Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about historical house plans

The Political Economy of Media (Part II) by Stephen Lendman

Dandelion Salad by Stephen Lendman Global Research June 27, 2008 Review of Robert McChesney’s book McChesney’s book is a compilation of his best political economy of media work in the past two decades. It contains 23 separate offerings under three topic headings. In them he covers “enduring issues” and “emerging dilemmas [more...]

Date: 2008-06-28 02:15:42

Blog posts (288) | Videos (39)

CBS: McCain Losing Because of Attack Ads & Palin Pick

Wednesday’s CBS Early Show began to declare the presidential race over as co-host Julie Chen touted new CBS News/New York Times poll numbers and proclaimed: "Obama surge. As the candidates head to the final showdown, Barack Obama opens up a 14-point lead. Can John McCain turn his campaign around in the final debate? [more...]

Date: 2008-10-15 18:05:04

Lewis Diuguid: Code Word for Race-Card Playing Journalist

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we practice to play the race card so close to Election Eve! ... historical roots. “J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI from 1924 to 1972, used the term liberally ... . In other words, the old “share the wealth” axiom. These house- and car-owning fools get off playing [more...]

Date: 2008-10-22 16:20:01

Winter Patriot - From the Mouths of Terrorists, the Poisonous Truth

From The Mouths Of Terrorists: The Poisonous Truth  Two weeks ago we were talking about the most recent terror propaganda from friends of Mossad ... whose name often appears as Zawahiri in our bizarre western media , referred to Obama as a “house slave”. It was a historical reference to pre-Civil War days when white Americans in the land [more...]

Date: 2008-12-05 08:41:02

Will the US Fashion a Smarter Bailout Plan?

So far, we in the US have had an ad hoc, half-assed, on-the-fly approach to resolving the credit and financial crisis. The smartest bailout approach to date has been the British/Swedish/Buffett approach: Inject capital at a corporate capital structure level by buying preferred stock, rather than at the balance sheet level by buying bad assets [more...]

Date: 2008-10-09 16:15:00

Obama naysayers speak out

With Barack Obama’s approval ratings in the 70s and his visage plastered on every shop window and Metro card in Washington, ... . I know what his politics are. I know what his plans are, as he has stated them. I don’t want them ... , former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay hammered on the cost. If Obama were "serious" about changing [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 11:51:19

The Effects of the Democratic Stimulus Package

For all you Obama fans, this one’s for you. Hope and Change, Obama-style.From Powerline:http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2009/01/022586 ... , Minority Leader John Boehner sent out an email on the House Democrats' ridiculous $825 billion ‘stimulus’ bill. It is worth reproducing in its entirety:A Dozen Fun Facts About the House Democrats' Massive [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 21:32:00

Insane and Hussein

Stop press! Gerry Adams to attend the inauguration of the One on Tuesday in Washington. The Shinner press office employees put down their buckets of historical whitewash earlier ... 1 million people - made up of a mixture of east coast liberals, New York coffee house opinion [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 08:15:52

Press Releases: 01/16/09

CNN (2)CNN Enlists iReporters to Capture ‘The Moment’ of Obama’s OathNetwork to Use Microsoft Photosynth and User-Generated Photos to Create 3-D Image of Inauguration CNN Worldwide plans to create the most unique view of the exact moment U.S. President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office on Tuesday, Jan. 20, at noon (ET). Using [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 18:44:11

A Simple Excess Of Greed And Speculation

The Boston Herald reports from Massachusetts. “Call it the return of the $100,000 home. Real estate observers are seeing a spike in the number of single-family houses and condominiums available in certain areas of the state for $100,000 or less. Real estate agents say they’re seeing some eye-popping retro-like prices for some homes and condos in [more...]

Date: 2008-09-16 14:33:25

The Socialization of the Mortgage Business

Unless you own an oil well or a goldmine, 2008 has been a bad year…a $3 trillion haircut for U.S ... of housing…Aquaculture in Iowa…seems that everyone has a house for sale - but no buyers in sight… ... held steady yesterday - in the face of Saudi plans to pump another 200,000 barrels a day. The dollar [more...]

Date: 2008-06-17 15:23:02

Guest Blogger: Michelle Moran on How to Promote Your Book (Part 2)

Michelle Moran is the acclaimed and bestselling author of NEFERTITI, published by Crown in 2007, and THE HERETIC QUEEN, ... is historical fiction author C.W. Gortner’s Historical Boys, and a wonderful example of a more eclectic approach is historical romance author Deanna Raybourn’s Blog A Go-Go. What I really can’t recommend [more...]

