Clean House
Clean House Posted By Carol in Devotional • Family Life. Bring joy to your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul ... in my cleaning only seven days before? Was I not as good as him? As I posed these questions to myself, I realized how ridiculous I was being. He was more zealous about cleaning because he didn’t do it every [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 05:39:38
Blog posts
(619) |
One Hour a Day
Not directly connected to this being a new year and Resolutions, I have decided to try a new strategy regarding house cleaning ... cleaning per day, seven days a week to try to keep the house clean. There is no set schedule of what room ... . It was exhausting. Then after Christmas I was sick and rested and did no house cleaning. That meant [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 11:00:00
My wait for Eclipse is up! Yay!
The library called this morning to let me know that I’m next in line to receive the Twilight series book “Eclipse” by Stephenie Meyer….YAY! ... if the New Year or what but I’ve been strangely obsessed with cleaning the house lately whenever ... least the house is squeaky clean! Speaking of wedding planning I checked off a few important things [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 22:42:36
16 Things On The Eve of Great Things
Can someone please clone me? Or at least come clean my house for me ... to clean my house could be considered an option. Actually, doesn't Depeche Mode look like they want to come hang out and clean with me? What? You don't think so? In any case, the lovely Ingrid [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 07:34:00
Cleaning house
Cleaning house After an inspiring discussion with Marc last week, I finally cleaned out my collection of iPhone apps, deleting about a third of them and ending up with 23. The big difference [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 03:15:17
Save Energy on Cleaning
Cleaning is not always an easy task. It involves a lot of effort. I love a clean house but I'm not too fond of doing the cleaning myself. I'm thankful we have household helpers who do most of the house cleaning for me. Our household ... my things the way I left them so I prefer that I do my own room cleaning to make sure my things [more...]
Date: 2008-07-07 07:10:10
Daily Blessings
Today and tonight Jessica has not really been herself. She has thrown up twice today(both on carpet--YUCK!) ... now. I know that she was really good at cleaning and always wanted and needed a clean house ... with everyone else) really dislike cleaning up throw up. Tonight I decided to read through some old posts [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 02:22:00
Cleaning house
Today I did something that I haven’t done in (literally) months: clean house! Three hours of hard work by me and Mike has gotten the apartment from “good Lord, these people ... , being generally much more interested in my current projects than in cleaning up after old ones [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 04:29:35
My Guilty Secret
Well, as many of my sweet readers remember, I was going to use a maid service to help me with the housework. I wrote about it in this post.They cleaned my house ONE time.Call me a control freak, but Ladies - I just couldn't stand the thought that these women were coming in to clean my house. They were touching those priceless items [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 17:40:00
Review: The Magic Toy Chest
Every so often, a gamer can find themselves in the mood for a particular flavor of game, ... Toy Chest, whose sole plot point is “The house is a mess. Clean it up.” Cleaning house [more...]
Date: 2008-08-13 15:30:00
cleaning house without a sweat
normally i associate house cleaning with a good steady sweat - sweeping, bending down, lifting up, moving here, there, all about. well today it did not turn out that way. today was a clean a bit [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 23:26:00
Juice Feasting - Day 13
I had a bit of a rough patch there the past few days, but I’m feeling much better today ... house cleaning, clearing out years of stored toxins from my cells and organs. As this toxic debris ... as this cleaning process takes place. It’s like when you’re cleaning up your house, and it gets messier [more...]
Date: 2008-11-07 05:47:48
House Cleaning Robots
Oh yes, we all remember the Jetson's robot maid Rosie. Well, if your old enough! LOL. Now there are many house cleaning robots you can buy ... that displays alerts telling you what areas of your carpet may need more cleaning attention. There’s also a pet-hair tool with powerful suction and rotating brushes for stairs and upholstery. Other [more...]
Date: 2008-11-17 14:16:00
Get Your House Sparkly this Christmas Season!
Weiman has some wonderful cleaning products that bring convenience to your every day house cleaning regime! ... and easy to use cleaners! I was unfortunate to buy a home that had stainless steel appliances ... long. These wipes have been terrific to use as they clean, shine, and polish the stainless fast without [more...]
Date: 2008-11-27 07:57:45
Clean House, Clean Planet
My girlfriend, who is very environmentally friendly (she puts most of us to shame) ... such as vinegar, club soda, water, liquid dishsoap, etc. Not only are the products natural, hence ... in a spray bottle. That's it. Club soda - go figure.For an all-purpose cleaner:2 Tbsp distilled vinegar1 tsp [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 14:28:00
be still.
scurrying. fluttering about. like a whirlwind. It’s way wayyy ahead of my heart. It’s time to lay aside everything else and be shhhhhh ... a casual housekeeper at home! Taking care of the cleanliness of the house- clean the stove, scrub the tiles, vacuum the floor..blah blah. I actually enjoy cleaning the house, my new found hobby [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 12:59:25
Let Your Kids Clean: BasicH2 Organic Concentrate
Young children like to be helpful, and I don’t want to discourage their desire to imitate my house cleaning ( ... . Related posts on green cleaning: Charlie’s Soap is the Non-Toxic Cleaning Miracle Make Your Own ... disclosure of ingredients because, “We do not list the specific ingredients for all of the cleaners [more...]
