Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about historical house plans

When in Ruthenia . . ., Part 2

Last week we published a translation from Izvestia about the potential interest the Russian government may have in supporting an obscure nationalist ... of the restoration of Ruthenian statehood". To the Transcarpathian Oblast Rada was in essence delivered ... into face-smashing, right alongside a little old lady - God's dandelion - was calmly finishing [more...]

Date: 2008-11-18 16:25:05

Blog posts (288) | Videos (39)

How to Ride the Post-Election Bounce

HIDDEN VALUE Dear Friend, A new month brings a new batch of depressing headlines from the real economy. U.S. factory activity fell to its lowest level for 26 years in October. Circuit City says it plans ... credit card losses will likely surpass historical peaks in 2009. Meanwhile, Jeffrey Lacker, president [more...]

Date: 2008-11-03 19:54:30

Sacramento Real Estate Market: First or Last to Rebound?

From InvestmentNews.com:As economists and housing experts desperately look for signs of a bottom in the crumbling housing market, ... Thornberg said Southern California home prices likely will continue falling until mid-to-late 2009 ... some investors are starting to make plans based on which major markets are predicted to rebound [more...]

Date: 2008-06-24 22:15:05

November 9, 2008 -- Assigned Reading

(Cartoon by Michael Ramirez.) Palin Denounces Anonymous Critics as "Cowardly" (FROM: Associated Press) Good ... enough said ... from the organization. Now, we're learning that Emanuel was, just this year, the top House ... , or Rosie O'Donnell to manage a Weight Watchers franchise. Historical Perspective on Obama's Victory [more...]

Date: 2008-11-09 07:12:13

Publishing Deals – September 4th – September 25th

Yeah, we’re a little behind. There was a metric ton of deals this month so we’re just highlighting the most interesting/quirky/absurd. If your book’s not here, it’s because your blurb didn’t stick out (for better or for worse). Guillermo del Toro has a bizarre imagination if we judge by his film credits (Hellboy, The Orphanage, Pan’s Labyrinth) [more...]

Date: 2008-09-25 17:07:40

Why The Navy Needs Combat Drones

As you all well know I've been very passionate about the promise of unmanned aerial vehicles -- especially combat drones that can execute long-range strike missions and even dogfight. My good friends Tom Ehrhard and Bob Work at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments put together an exhaustive report making the [more...]

Date: 2008-06-19 16:58:31

Concentrating the Wealth, Pt. 2

(See Part 1.) A funny thing happened on the way to the bailout. A number of the members of the bucket brigade - that's us, taxpayers - realized that for all the billions of dollars worth of bailing we're doing, we still appear to be sinking. Our task seems to be keeping things afloat long enough for first class passengers to fill the lifeboats [more...]

Date: 2008-10-31 20:39:26

RA's Daily Russia News Blast - July 25, 2008

TODAY: Russia may withdraw OSCE funding; National Bolshevik web master jailed; court requests Khodorkovsky evaluation; ... with Venezuela, praising Russia’s denial of reports that it plans to send strategic bombers to Cuba as “ ... in retaliation for the US’ Eastern Europe missile defense plans, possibly using Cuba as a refuelling point [more...]

Date: 2008-07-25 10:42:05

Secondary Sources: Globalization, Tax Plans, Economic Test, Zimbabwe

A roundup of economic news from around the Web. Globalization: Dani Rodrik writes for the Project Syndicate writes about globalization under threat. “Gglobalization’s cheerleaders … often behave as if the “other side” still consists of protectionists and anarchists. Today, the question is no longer, ‘Are you for or against globalization? [more...]

Date: 2008-07-24 13:56:22

Suite and Hostel :: Video Tours Galore

We simply couldn't bear to send you off into your weekend without an image of Bill Marriott looking happy. We just couldn't. Who can look at this photo and not just feel warm and fuzzy all over? Look how cute he is! And why is Billy M. looking oh-so-thrilled? Why, he just got to check out the new Courtyard by Marriott post-extreme-makeover [more...]

Date: 2008-08-22 22:40:06

Clinton Endorsement Speech Gave Obama And Her What They Both Needed

When it was announced that Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton was going to give a concession and endorsement speech the key questions became: ... the party — and would it allow the controversial Clinton to emerge from the primaries a historic ... as a turning point election. She warned Democrats not to let Republicans take the White House again [more...]

Date: 2008-06-07 19:06:11

The Socialist Bush Administration?

As the Wall Street bailout program morphs from one helping banks to one benefiting insurers and (perhaps) ... in Washington’s bailout plans encroaches too far on private markets, White House spokeswoman Dana ... House that once lived and died railing against big-government interventionism. But these are lean [more...]