Date: 2008-10-22 15:41:00

From the White House to Your House: Change Needed in New York City

The Indypendent’s Jaisal Noor sat down with two veteran progressive journalists to discuss the impact of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s plan to run for a third term, what might be expected from the administration of President-elect ... intense effects in New York City, which is the home of these same investment banks [more...]

Date: 2008-11-15 20:41:21

Bailout Bill Follies

The good news, for incensed bill opponents like myself, ... by Issac, Krugman, or past historical events, seems a much more logical and less potentially hazardous ... . If other plans can accomplish the same for less, than suddenly we've got hundreds of billions of dollars [more...]

Date: 2008-10-02 21:33:17

The Abandoned Snowpike

As the official representative* of Pennsylvania’s Abandoned Turnpike, I decided to take advantage of the recent snowfall, chilly temperatures, and “low” gas prices to make another trek out to Breezewood.  In typical fashion, my plans to leave at 8am wound up becoming my plans to leave at 11am, which means I left around 12:30pm [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 19:22:57

The Abandoned Snowpike

As the official representative* of Pennsylvania’s Abandoned Turnpike, I decided to take advantage of the recent snowfall, chilly temperatures, and “low” gas prices to make another trek out to Breezewood.  In typical fashion, my plans to leave at 8am wound up becoming my plans to leave at 11am, which means I left around 12:30pm [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 19:22:57

Daily Dose: 06/26/08

> AsianWeek Market Report > ‘Hu Flung Pu’ - Racial Slur and/or Just Plain Immature? > Assemblywoman Ellen Young Passes Two Bills as Session Closes > Representative Mike Honda Opposes Effort to Recall Councilwoman > California State Senate Committee Passes Paid Sick Days > [more...]

Date: 2008-06-26 21:14:21

Words from the (investment) wise 1.18.08

Words from the (investment) wise for the week that was (January 12 – 18, 2009) Investor sentiment around the globe was negatively impacted during 2009’s second full week of trading as a barrage of bleak economic and corporate news offered more confirmation of a deepening recession, bringing risk aversion to center stage [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 12:50:17

MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Responsible for the Lack of Public Interest in Space Exploration?

It's not often that our real life science heroes utter disparaging remarks against science fiction. In fact, the opposite is usually true; science fiction is often cited as a source of inspiration and interest. Enter Buzz Aldrin, who caused a stir recently with some comments he made [more...]

Date: 2008-10-29 07:28:56

Majority of Americans see through press bias

You’ve got to hand it to American voters.  They REALLY don’t trust the press.  They also know that our mainstream media is totally in the tank for Obama.  From Rasmussen: The belief that reporters are trying to help Barack Obama win the fall campaign has grown by five percentage points over the past month [more...]

Date: 2008-07-21 16:04:37

Biggest Boondoggle in American History

Still believe this is about reinvestment?...:rofl2 Biggest Boondoggle in American History Quote: We are living in a historical moment that in some ways represents uncharted territory ... out an email on the House Democrats' ridiculous $825 billion "stimulus" bill. It is worth reproducing [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 11:38:43

Wiegand's TR at White House tonight

Just heard from our good friend Joe Wiegand, who reminded us tonight's the big night he'll be performing before President and Mrs. George W. Bush at the White House, imitating Theodore Roosevelt at a special 150th anniversary celebration of Roosevelt's birthday. Joe writes: As we get set for the White House, I want [more...]

Date: 2008-10-27 15:30:48

Book Review: Heroes in Black History: True Stories From the Lives of Christian Heroes by Dave and Neta Jackson

The husband and wife team Dave and Neta Jackson are prolific authors, writing the most compelling Christian biographies on the face of this earth ... adults.   Authors of the extensive historical fiction series, Trailblazer Books, as well ... like the best historical fiction. Written for children in the 7 – 12 year-old age range, adults will also [more...]

Date: 2008-10-26 03:52:46

A Birthday Story for MJS and the Now Lost Forever Tel Asmar

So, first off: Happy Birthday MJS! We miss you! And love you! And your beautiful, gracious, thoughtful wife, who in turn gave me a gift by asking me to give you one. I hope you enjoy your book. Secondly, I’m too heartbroken to explain Tel Asmar; just google “Tel Asmar UChicago dig house” and you’ll understand- it’s gone [more...]

Date: 2008-08-09 23:16:09

"You Have Failed Entirely", Says Planned Parenthood and ACLU

Planned Parenthood Federation of America with the ACLU and the Center for Reproductive Rights sent a letter today to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs criticizing them for failing "to explain how the Provider Conscience regulation meets the “extraordinary circumstances” standard laid out in the Bolton Memorandum [more...]

