So as I am anxiously awaiting our new.. old fashion.. unusual… vacuum cleaner.. I thought some of these little tid-bits would neat to share. ... for vacuums.. patenting things like the beater bar & the head light for a vacuum! I do find every ... what a chore! For me the unknown of dirt gives me the creeps! Vacuum Cleaner History… (Wikipedia) [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 18:10:15
Blog posts
(103) |
Neighbors + Neighborhoods
I spent the first seven years of my life growing up in Ozone Park, Queens NY ... . No-one thought twice about knocking on a door for eggs, milk, or to borrow a vacuum cleaner ... around a cause to help a single family that could not find help. As of this moment, you the people [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 05:40:29
Think Positive
Well, at least that’s what I’m trying to do. Just got back to my apartment in Berkeley last night and I’m already missing the comfort of home, ... have it all cleaned by the end of today, I hope. In my cleaning spree, you know what happened? I realized ... hindering my cleaning spree because I’m no longer motivated to clean since I keep thinking the [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 20:25:45
Review: Lego Batman
The good Great cooperative play Tons of characters from the Batman universe It's fun to play as villains Lots of unlockables The bad Friendly AI is atrocious Game lacks humour Vehicle sections are a pain Too many baffling puzzles Co-op is offline only After Traveller's Tales released the well-paced, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 23:14:01
Paleontologists Find Dinosaur Protofeather
Evidence continues to accumulate that feathers evolved for purposes unrelated to flight. The latest proto-feather-clad skeleton is more than 100 million years old. It was unearthed in northeastern China by paleontologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences — the same paleontologists who revealed to the world Epidexipteryx, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 22:05:12
What To Do When In Doubt Of Cleaning Upholstery Correctly
by Chris Channing The upholstery one owns usually isn’t the target of a cleaning regimen- but sometimes even furniture gets dirty enough that a real ... in question. The first step in cleaning upholstery is to do damage assessment. On average, a vacuum cleaner ... . Instructions on which cleaning solution to use should be on the upholstery tag. When [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 05:16:18
Monday Monday
Date: 2009-01-19 16:31:48
Reasons to choose hardwood floor as your floor covering
Busby SEO Test There are many reasons to choose hardwood floor as your floor covering. · Wood doesn’t trap fumes or dust like carpet ... -efficiently change the entire look of a wood floor from time to time with stains, paints and inlays ... , you will want to care for it to keep it as beautiful as the day it was laid. Cleaning can be a daily chore [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 14:50:20
Eddy the Suction Excavator
Take a look at this picture to the left. This is Eddy, a concept device by European company 3KNT. See if you can’t guess what it is ... up a whole lot more. Eddy also has another advantage over other vacuum cleaners, as it can operate ... . If you said “vacuum cleaner”, then you are only half-right! You see, Eddy is more than [more...]
Date: 2008-12-23 18:11:03
Pet Allergies, Our First Family and You!
Our soon-to-be First Family faces a personal struggle that millions of other American families face every day: ... allergy free” bedroom (where we spend about one third of each day). Use a high-efficiency HEPA air ... hair brought into the bedroom from getting into the bedding. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 17:12:03
● Upgrade yourself
No one needs more stuff. But if you've got some disposable income burning a hole in your pocket, ... last forever. Miele vacuum - I have no idea which model we have -- it's the low-end canister model with just a few settings -- but it is the greatest vacuum cleaner in the universe. I don't mind vacuuming [more...]
Date: 2008-12-10 14:25:33
Married with Dyson
This post I am writing right now might seem like I am poking fun of mommyblogger promotions and giveaways, but that is not the case ... cleaning, your vacuum that you use on a daily basis, the all around ins and outs of how you feel ... clean your house will be and how convinced your husband will be to let you get one after [more...]
