E at the Free Music Archive It's time for another heaping offering of mp3s from WFMU's Free Music Archive! ... Squeaky's Below PDX label, Au, Black Elk, Dragging an Ox Through Water, Explode Into Colors, Glass Candy, Grouper, Here Comes a Big Black Cloud!!, Pulse Emitter, and more after the jump! Ilyas Ahmed [more...]
Date: 2008-08-18 22:25:11
Organic cleaning products - Goin green and lovin it
Never underestimate the the truth about the harmful effects black mold can have on your health ... issues.Cleaning products are a safe way to prevent having to deal with mold. One way to remove black ... would be the kitchen and bathroom areas. You must always check the basement area for mold as well [more...]
Date: 2008-07-25 21:20:38
Phosphoric acid
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search This article is about orthophosphoric acid. For other acids commonly called “phosphoric acid”, see Phosphoric acids and phosphates.Phosphoric acid, also known as orthophosphoric acid or phosphoric(V) acid, is a mineral (inorganic) acid having the chemical formula H3PO4 [more...]
Date: 2008-12-18 03:31:57
Meet Diego the Grim, Dark Wizard and Chain Smoker Extraordinaire
I’ve joined a new play-by-blog game ran by Noisms of Monsters and Manuals fame ... sandbox to play around in (and get sat on and killed by blue skinned demons and giant mold monsters ... , browns, and greys. Currently wearing a long sleeved grey tunic, black pants, a heavy brown poncho [more...]
Date: 2008-08-21 10:56:27
Black Mold Health Effects - What Kills Mold?
Black molds and mildews are known for bringing about various health problems in human beings ... are preferred by molds and mildews to grow in. Mold removal is the only way to get rid of such sticky ... with compromised immune system suffer a lot when exposed to black molds. Black Mold Health Effects: Mold [more...]
Date: 2008-06-11 00:15:40
Seven Facts About Household Mold
Below are seven facts about household mold. Mold is a fungus. Like all fungi, it thrives in damp, dark places. Its ecological role is the decomposition of organic matter. Mold grows in many colors, from black ... . These include black mold (Stachybotrys chartarum) and Aspergillus. The common brown mold [more...]
Date: 2008-06-17 10:51:46
Heavy duty cleaning products - Goin green and feeling good
Never underestimate the the truth about the harmful effects black mold can have on your health ... to remove black mold from your home or business is to try and keep it from enterning your home ... be the kitchen and bathroom areas. You must always check the basement area for mold as well because [more...]
Date: 2008-09-03 16:02:13
Roy Buchanan
Roy Buchanan-Master Series-1999-PolygramGreat compilation album with seventeen of the late, great bluesman Roy Buchanan's best tracks. A much overlooked bluesman, and master of the Fender Telecaster, the album focuses on Roy's electric blues rock '70s period. It includes great songs like 'Sweet Dreams', 'Tribute To Elmore James', 'Hey Joe' (Live) [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 15:16:00
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