Date: 2008-10-31 13:15:02

Daily Dose: 11/24/08

» AsianWeek Market Report » One Third of Asian Elders Live Below Poverty Line in NYC » CAPAC Elects Officers for 111th Congress » Little-Known Japanese American WWII War Heroes Celebrated » San Diego Jury Finds Man Guilty of Hawaiian Pro Surfer’s Murder » Filipino American Vocalist Cracks World Music Chart » New Zealand Stuns Australia at [more...]

Date: 2008-11-24 23:39:18

Permalink | WEDNESDAY NEWS UPDATE. BEGICH DEFEATS STEVENS; LIEBERMAN GETS WRIST SLAP; McCAIN TO SEEK RE-ELECTION; AND A "VICTORY LAP" ROAD MAP FOR THE LEFT. ALASKA. State officials finally completed the initial vote count on Tuesday in the hotly contested US Senate race. With nearly all votes tallied, Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich (D) [more...]

Date: 2008-11-20 03:30:51

Busiek Takes Sheldon Farther From “The Gods Among Us” in EYE OF THE CAMERA

Kurt Busiek is widely regarded as one of the great writers in modern comics, and for most fans that reputation started with Marvels. Working in concert with painter Alex Ross, Busiek reimagined important, historic stories throughout Marvel Comics’ publishing history through the eyes of freelance news photographer [more...]

Date: 2008-12-08 03:03:09

The Truth About Cars, the Potential of Cities

This article was written by Alex Steffen in January 2008. We're republishing it here as part of our month-long editorial retrospective. Today's cars are costly, dangerous and an ecological nightmare. What if the solution to the problems they create, though, has more to do with where we live than what we drive? [more...]

Date: 2008-09-26 22:09:40

Congressman Emanuel Often Took 'Peace Now' Position and Praised Rabin as 'Visionary'

Edward Abington Jr. is a leading Arabist. A former consul general for the State Department in Washington, he once represented the Palestinian Authority in negotiations in Washington. A friend has sent along Abington's comments on Rahm Emanuel's likely stance re Israel/Palestine. Abington offered his views on a foreign-policy listserv called Salon [more...]

Date: 2008-11-14 17:58:27

Has Deleveraging Even Begun? (Not For the Fainthearted)

It no doubt seems absurd to question the idea that deleveraging in underway. We've had three heroic central bank interventions, starting in August 2007, to reverse seize-ups in the money markets. The asset backed commercial paper market has been almost in run-off mode. Leveraged buyout loans have been scarce to non-existent [more...]

Date: 2008-07-28 07:37:19

The Great Debate

Heard from my old pal Max Kennedy yesterday, about that trashing I gave the al-Qaeda angle and a couple of other points in his book “Danger’s Hour: The Story of the USS Bunker Hill and the Kamikaze Pilot Who Crippled Her,” after a preliminary scan. Yeah, it’s exhaustively researched, well-written World War II history with an al-Qaeda angle [more...]

Date: 2008-12-12 14:23:48

It’s A Different Good In California

The Ventura County Star reports from California. “With the influx of foreclosures flooding the market, ... possessions. They originally listed their 1,831-square-foot, five-bedroom, 2.5-bath house for $650,000.” “ ... or foreclosure, you’re just not going to get a lot of people to your house,’ Howell said. ‘You’ve just got [more...]

Date: 2008-06-17 22:38:21

Square Today, Octagon Tomorrow

Orson Squire Fowler was determined to be a preacher. At the tender age of 17 he walked 400 miles from his small town of Cohocton, New York to Massachusetts so that he might be tutored in the ways of the ministry. When Fowler enrolled in Amherst he made fast friends with another minister-to-be, [more...]

Date: 2008-10-14 04:45:17

Divide and Conquer: The Anglo-American Imperial Project

by Andrew G. Marshall featured writer Dandelion Salad July 11, 2008 Establishing an “Arc of Crisis” Many would be skeptical that the Anglo-Americans would be behind terrorist acts in Iraq, such as with the British in Basra, when two British SAS soldiers were caught dressed as Arabs, with explosives and massive arsenal of weapons. [more...]

Date: 2008-07-11 08:19:31

UPDATED “American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan.” Tax and Spend Boys!

The bill has no text or details yet, but it does have a name: ... was circulating this weekend, but House Democratic officials said they hope to have one by early next week. “ ... the government devises another way for motorists to pay for using public roads. Read more Obama plans to unveil [more...]

Date: 2009-01-04 15:09:31

The 100% True* Rumor Report: San Diego ComicCon Edition

As you all probably know, this is a huge weekend for news of the comics industry as publishers make their biggest announcements of the year at San ... you the news that you won’t be seeing anywhere else! Marvel Comics Sources report that the House ... . Future plans include a multi-part epic of urban warfare, starting with Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em [more...]