Date: 2008-12-16 20:27:40
Kids in the Hall, Part I
So, I was thinking about Jim Rice and Andre Dawson and Dale Murphy and some of the other everyday players on the Hall of Fame ballot this year, and something occurred to me: There are really only three entry points into the Hall of Fame. 1. 3,000 hits/500 homers. 2. Positional greatness. 3. The Intangible Argument (rare) [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 16:37:04
Dirt Devil
No other hand held vacuum cleaner matches the Dirt Devil. It even comes in a bigger model for around the house and a smaller for an RV or apartment ... for Techtronic Industries which is a company in Hong Kong that makes other vacuum cleaners ... a home vacuum system called Cyclone. The Cyclone sold over 25 million units. It was a vacuum with a metal [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 09:41:56
busy weekend
Our weekend was spent helping the stepdaughter move to her new house ... in the inside. It was not really that bad but there was not harm in cleaning it some more. And yesterday ... have to get it tonight because I need to clean our carpet. It looks nasty. But it can wait a little :) [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 14:21:51
Monday morning ritual
Or, maybe I should call it the prework ritual (in case you don’t get up in the morning to go to work) ... or I hit snooze a couple times. I immediately feed the dog and cat. The dog sounds like a vacuum cleaner when she eats. I fix a small bowl of cereal for breakfast. The dog has finished her breakfast [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 11:47:34
Dead Philip Whalen Interviews Me, and I Interview Him.
Philip, let's sixty-nine.Okay.DEAD PHILIP WHALEN INTERVIEWS ME....What is your mood?Random.What radical change are you contemplating?Either 1) embracing a religion or 2) becoming obsessed with an online virtual world role-playing game involving elves and giants and dragonsIs there really a difference?No. And you look like Arthur C. Clarke [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 02:05:00
Gasoline Brightens Car Carpets (May, 1932)
Then dry with a kerosene heater! Gasoline Brightens Car Carpets AFTER removing the dust from the floor carpets of your car by beating or by use of the vacuum cleaner, you can brighten them up by rubbing their surface with a sponge that has been dampened with gasoline. Best results are obtained by not having the sponge too wet. No tags [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 02:42:42
Quick and Dirty Weatherization
Antarctica on 12 Jan 08, courtesy of MODIS Okay, it’s cold ... to figure out where the cold air is getting in is to do a walk around your house holding a tissue draped ... to make your furnace work less hard. Also, run a vacuum cleaner over your furnace filter. Closing [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 18:03:08
Meatballs: A Horror Story (Rerun)
We are going away for the long weekend and I will be computerless, so I decided to rerun some oldies "from the vault" that were written back when I started my blog over the summer. A couple of my really old pals like Candid Carrie and Noble Pig have probably seen these--but not many others [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 11:06:00
A week with an iRobot, reflections on our Roomba
So its been a week since we brought home Herbert (or Wall-E, or ‘the robot’) - our 530 series iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner ... is that its actually a quite effective vacuum cleaner - that may sounds a bit odd, but I’ve been living my life with the expectation that a vacuum cleaner needs to be big, loud and have thousands of watts [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 10:20:02
Posts about Home Sales as of January 19, 2009
Date: 2009-01-19 14:21:05
Something Fishy Going On At Sears
Hey Joe,"I remember you talking about Sam's Club and their new credit rules, well I guess you can add Sears to the list. Let me explain:Last night while using my vacuum cleaner, the thing went and stopped working ... vacuum cleaner for $99.99, nearly 50% off the regular retail. Well I got to the Salisbury location [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 13:39:00
Bob May: The Man Inside the Robot
I attend a lot of science-fiction conventions, of course. At some, you find actors from past SF TV shows selling autographed photos of themselves ... with vacuum-cleaner hoses for arms was actually named GUNTER, because another episode contained [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 16:53:40
Oh Honey, Please Change the Vacuum Celaner Bag!
As a stay at home mother, I always make sure that our house is always clean especially since I have toddlers who are always making a mess after I ... he is off from work which makes me happy. He went to vacuum the carpet and the vacuum cleaner smells ... cleaners bags belts filters brushrolls machines at www.ezvacuum.com. [more...]
Date: 2008-12-13 14:57:00
additionally, my sister is better than yours.