Date: 2008-11-17 22:51:06

From a Distance

I am a planner. My friends and family would say that this is a big understatement ... , and as Elizabeth discovers, "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails…" I enjoyed reading this book and following Elizabeth's journey. I like historical fiction, and Tamera [more...]

Date: 2008-07-11 10:00:40

AEI Subprime IV.4: Zimmerman Presentation

Here is Housing Doom’s fourth installment of our unauthorized annotated transcript of the American Enterprise Institute’s September 30, 2008 seminar "The Deflating Mortgage and Housing Bubble, Part IV: Where Is the Bottom?" This is the presentation by Tom Zimmerman. He makes use of an extensive slide deck. [more...]

Date: 2008-11-22 07:01:39

The Bobby Kennedy myth by Joe Allen

Dandelion Salad by Joe Allen http://socialistworker.org June 6, 2008 Joe Allen, author of the new history Vietnam: The (Last) War the U.S ... memoir Remembering America: A Voice from the Sixties. Goodwin was a former White House staffer ... corps who could barely contain their enthusiasm for Bobby Kennedy’s quest for the White House [more...]

Date: 2008-06-06 17:51:11

So You Want to Work in Sports?: Ryan Knapp, President/GM, Queen City FC

Over the next several weeks, HHR will be interviewing 20 and 30-something-year-olds in various careers in professional, ... Murphy) spent months organizing all of the paperwork, finding investors, developing business plans, marketing plans, and creating ALL of the Queen City FC files and ideas that would run the club [more...]

Date: 2008-10-09 13:30:00

Obama’s reminds Pakistanis of "The Ugly American" with pontification on who Pakistan’s enemies are. Arrogant "Father knows best" attitude is a throwback to colonialism

Noticias de Rupia | Nouvelles de Roupie | Rupiennachrichten | новости рупии | 卢比新闻 | Roepienieuws | Rupi Nyheter | ルピーニュース | Notizie di Rupia | PAKISTAN LEDGER | پاکستاني کھاتا | DefensebriefsIntellibriefs Translate this page on to one of these languages: Subscribe to our RSS feed: | RUPEE NEWS | November 3rd, [more...]

Date: 2008-11-04 00:59:47

Who are the Israelites & Jews and Who is their real Target

Jump to CommentsBy Perwazekhudiperwazekhudi@gmail.comIn order to understand this, we must look into the history and geography of this region. The Land on the east coast of Mediterranean Sea, Where the modern days, Jordon, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Israel is Located, used to be called Canaan and the people Who lived there were called [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 15:59:04

DrumBeat: August 6, 2008

In rural Alaska, fuel costs now matter of survival BARROW, Alaska - A gallon of unleaded gasoline: $10. Heating fuel: $9.10 a gallon. Electricity: $1.17 per kilowatt hour — 11 times the national average. Some heavily taxed European nation or a time in the future when global fossil fuels have grown dangerously sparse? Try [more...]

Date: 2008-08-06 12:23:42

Circumnavigation: The Boat - Part I

new sailboat in Exuma, Bahamas and sailed it to North Carolina - just a few days ahead of what was soon to be Hurricane Fay. Helping me crew were my long-time friend Fred Burke, and my daughter Trisha. We had just enough time the evening before to put fuel and provisions on the boat [more...]

Date: 2008-08-24 23:20:05

Crunks 2008: The Year in Media Errors and Corrections

Editor’s Note: This site doesn’t accept advertising. It’s purely a volunteer effort on my part, and I’d be grateful if you’d consider purchasing a copy of the Regret the Error book, which won an award from the National Press Club this year. You can learn more about the book and read some reviews here [more...]

Date: 2008-12-16 12:01:30

Disgraced Rep. Jerry Lewis Solicits Lobbyists To Fund His Congressional Portrait

Disgraced Rep. Jerry Lewis Solicits Lobbyists To Fund His Congressional Portrait Filed Under: Ethics By Amanda on Aug 8th, 2008 at 4: ... to contractors in the Duke Cunningham corruption scandal. Formerly the powerful chairman of the House ... cover the cost of his portrait, which will hang in the committee’s Rayburn House Office Building [more...]

Date: 2008-08-08 20:41:31

The state of independent local online news, part 3: No paper? No problem! News companies use the Web to enter new markets

By David Westphal: [Editor's note: This is day three of OJR's a week-long look at the state of independent local online news start-ups. Each day's report will include a feature article, as well as a Q & A with one or more of the day's sources. If you missed the first two installments, here they are: Part 1: Sites on the rise; [more...]