Date: 2008-07-26 02:49:35

Shop For Groceries Online, Not Paying Off Credit Cards @ The Carnivals

free credit scores by telling us all about Credit Karma! Money Smart Life: Henry confesses to being a credit card expert with a secret. Gen X Finance reminds us that market conditions shouldn’t derail our investment strategies. With the current damage the market has done to our portfolios, can we really avoid being fair-weather [more...]

Date: 2008-07-16 23:00:00

Tomb of “Gladiator” General Uncovered in Italy

Were you aware that the Roman general turned gladiator portrayed by Russell Crowe for the film “Gladiator” was loosely based on the life of a real ... director Ridley Scott took liberties with actual historical accounts. In fact, Commodus was greatly ... , there could be plans to reconstruct the tomb of General Marcus Nonius Macrinus and turn [more...]

Date: 2008-10-16 14:35:55

Election 2012: The Really Early Line

It is something of a truism of modern American politics that the next campaign begins right after the polls close on the last one ... . I chose to start with 1896 because most political experts think this is when the modern political ... . During these 16 years the Republicans kept control of the White House under three Presidents (McKinley [more...]

Date: 2008-11-24 16:16:48

Is it the same for all of us?

WRITTEN BY IBRAHIM TURNER Do we carry our prejudices with us wherever we go? When I see Gaza being bombed or the settlers beating up old Palestinian women on their own land, I feel outraged. When I see Israelis lamenting about the homemade rockets hitting their houses and a child loses a leg, I feel outraged, [more...]

Date: 2008-07-14 12:04:05

My Party, Right or Wrong

This is a long, link-heavy, almost “stream-of-consciousness” jumbled post. So be warned…. There seems to be a civil war going on. Hard to the right Conservatives who reluctantly jumped aboard the straight talk express- not because they were for McCain so much as they were against Obama (and for Palin) [more...]

Date: 2008-11-16 15:59:09

Military Prostitution and the U.S. Military in Asia

Katharine H.S. Moon Where there are soldiers, there are women who exist for them. This is practically a cliché. History is filled with examples of women as war booty and "camp followers," their bodies being used for service labor of various kinds, including sex. Contrary to common assumptions in the West, prostitution is not "part of Asian culture [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 11:35:00

Mister Stanley Wouldn't Be Happy, As Couple Attempts to Tear Down the Historic Marcus House

The Marcus House, as it looked during construction in 1938 Much of what you should know about Stanley Marcus' former house on Nonesuch Road can ... for a demolition permit with the Texas Historic Commission (and not the city, as originally mentioned ... -designated historic structure, the city won't be able to stand in front of the bulldozers [more...]

Date: 2008-08-11 03:07:52

Weekend Financial Blog Posts

I am trying to get a cross section of good financial bloggers - leave me a link with any blogs you would recommend (especially your own): Historical Federal Tax Rates by Income Group 2008 Federal Tax Brackets Explained Obama’ ... , Issue 12 Zillow Plans to Add Home Search By Zestimate Do It Yourself Debt Consolidation I Quit [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 01:01:38

Presidential Inauguration - A Grand Moment

             It should not matter whether or not one has voted for the winner of the Presidential election this past November, come January 20, 2009, ... and becomes at that moment the President for all Americans! While every inauguration is a historical event ... will occupy the White House for at least four years and will therefore hold the most [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 13:40:24

DrumBeat: December 1, 2008

A Shore Thing? Why Offshore Wind Power Will Likely Struggle Offshore wind power is the Holy Grail of renewable energy: It’s clean, abundant, ... and leadership can still make a profound difference! Factors close to home dictate 'fair' oil price ... of view. Oilpatch spending plans soften CALGARY [more...]

Date: 2008-12-01 13:48:47

The Heresy of Orthodoxy

UPDATE: Friday, 19 September 2008 The Anglican Province of the Southern Cone has accepted Pittsburgh's deposed Episcopal Bishop Robert Duncan into ... that Anglicanism, as a global religious entity, is now amid its greatest historical crisis. The following ... of The Right Rev. Robert Duncan by the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church and consider [more...]

Date: 2008-09-18 17:29:37

Calvin and Stuff and Calvin

Molly Worthen's article has created quite a bit of discussion on the blogosphere, especially regarding new calvinism. Heres some stuff on it. 1 ... very much that I could have droned on at length, with great historical detail and nuance ... Hill and the historical Reformed tradition), but as a magazine journalist one is forced (by word [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 18:35:16

Lincoln Didn't Sleep Here

Spearheaded by First Lady Caroline Harrison, this 1889 proposal called for transforming the White House into a vast quadrangle with two multilevel ... gardens, and conservatories. Images from "The White House: The History of An American Idea" by William Seale (The White House Historical Association/The American Institute of Architects Press, 1992 [more...]