There are a few things we all just have to accept in life. One, is that my brother is the best and better than yours ... you do a week's worth of dishes?5. And after that, did she vacuum your house until the wimpy vacuum cleaner overheated and refused to vacuum any longer?If you answered "yes" to any of these questions [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 05:36:00
What You Should Know About Carpet Care
by Qandishah Brown We all love having carpets in our homes, but do we really know how to take care of them? ... your carpet more than this. Take the time to clean baseboards and other areas that may be difficult ... that carpets can be sensitive and you should never use laundry soap or dishwashing detergent [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 14:05:43
Words; dog-nails for meaning
Dear Gentle Reader,The other day Pattinase wrote a post about wordsmithing. Pattinase commented on William Shakespear's contributions to English and asked if readers had created their own words or if there were ideas that needed words to be created for them. She also questioned if fewer words (in English) were needed in the past [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 01:00:00
As I sit here watching my two boys throw pieces of their dinner onto the carpet, I dream about being chosen by MomDot to be a Dyson Domestic Diva! I'm in dire need of a new vacuum cleaner, but can't seem to convince my husband that the Dyson is worth the money that they cost [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 23:23:32
Snow White Divinity
Mrs. G. spent each Christmas of her childhood at her grandparents' house in Memphis, Tennessee ... her Electrolux vacuum cleaner canister with white asbestos chemical snow and switched the vacuum hose ... , but in her spirited holiday-induced hysteria and her inability to limit the vacuum's lawless spray, she also flocked [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 07:30:00
Cliff Notes on a Website Redesign - Tips and Thoughts from the Creattica Inspire Design
In this post I’m going to show you a set of twenty screen mockups for a real world project that I’ve been working on - the upcoming redesign and rerelease of our design and inspiration gallery FaveUp. I’ll explain some of the why’s and how’s that went into the design, how I use design mocks to spec out a web app, [more...]
Date: 2008-12-05 18:51:11
The Vroom: A voracious vacuum cleaner
Vacuum fits inside a cabinet It's a little troubling that I must declare this publicly, hoping that it'd be obvious, but I'm not the kind of person that gets very excited about vacuum cleaners. I'm more of a plunge ... the Vroom vacuum cleaner. (Ok, maybe not smitten exactly, but I was definitely intrigued.) It's unlike [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 17:28:06
Top 10 Data Disasters and Recoveries for 2008
Knoll Ontrack’s put together a list of the top 10 data disasters and recoveries of 2008. The company’s Ontrack Data Recovery service is able to recover data from just about any hard drive or memory card, even when they’re physically damaged. The good news is that services like Ontrack’s can recover your precious memories even if it’s been through [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 10:46:45
Micro-Fusion For Space Propulsion and Weapons with Gigavolt Super Marx Generator, Proton Beams or Argon Ion Lasers
Micro-fusion work of Friedwardt Winterberg from the 1950's-1970s was recently declassified. Winterberg had several ideas for using micro-fusion without fission bomb triggers to generate nuclear energy or power spacecraft. Winterberg was proposing pure deuterium micro-explosions. H/T Crowlspace and J Friedlander [more...]
Date: 2008-12-05 18:09:20
2004 Chrysler 300M - Vacuum leak on 3.5, by M. Bliss at Ken’s Service Center Hanover, Inc.
PROBLEM: 3.5L Chrysler that has an audible vacuum leak in the intake manifold area, but may not respond to carb cleaner enrichment techniques while attempting to locate. Viual ... for and find mysterious noise and make money replacing expensive part. ========== Tip: Vacuum leak on 3.5 [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 21:37:22
Sorry, I failed miserably...
I only have the following exact matches: Pretty Things: "Rosalyn" The Creation: "How Does It Feel" US 7" version The Mops: "I'm Just A Mops" (great Japanese psych) Downliners Sect: "Why Don't You Smile Now" Tintern Abbey: "Vacuum Cleaner" The Birds: "No Good Without You" (Ronnie Wood's old band) The Majority: "One Third" Small Faces [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 22:19:59
Now You And Your Brother Can Get Boatloads Of Free Traffic!