Date: 2008-07-10 15:09:26
Is outsourcing worth it?
Debating this weekend with friends at a Christmas Party if it is worth outsourcing chores around the house. For example, cleaning the house or shoveling the driveway. Should we pay someone else ... approaches I am again contemplating if we can afford a cleaning service. We used one in 2005 to 2006 [more...]
Date: 2008-12-18 14:00:30
Britney Spears Loves To Clean Her House
Trickle. Trickle. Trickle. Here are a few more quotes from Britney Spears' mind numbing interview that is set to release this Fridday. This time the singer admits to her obsession with cleaning her house. "If she (her maid) takes it all into her own hands, well, what’s for me do? "I’m a cleaning fanatic. Dusting is my favorite [more...]
Date: 2008-08-14 13:25:00
How to Fake a Clean House
The holidays are right around the corner, which means you might have last minute guests delivering good cheer. If they happen to catch you between cleaning days, don’t worry. With just a few minutes, you can fake a clean house! 1. Control Odor! That means investing in a good air freshener, opening a window [more...]
Date: 2008-11-06 15:36:38
Teach Your Daughter To Vacuum
I adore having children for a variety of reasons. One of them is that, when they get old enough, you can give them responsibilities around the house ... was a cleaning sort of morning. I cleaned the kitchen, stripped beds, and started laundry. I decided to mop ... one of my in-laws obliged by getting her a toy vacuum for Christmas, we set about cleaning th [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 17:47:00
Spring Cleaning Tasks
When I woke up this morning, I suddenly realized that Chinese New Year is only around 7 days away! ... on me that I haven’t been doing house cleaning for a long time. Spring Cleaning Time Spring Cleaning Time This weekend and even weekdays are going to be challenging to me. I seriously hope [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 01:51:38
Service Providers Need To Look For Options
If there is one thing that is clear because of the worldwide economic crunch, ... or bushes trimmed? Call a gardener. Need the house cleaned? Call a house cleaner. Need to have a light ... beauty salons, dry cleaners, landscapers, dog walkers, nanny services and restaurants experienced [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 07:29:47
Date: 2008-09-23 04:40:11
On The Move Take 1
Well, if I have said it once I have said it a million times, we think we want to move this spring. Spring is quickly approaching ( ... another challence to an already overwhelming challenge! 2. Deep clean. After I get the entire house ... trying really hard to not keep things clean. 3. Have 2 agents come out and look at the house. Why [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 05:27:09
Wrap Up
I’ll post my round up tomorrow morning. I’m so dead tired already. Later this afternoon, I did general cleaning in the house. As in the whole house ... . Are you fairly capable when it comes to fixing things around the house, car or work? Or do you usually depend on others (like maintenance)? + I can do a lot of fixing. But car stuff isn’ [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 12:26:03
5 Tips For a Frugal Clean House
It’s nearing finals time here at the Almost Frugal household ... of finance, accounting and economics. Gah! So what am I doing? Cleaning my house until it shines, of course. I am a terrible procrastinator, and along with killing time, cleaning helps me to kill stress [more...]
Date: 2008-11-28 11:00:08
Mold Spores
Mold Spores By admin | January 15, 2009 <!– /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { ... funny story? Well, I had hired this company who did Placentia carpet cleaning to come to my house and clean the carpets. Well, they came that next week and spent all morning cleaning. Early that afternoon [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 11:43:48
I’ve been cleaning the house for a week. Dishes one night. Laundry another. I know if I just buckled down and did it, I’d have it done in a day ... t clean without music. Better take a break.” Get some willpower Erin. Just clean the dang apartment [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 18:44:09
Did you do your chores today?
My first time to play. Join HERE! :) What does your weekly chore schedule consist of, if anything? - Well, ever since I got pregnant, I never feel like doing any house chore so NO SCHED. I’ ... or leave everything until the house needs to be condemned? - The house gets cleaned only [more...]
Date: 2008-09-27 23:39:42
FlyLady Alternatives, Join Me in My Quest to Being a Better Home Manager
Table of contents for Jessica Knows Clutter Diet ClubFlyLady Alternatives, Join Me in My Quest to Being a Better Home Manager UPDATE!!! ... , that punishment was usually cleaning something in the house. So I think part of me avoids cleaning or organizing ... . But my home? Not so much. I’m very fortunate to have a husband that pitches in around the [more...]
Date: 2008-11-30 17:28:09
Clearing Up Cigarette Smoke from Your Home
We all know cigarette is addictive, but for non-smokers, the smell is just unbearable ... cleaning. Smoke of ciggies is so much trouble that it might even require you to do an unplanned general house cleaning. You need your vacuum for this. Clean up furniture, especially the couch where [more...]