Date: 2009-01-20 07:00:00

Market Vertigo - By Cliff Draughn

"We give you a Republic; now see if you can keep it." -- Ben FranklinAs I have remarked in prior calendar-turning newsletters, it is this time of the year when most people pause to reflect on the past, ponder the present, and plan the future. The New Year always rings in with the soothsayers and fortunetellers of the market invading our [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 23:46:00

Judge Orders Miss. Race Moved Up on Ballot

Judge Orders Miss. Race Moved Up on Ballot The ruling gave at least a temporary victory to Mississippi Democrats and other critics, ... McCain on Conservative Path | Democrats Relying on Early Spending in Pursuit of House Gains ... Presidential Map CQ Presidential Map Ratings | Scenarios | Historical | Purple Election [more...]

Date: 2008-09-13 10:33:50

The "Obama Effect"

The "Obama Effect" Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-Fla.), Rep. Artur Davis, (D-Ala.) and former congressman Harold Ford Jr ... -- from the Illinois state Senate to the White House in the space of six years -- is already driving candidates ... Committee and is widely seen as a rising star in House politics. His run for Senate will force him to leave [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 16:45:00

become infamous for its ballooning costs, which have swollen to four times the original estimate in just three years. The velodrome and main stadium are also bulging beyond the confines of their original budget. That said, CLM can perhaps take credit that they're far from the greediest kitten at the teat [more...]

Date: 2008-07-18 16:12:03

The Bush Administration’s Secret Biowarfare Agenda

Dandelion Salad by Stephen Lendman Global Research, July 28, 2008 When it comes to observing US and international laws, treaties and norms, the Bush administration is a serial offender. Since 2001, it’s: – spurned efforts for nuclear disarmament to advance its weapons program and retain current stockpiles; [more...]

Date: 2008-07-28 12:33:00

Joe Biden trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear

AP Photo Politico.com reports that Joe Biden plans to “limit the role of vice president” to what it supposedly was before the Bush-Cheney White House: Dialing back his predecessor’s expansive view of the office, Vice President-elect Joe Biden plans on “restoring the Office of the Vice President to its historical role” as adviser [more...]

Date: 2008-12-06 22:34:10

Marc Rich! Again??

Matthews: Bush is Like the Cop Who Shoots an Unarmed ManBy David Neiwert - Crooks and LiarsDiscussing the Bush legacy Friday, Chris Matthews on MSNBC's Hardball came up with a good metaphorMatthews: I found it interesting that the president, who admitted he was wrong about WMDs as a justification for war, called it a "disappointment [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 18:23:00

Biden to break with Cheney vice presidency, plans to limit role in Congress.

In his effort to expand the powers of vice presidency to dangerous levels, Dick Cheney has met regularly with congressional Republicans ... independence from the White House by barring the vice president from joining in internal Senate deliberations ... to its historical role. He and Senator Reid see eye to eye on this.” At the October vice [more...]

Date: 2008-12-06 22:02:42


December 3, 2008 in history and current events | by davenoon So a while back, my blogging colleague Rob Farley reviewed David Horowitz’ latest masterwork, Party of Defeat: How Democrats and Radicals Undermined America’s War on Terror Before and After 9-11 (though, not, we surmise, on 9-11) [more...]

Date: 2008-12-03 22:17:39

Dr. Paul’s Speech - Rally for the Republic

’ One of the things we love so much about Dr. Paul is that he never reads canned speeches - he always speaks from his head, and, his heart. For the Rally for the Republic, Dr. Paul worked hard on an outline and wanted to share his notes. His exact words will differ, and some parts will improvised, but his sentiment is in this text [more...]

Date: 2008-09-02 23:39:23

From the Crowd to the Cloud: Watching the Inauguration on the Internet

I won’t be cramming onto a plane this weekend, spending a month’s salary on a plush hotel suite, haggling for tickets, or planning my assault on the Washington mall with other jostling out-of towners. It’s not that I’m not excited about seeing Barack Obama be sworn in as 44th President of the United States, [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 20:04:00

DIRECTORY: Home | The Presidency | P2008 Race | State/Federal Candidates | Political Parties Calendar | Campaign Products & Services | Issues | News Blog | News Links FAQ | View from Abroad | Bookstore | Our Awards | Advertise | About Us | Email Us TUESDAY NEWS UPDATE [more...]

Date: 2009-01-08 04:08:29

Mike Ruppert: "Possible Civil Unrest in US"

"Perhaps we should be holding our breaths for something else; something that is breaking out all over the world. Civil unrest now moves from a back to a front burner as a landmark on our map and a pressing issue for our discussion. What is happening in Eastern Europe and the many other places around the world where riots are breaking out will give [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 22:00:00

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