The number one question that most web masters ask is “how do I get more web traffic?”. Let’s say that you are into Internet Marketing and you’ve got a brand new Web site. You’ll find ... are the search engine spiders going to find your site pages if there are no backlinks pointing to them [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 20:52:18
Back To The Future
Picture 2 We've been in the market for a new vacuum cleaner ever since our current one broke. Luckily I came across this super cool model from Hoover that has a lot of retro-Mod appeal. Check it out here. Image copyright Hoover [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 15:26:24
MI Tests The Studillac (Nov, 1953)
view additional pages MI Tests The Studillac RAYMOND Loewy, Studebaker designer and chief stylist, proved once again in 1953 that he’s the guy the rest of the country’s designers wish they were. Back 1n 1946 he inspired the industry to steal his notchback Studie designs and in 1953 he came out with a car that made the typical monsters of Detroit [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 04:14:09
Aftermath: The Big Sales and Breakout Stars of Art Basel Miami Beach
What do we want from art now? It sums up Art Basel Miami well that one of the best-selling works of the annual extravaganza was finally smart, small, darkly comic — and dirt-cheap. Artists William Powhida and Jennifer Dalton offered a line of art-world condolence cards [more...]
Date: 2008-12-10 22:00:41
15 Minutes To Lower Electric Consumption Of Refrigerator
I recently had a customer ask for my advise about cleaning her refrigerator. I started to describe the pros and cons of different cleaners that can be used to clean the interior when she stopped me abruptly. “I know all about that stuff “, she informed me, “I mean [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 11:24:41
Sinus Relief Now Some tips to Alleviate Nasal Problems
If you suffer from sinus problems here’s a checklist of things that I’ve done to alleviate my nasal problems and give me sinus relief if not get rid of some problems all together. Before you read further, I’m not a Doctor and if you suffer from regular sinus problems, you should immediately make an appointment with a good Ear, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 15:41:07
The Christmas Tree Dilemma: Artificial or Real?
My family celebrates Christmas and, like many households, one of the focal points of our holiday season is the Christmas Tree. We've always had a real tree, but for the past few years, the question of whether to go artificial has raised its head. Perhaps it's because once we had kids, [more...]
Date: 2008-12-15 12:00:14
In fear we unite
From the desk of Mama Piggy:Presenting the Scaredy Cats Clan (Refrigerator Branch - Upper Division).This morning after I dragged out the vacuum cleaner, Muffy scooted up to the top of the fridge ... the fear of the vacuum cleaner was greater than the animosity, so he tolerated her presence until after [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 15:38:00
Video: Nokia 5800 XpressMusic will survive!
Those crazy Russians and their crazy crash tests. Like it’s not enough to test “accidental” drops and raining condition, they had to put the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic in the washing machine, beer and vacuum cleaner. The good thing, though, is that the Tube survived all the testing, proving Nokia (NYSE: NOK) knows [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 06:22:02
Technology Amuck
Some things just do not need THAT much technology! Some things are crammed so pack of “crap” it is just more apt to break down or somehow go awry! ... , cars & vacuum cleaners! Wait till you see what I found (for a vacuum cleaner…) Our world [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 05:46:25
Room Humidifier Care: Humidifier Filter Life
Room Humidifier Care: Humidifier Filter Life Posted on January 20th, 2009 in Filters by Humidifier Guide Do you have a room humidifier? One of the most important things to get to know about it is its filter. Just how it works is simple. When a room humidifier draws air in, it traps dust in its filter and expels only pure air back [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 00:05:30
90,000 KWhr for half a month
I just can’t pass this up. One of the chemistry majors had a complaint with the power company. After an unusually high previous power bill, they checked the electric meter half way through the month. The meter said they had used 90,000 kilowatt-hrs of electricity. That is a lot of energy. It is also a lot of money [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 15:06:48
Imagining the possible - The Hoover Leadership Principle
I went to see my mum this weekend as she has not been very well. When I got there as normal she had jobs lined up for me including mending the vacuum cleaner ... have said ?" I turned, smiled and said "Imagine you are the best vacuum cleaner engineer in the world [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 20:39:34
Carpet Cleaning
We just had our carpet cleaned on the first week of December last year ... it again. Hubby doesn't like looking at the carpet with stains. You can see spots of our DD's spilled ... to the room. I don't want her to be exposed too much with the carpet cleaning reagents. I heard a lot [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 09:05:00
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