Geothermal Systems-Find out more with Oliver Heating & Cooling
No matter what climate you live in, the temperature throughout the year varies ... Boiler Installation, Service, and Repair Residential Air Duct Cleaning Forced Air Systems ... Maintenance Agreements Commercial Air Duct Cleaning Cooling Tower Service Building Automation [more...]
Date: 2008-10-16 17:07:45
Blog posts
(240) |
Air Duct Cleaning: The Right Equipment is Key
by Amy Nutt Nearly every home and industrial building has air ducts ... be promoting poor health and respiratory conditions. This is just one reason why air duct cleaning ... , but rarely associate it with the lack of air duct cleaning. Unfortunately, most people never think [more...]
Date: 2008-12-23 23:05:42
Air Duct Cleaning: The Right Equipment is Key
by Amy Nutt Nearly every home and industrial building has air ducts ... be promoting poor health and respiratory conditions. This is just one reason why air duct cleaning ... , but rarely associate it with the lack of air duct cleaning. Unfortunately, most people never think [more...]
Date: 2008-12-22 15:17:51
Air Duct Cleaning: The Right Equipment is Key
by Amy Nutt Nearly every home and industrial building has air ducts ... be promoting poor health and respiratory conditions. This is just one reason why air duct cleaning ... , but rarely associate it with the lack of air duct cleaning. Unfortunately, most people never think [more...]
Date: 2008-12-23 23:07:26
Air Duct Cleaning: The Right Equipment is Key
by Amy Nutt Nearly every home and industrial building has air ducts ... be promoting poor health and respiratory conditions. This is just one reason why air duct cleaning ... , but rarely associate it with the lack of air duct cleaning. Unfortunately, most people never think [more...]
Date: 2008-12-23 23:05:38
Air Duct Cleaning
Life has changed tremendously over the period of years people have started to change and adapt to the new technology ... to people who have got reputation or experience in air conditioning & air duct cleaning ... place to get your air conditioner serviced and installed. There are many other services they take [more...]
Date: 2008-06-26 01:54:37
Know What To Look For In A Good Air Duct Cleaning Service
by Amy Nutt Most people aren’t very aware of how dirty the ducts of their heating and air conditioning systems can actually get, ... for them. Cleaning the air duct system of your home is not something that you have to worry about every six ... up in your duct work over time and along with the changes in climate and levels of humidity; this can cause [more...]
Date: 2008-08-15 11:36:22
Know What To Look For In A Good Air Duct Cleaning Service
by Amy Nutt Most people aren’t very aware of how dirty the ducts of their heating and air conditioning systems can actually get, ... for them. Cleaning the air duct system of your home is not something that you have to worry about every six ... up in your duct work over time and along with the changes in climate and levels of humidity; this can cause [more...]
Date: 2008-08-15 11:31:50
Know What To Look For In A Good Air Duct Cleaning Service
by Amy Nutt Most people aren’t very aware of how dirty the ducts of their heating and air conditioning systems can actually get, ... for them. Cleaning the air duct system of your home is not something that you have to worry about every six ... up in your duct work over time and along with the changes in climate and levels of humidity; this can cause [more...]
Date: 2008-08-15 11:39:37
Know What To Look For In A Good Air Duct Cleaning Service
by Amy Nutt Most people aren’t very aware of how dirty the ducts of their heating and air conditioning systems can actually get, ... for them. Cleaning the air duct system of your home is not something that you have to worry about every six ... up in your duct work over time and along with the changes in climate and levels of humidity; this can cause [more...]
Date: 2008-08-15 11:57:18
Air ducts a flat iron and scandal
I don't know why I am about to tell you this story. It's embarrassing to me, but I can now look back at it and laugh ... for air duct cleaning. Being that I had no clue what reputable companies were in the area ... to get the carpets and air ducts cleaned right away. The previous owners had 2 if not more cats and at least [more...]
Date: 2008-10-28 10:30:00
Need a Carrier, Lennox, Goodman or a Payne Air Conditioner Installed?