Date: 2008-10-31 19:02:21

SPOTLIGHT: Books of November 2008

Welcome to the November 2008 edition of Fantasy Book Critic’s monthly SPOTLIGHT which covers everything from fantasy and science fiction to horror, thrillers, YA, and more. Previous spotlights are listed at the end of this article. November 2008 is not nearly as jam-packed with titles as September and October were, [more...]

Date: 2008-11-01 07:01:00

RNC's Pushback Against Obama Speech

After the jump, see the Republican National Committee's response to Barack Obama's town hall meeting in Springfield, MO today ... Democratic plans, tax rates would increase by 3 percentage points for each of the 25 percent, 28 percent ... The Capital Gains Tax Rate And More Than Doubling The Dividend Tax Rate. (Andrew Taylor, "House, Senate [more...]

Date: 2008-07-30 21:05:09

From Baku to Russian-Occupied Georgia

“Russia can have at its borders only enemies or vassals.” – George F. Kennan, United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union “You must draw a white-hot iron over this Georgian land!…You will have to break the wings of this Georgia! Let the blood of the petit bourgeois [more...]

Date: 2008-09-10 08:22:34

Geo Education's Alaska Trip Diary - Conclusion

Friday, September 26, 2008 at 7:40 AM Looking Back, Moving OnOn Saturday morning, ... , and postcards along the way, plus a colorful certificate I plan to frame and display proudly ... up revising our original lesson plans, paring down the information to focus on the essentials [more...]

Date: 2008-09-26 14:40:00


I have been blogging now for nearly 4 years and I can honestly say I have never had as much fun writing as I experienced when “liveblogging” ... . *********************************************************** Faithful readers of The House will recall that in previous years, my “ [more...]

Date: 2008-07-02 12:22:04

The Greatest Story Never Told

So what if I told you that the powers of financial capitalism (bankers etc.), had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole [more...]

Date: 2008-07-27 09:41:13

My Historic Washington: Southwest

For some reason, I always knew I wanted to live in Washington, D.C ... . Its a wonderful neighborhood, designed and developed in the 1920s, with lots of families and beautiful historic ... the more traditional historic districts like Logan Circle and Capitol Hill, I was drawn to Southwest [more...]

Date: 2009-01-19 14:37:17

Covering Up Israeli War Crimes

U.S. Media Elite Covering Up Israeli War Crimesby Stephen LendmanIn his January 8 article, ‘Gaza Under Fire,’ John Pilger quotes the Soviet dissident Yevgeny Yevtushenko saying: ‘When the truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie.’ [more...]

Date: 2009-01-18 23:54:00

GOPUSA ILLINOIS Daily Clips - October 8, 2008

GOPUSA ILLINOIS Daily Clips for October 8, 2008 includes news and commentaries on the following topics: Republican Party candidates, elected officials, party leaders, and events Republican Party platform issues including promoting a strong national defense, respect for the rule of law, individual responsibilitiy, traditional values, etc [more...]

Date: 2008-10-08 14:54:02


President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address (President Barack Obama Delivers Inaugural Address at US Capitol in Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 2009) My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 07:48:37

Massive Lay-Offs Continue...

As US Airways Went Down, Fellow Pilots Fell SilentReutersNEW YORK (Reuters) - When pilots on the tarmac at New York's LaGuardia airport on Thursday heard that a US Airways passenger jet was going down on the Hudson River, they knew better than anybody that the odds of survival were grim [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 13:24:00

Investing in a Bear Market

On 09 October 2007, the Dow Jones Industrials hit a record high, closing at 14,279. What a difference a year makes: Last Friday, the Dow closed at 8451, and there’s a good chance it will drop even further. Unsurprisingly, my inbox is filled with e-mail from people who wonder what they should do [more...]

Date: 2008-10-13 12:00:33

First Look: September 23, 2008

Online advertising is failing users and advertisers both. Such ads often provide the gateway for computer security problems ranging from click fraud to spyware. And "malvertisement" banner ads purport to sell anti-spyware software, but only make matters worse, says HBS professor Ben Edelman [more...]

Date: 2008-09-23 20:03:34

Sorting Out the Truth on McCain, Obama Tax Policies

Sorting Out the Truth on McCain, Obama Tax Policies Politifact is distilling candidates' positions and presenting some of our key rulings of ... and attack. • Senators Chafe at House Plans to Chop Apart Compromise Tax Package RSS Other Top CQ Stories Appropriations Package Set for House Consideration | Three Questions [more...]

Date: 2008-09-24 12:50:29

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