Date: 2008-11-27 14:16:22
Doctors and Pharmaceuticals
During my posting, i've realised that a lot of the reference to the psychiatry ward is unnecessary ... to clean the house. It looks dirty. I've been cleaning it the whole night."Case 3"Good morning, why ... you a situation. If you see a house on fire, what would you do?""I'll stand and watch.""Why [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 15:53:00
Holiday Whirlwind - The Giant Photo Post
Oh, my gods the parties and presents and everything went off well, but oh boy I am so happy they are over ... up my girls and taking them to their house for the day, allowing me to run around cleaning the house ... person is likely to respond, and accept my role as lead party planner, cook, maid and troubleshooter [more...]
Date: 2008-12-27 06:35:52
Morning Mix: No Brit, JT Reunion at Madonna Show (At Least on Stage) Britney Spears joins Madonna on stage Thursday evening in Los Angeles. ( ... it. I worked at this place called Sparkles Cleaning Service and I cleaned houses. I was, like, 11 [more...]
Date: 2008-11-07 13:33:32
Mr. Clean
Well, now that last week's craziness is over...We had our neighborhood New Year's Day party, ... 5 hours that morning cleaning up the house (not counting the hours I spent on Wednesday cleaning up the basement family room). Larry went above and beyond by cleaning out all the crap in our computer desk [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 04:55:00
Giveaways 1/15
Well, it's Thursday again, that means getting the kids ready to go to Grandma's house (the lady is a glutton for punishment I swear) and house cleaning day! Such a barrel of laughs! Probably not going to do much this weekend, other than catch up on sleep. Forgot to add my goal for today, as you can see I didn't totally finish [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 18:21:00
Catch up
Otauto BayLong time no write - we have been just a tad busy over the last few weeks, but now most of the boxes are unpacked, ... and Nigel was going to pick up the new sofa (Yes, we splashed out!) so I headed to the house with a pile of boxes and some cleaning stuff. What a wonderful surprise - the house was spotless [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 00:58:30
Is It Friday Yet?
What a week and it's only Wednesday! I spent all day Monday cleaning my house because, for some reason, ... the house too. Not even their M&M buttons were spared. I've given up cleaning my floors [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 18:24:00
Clean n' Save
Cleaning the house is really a tough job. So I guess me and my hubby have to make the best of a bad situation, ... and broom vacs, upright style, carpet cleaners and other designer series that are available [more...]
Date: 2008-06-20 06:46:27
It's a Full Day Today
Well, sort-of. I've been procrastinating cleaning the house (hello, where the heck are those cleaning tips I was putting up?) ... and I are sick. Bleh.Oh yeah, and I need to update the Etsy site and upload some other non-jewelry [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 13:41:00
Le Sigh....
So today I was supposed to be at the new house cleaning. I was going to bring the vacuum, my cleaning supplies, some food for me and the kids, the pack ... they can verify that and who knows how long that will take. So now that we're technically in breach of contract [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 18:10:00
My Love Affair With Microfiber
I love a clean house. There, I’ve said it. I like walking into my house, breathing in deeply and smelling the pure fresh smell of Amonia nothing. Seriously, there is no odor whatsoever. My windows are practically invisible and, because I’ ... s real women don’t care about glistening windows. Yes, you do care, you just don’t want to do the work [more...]
Date: 2008-07-24 19:46:40
Cleaning House
I’m in a clean-out, throw-out kind of mood and I just found someone on Craigslist to take my old cassette dubbing deck. Hmm, what can I get rid of now? (And by the way, does anyone have a bedroom [more...]
Date: 2008-10-15 13:43:12
Good help is hard to find
Every other Friday brings drama to our household. Because every other Friday is house cleaning day ... . That kind of thing. So after each cleaning, I would re-arrange the pictures and dust behind ... started going downhill fast. First I came home after cleaning day and found a broken faucet [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 17:11:00
Better Life Review & Giveaway!
Do you dread cleaning the house because you know the second that you start cleaning you will have an instant headache from all the harsh chemicals in ... products. That’s not just a claim; we can back it up. As for traditional solvent-based cleaners [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 18:33:00
Windows & Doors...
Ohhh~ It's a busy busy day for me today, woke up at ard 1pm, which is EARLY since it's a Saturday, to do my laundry and had to wake Dillie up to go lunch and do spring cleaning ... for cleaning those nooks & corners of the house and those uneven surfaces, I am so going to use it again [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 16:39:00
Titles Are Over Rated
Recognition Archives Reviews Contact Titles Are Over Rated July 7, 2008 I may keep my house relatively clean, but my vehicles are another story ... cleaning stuff. And I contemplated renting a steam cleaner for the rug and upholstery, because [more...]
Date: 2008-07-08 00:06:13
To heal the world, sing songs part 3: Barack Obama
Barack Obama t-shirt from 4 hour worldEveryone needs a place to be for the inaugural and something to wear!Personally, I don’t need to be in Washington on Tuesday; the natural cathedrals of the Grand Canyon ... to every house! They also have a video showcase: So today I’m cleaning house (aren’t we all?) and listening [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 19:13:59
I am never cleaning my house again
I am sitting here working while a team of four women clean my home for me. And they’re doing a better job than I would do, too ... the ones doing the vacuuming and floor-washing and cleaning of windows. They even cleaned ... had sprayed cleaning fluids on it. It seems to have taken no damage, and I will inform them that they must [more...]
Date: 2008-10-23 21:15:07
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