Whether you are looking for a new central A/C installation or air duct cleaning, these are the people to contact: ... LICENSED, BONDED and INSURED. We would be honored to be your A/C ContractorAir Duct Cleaning Services ... RemediationOur Air Duct Cleaners Also Provide the Following Services...Chimney Cleaning (chimney sweep [more...]
Date: 2007-07-01 11:14:00
Finding Leaks in Ductwork
The crawlspace under our house seems abnormally cool in the summer and warm in the winter ... as you describe. It’s possible that the ducts are poorly sealed, allowing air to escape, or that they were ... the ducts for air leakage. Also, look for discoloration of the insulation or rusting of the ducts [more...]
Date: 2008-08-18 21:37:23
Air Duct Cleaning: The Right Equipment is Key
Nearly every home and industrial building has air ducts. We rarely think about them, but the truth is, when left uncleaned, these important ducts could be promoting poor health and respiratory conditions. This is just one reason why air duct cleaning [more...]
Date: 2008-12-21 10:22:42
Air Duct Cleaning: The Right Equipment is Key
Nearly every home and industrial building has air ducts. We rarely think about them, but the truth is, when left uncleaned, these important ducts could be promoting poor health and respiratory conditions. This is just one reason why air duct cleaning [more...]
Date: 2008-12-21 10:22:26
What are the Typical Prices for Residential Air Duct Cleaning
by Your heat had been running constantly, all the way through a rough, long winter ... that your air duct cleaning will be done by licensed, bonded and insured professionals who are going to be doing all of the work that is customary with a complete air duct cleaning. Make sure [more...]
Date: 2008-09-04 17:52:38
Protect Your Family From Indoor Air Pollution: Contact A Professional Today!
Duct Cleaning Most people are now aware that indoor air pollution is an issue of growing concern and increased visibility ... air. Duct cleaning generally refers to the cleaning of various heating and cooling system ... allergic reactions or other symptoms in people if they are exposed to them. Methods of duct cleaning [more...]
Date: 2008-09-25 16:04:55
Winterirze Your Louisville Home
No, this home isn’t in Louisville, Kentucky but it sure is gorgeous ... of these you feel confident tackling. 1. Clean/Repair Air Ducts It’s not a difficult concept, but cleaning out the air ducts requires the correct equipment. If you have access to a high-powered vacuum, maybe you’re [more...]
Date: 2008-12-16 22:53:45
Duct Cleaning
November 3, 2008 Almost every home has air ducts of some kind, whether a central HVAC or heat exchange unit ... chemicals. Interviewing the Cleaning Company - Do they belong to NADCA (The National Air Duct ... will charge more because the pipes are in hard-to-reach places. A duct cleaning company should [more...]
Date: 2008-11-03 13:22:36
Create Air Duct Zones to Remotely Control Air Flow and Reduce the Expense of Heating and Cooling
Source : The Official Smarthome Blog - All Things Home Automation [ ... 5-Inch Diameter Normally Open Electronic HVAC Air Duct Damper with Power Supply As energy costs rise, it is important to find different solutions that help conserve energy and keep your heating [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 23:10:35
Winterirze Your Home
I’m certainly no home improvement specialist myself, ... it to you to decide which of these you feel confident tackling. 1. Clean/Repair Air Ducts It’s not a difficult concept, but cleaning out the air ducts requires the correct equipment [more...]
Date: 2008-12-16 22:53:45
For balletomanes
I've always enjoyed classical ballet - as a viewer, not a participant, I hasten to add. I've never been twinkly on my toes ... made out of air-conditioning duct material, with a bodice ... and air, but also to reveal titillating glimpses of a pretty knee. For the wealthy patrons who routinely [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 04:57:00
How To Choose A Whole House Air Purifier
By Ray Lam Before purchasing an air purifier for your home, ... it with your household air duct system, allowing the air flow from the entire building ... gas and clean the air of other contaminants. If you have a problem with dust, mold, or mildew [more...]
Date: 2008-07-03 04:45:00
Wednesday Weekly Weigh In
yes, I know it's Thursday morning, but... I still haven't called to cancel the gym yet, which is unfortunate, ... of filthy air ducts and forced air heat, but getting the city to clean out the ducts? Not going [more...]
Date: 2008-11-20 14:30:00
What are the Typical Prices for Residential Air Duct Cleaning
by Your heat had been running constantly, all the way through a rough, long winter ... duct cleaning equipment to do the job the right way. Make sure that when you are getting estimates that your air duct cleaning will be done by licensed, bonded and insured professionals who are going [more...]
Date: 2008-09-04 17:04:25
2009 Dodge Circuit EV Official Detail
The Dodge Circuit EV displays bold exterior and interior styling with outstanding performance, zero gasoline consumption and zero tailpipe emissions ... feature a deep scallop, providing visual depth and also a functional rear-brake air duct ... sound system, power windows and door locks, air conditioning, speed control.Propelled by a completely [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 14:56:00
Twin Cities Air Duct Cleaning Company Provides Wide Range of HVAC Services has added a new Zip Code page to assist you in determining if they provide services in your area ... has made it even easier for potential customers to find out if heating and cooling related services are provided in their area.If you would like to see if the air duct cleaning zip codes covered [more...]
Date: 2007-05-20 00:16:00
LIPA’S REAP PROGRAM January 16th, 2009 ARE you are having trouble managing your electric bills? ... efficient water devices. LIPA customers who have electric heat or central air conditioning may also get air conditioning filter replacements, air and duct sealing and insulation, attic and wall [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 14:10:56
Preparing for your Home Inspection
This first section will deal with home owners who are still living in their homes and will be having a home inspection to have condition removed ... are well supported and not sagging. Basement window wells are debris free, drains are filled with clean ... air ducts. There is no issue with wires touching cold air returns. Make sure your electrical [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 17:01:00
Austin Air Duct Cleaning
Air quality is one of the most important factors in good health but it is also one of the most overlooked areas of home care and cleaning - ... medical problems. Many of these toxins can linger in the home long after the original cleaning took [more...]
Date: 2008-07-14 07:22:47
Green Eco Real Estate
Building and buying homes that are energy efficient and environmentally conscious is what seems to be on a lot of peoples minds ... variable speed dehumidification controlled, electronic air cleaning, heat pump system * Extra-sealed air conditioning ducts * TVs and other electronics that automatically power down when not in use [more...]
Date: 2008-12-22 15:17:22
Brass monkey just lost 'em
Date: 2009-01-16 09:06:00
The Air You Breathe
Just like my parents, I’d like to spend my retirement days in the province too where I could eat fresh vegetables, ... . Don’t you love living in a no-stress and clean environment? Studies show that fresh air refreshes ... you can try: 1. Get an Air Duct Cleaning service. This will improve the quality of your indoor [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 07:50:54
Mission Failed
When Knoxville Police found 25-year-old Richard Anthony Smith, they say he was trapped in an air duct about 45 feet below the roof of the Knoxville Museum of Art ... . With help from the Knoxville Fire Department, officers pulled Smith from the air duct without [more...]
Date: 2008-09-19 11:44:07
Get Your Carpets Cleaner!
Date: 2008-10-22 11:06:50
Bob’s Top Picks
I do recommend at least 3 quotes, but here are a list of people I have worked with and trust in alphabetical order ... Air Ducts Specialized Cleaning Services Steve 414-329-8439 or 1-800-680-0333 Crystal Clean Vents 414-671-0680 262-827-9696 Alpine Air Duct 414-699-3828 Cleaning (interior and exterior) BK [more...]
Date: 2008-03-31 16:30:22
I wish they all could be California's plans
By Joseph Romm California and its utilities have achieved remarkably consistent energy efficiency gains for three decades. How did they do it? ... , energy-efficient lighting, heating and cooling. But some of the strategies were unexpected. The state found that the average residential air duct leaked 20 to 30 percent of the heated and cooled air [more...]
Date: 2008-07-31 00:06:32
Why an English major is so valuable
Because we learn the important questions to ask. In the wake of ANOTHER Kitsap County snowstorm, I pose this one to you:When Winter comes, ... pump, or air conditioner. Common duct system problems include:Leaky joints or visible holes ... drain. With a little bit of work, you can actually save a great deal on your heating bills:Stop Air [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 14:50:00
Cultural Deviations in the New Millennium: Generation Y Edition
I have noticed some cultural changes that I do not believe mark progress ... like change the air filter in the return air duct, because pampered girls don't do manual labor [more...]
Date: 2008-10-05 19:54:51
The Hygienic Home
A quick look around your home might lead you to believe it’s clean, but there is a good chance you might be wrong ... . Some of the services offered include carpet and upholstery, air duct, mattress, grout and tile cleaning ... supply of Ovenu™ cleaning products Extra special incentives for Veterans. No matter what special [more...]
Date: 2008-09-04 03:39:13
In desperate need of pest control
There’s something weird.. in the neighborhood. Who’re you gonna call? Pestbusters!I wish it was as simple as that ... offer a wide array of services ranging from residential/commercial pest control to air duct cleaning ... the fumigation or soil treatment services of your neighborhood pest control specialist, do conduct [more...]
Date: 2008-12-08 12:19:36
Studer Group offers scholarships
Press Release Studer Group will be hosting an institute on Pensacola Beach that will teach attendees skills needed to produce better bottom line ... will be participating in this year’s conference. Dave DeBlander, owner of Pro Clean Fine Rug, Carpet & Tile Care, Clean Ducks Air Duct Cleaning Specialists and Marblelife of NW Florida, attended [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 15:28:15
We’re gearing up for a fourteen hour car trip down south to see my parents for the Thanksgiving holiday ... for our trip and I expect her to swoop in here through our air conditioning ducts any minute. I know I’ve ... . Instead, she ensures that we leave on vacation with suitcases packed with sufficient clean underwear [more...]
Date: 2008-11-21 07:00:17
Dear Franklin,
I really like your little book. I've read about half of it and have been keeping it handy for a nice chuckle when I need it ... : Wet, which was blotted "dry" and tossed into the path of the heating duct to air-dry, and Dry ... tomorrow night and the cleaning crew is here on Thursday), and I'm happier than I should [more...]
Date: 2008-11-19 05:57:00
Winterizing Your Home for Good Indoor Air Quality
(ARA) - As the weather begins to cool, we start preparing our homes for the winter season ... throughout the home,” says John Schulte, executive director of the National Air Duct Cleaners Association ... and debris to flow into a home or building. 2) Duct Work Contamination It is estimated that more than 90 [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 18:12:26
Test Drive: Smart ForTwo
After years of rumors, speculations, and promised dates long past, ... inches compared to the rest of the Smart) as well as a cool little functional air duct behind ... and nonexistent overhangs, it won’t be mistaken for a Pinanfarina design. The flat-nosed front end is clean [more...]
Date: 2008-07-09 13:26:35
A Trailer You'd NEVER call Trash! Tabbert's Paganini Caravan
In the last few years the Tabbert brand has undergone repositioning and has clearly rejuvenated its corporate image ... run in the roof. Through a special duct, cold air flows into the roof and then distributes ... when it rains.The innovative air circulation in the Tabbert premium roof is of new design. Behind a double wall [more...]
Date: 2008-09-07 01:00:00
EarthCraft Certified Homes
In metro Atlanta, developers and builders are promoting green living through EarthCraft House ... rates the home on energy efficiency, durability, indoor air quality, resource efficiency, waste ... STAR certification criteria which includes passing diagnostic tests for air filtration and duct [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 20:33:28
Protect your home
Protect your home from pests. Don’t let the beauty of your home lost its value. Contact the right persons now. Here at alphaecological ... pest control or commercial pest control such as at apartments, offices, buildings and real estates, you can get it here. Air duct cleaning is also an offered service. Give them a phone call and they’ [more...]
Date: 2008-09-24 14:59:42
Otaku Cleaning Time
When it comes to cleaning, I'm awesome at it because I like to see everything clean and in its proper order.However, when it comes to dusting, I dislike it because I have to dust every three days. My tools ... is this air conditioner duct because it is located right above............. My Gundam model kits. It takes [more...]
Date: 2008-10-26 04:01:00
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