When All Else Fails, Post Pictures Of A Cat
Date: 2009-01-20 03:36:10
Blog posts
(116) |
Eight Years On
And so the Bush Administration ends, hopefully not with a bang (though this Gates/designee thing has me really, really spooked), but with a whimper. As Rachel Maddow pointed out tonight, the Strutting Martinet leaves office with a 22% approval rating, and his Dark Lord of a Vice President is expected to show up in a wheelchair tomorrow after [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:11:01
Soft Mojo Love...
How's that for an interesting title? :-) I have to say, that I'm totally lovin' Julee's Mojo Monday sketches!! When I saw today's sketch, I was inspired to make yet another Valentine's Day card. :-) I know, I mentioned the last couple of posts that there would be a template today...and there will be, but I moved the post date until Wednesday [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 01:17:20
...and because he just had to go there one last time before the trade-off of power from George W. Bush to Barack Obama, let's go there with him. Christopher Hitchens may not be as quick to defend Bush for anything and everything the ol' longhorn did in office, but he still gets his back up when he suspects that other people are feeling [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 04:10:32
Sundance Review: Push: Based on a Novel by Sapphire
The premise of Push: Based on a Novel by Sapphire is so unsettling and bleak that no one would blame you if you didn't want to see it: ... by her principal to an alternative school called Each One Teach One. Her class is populated by other girls ... a genuine interest in helping Precious. The other students might be Precious' first friends, too [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 01:03:00
Welcome, President Obama - Fight for Repro Rights Continues
Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion as a woman’s right, will be 36 years old on Jan. 22 ... health care. Roll back Hyde Amendment, other restrictions! A letter to Melody Barnes, head ... with Barnes and other members of the Obama transition team in December to begin discussing how to “ensure [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 04:33:24
My Number
was 65. So by my count there are at least five of us. Bama Cheryl, Hilary, Kate, Elaine, Emily, and I make six. Anyone else? Start on Tuesday with the first set - this first week, let's do Tuesday, either Wed or Thurs (your choice) and Friday, and then report on Friday. Every other week, it'll be Monday-Wednesday-Friday [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:12:27
Celebrities Who Have Torn Down Bush For 8 Years Suddenly Want To Serve Their President
Date: 2009-01-20 01:05:00
Paper sculptures turn ordinary space into organic matter
paperspore01.jpg Susan Benarcik creates intricate wall sculptures from recycled paper goods such as old newspapers and other found objects. The papers are put together to resemble honeycomb formations from beehives and other organic or natural designs. Check out the link below for more photos of her interesting creations. Susan [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:56:16
XML Challenge Review
Date: 2009-01-20 06:29:04
TV Update: Shows I’m Not Loving & Some I Am
I’ve found myself being pretty hard on TV lately ... ! When they were sitting next to each other on the bench and she kissed his head? Man, she really looked ... . Now onto the other shows I’ve watched in the last few days… Supernatural, 4×11: “Family Remains” [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 04:42:11
No More Pardons?
by hilzoy From the NYT : "President Bush on Monday commuted the sentences of two former Border Patrol agents imprisoned for ... -emptive action that could have shielded Alberto R. Gonzales , the former attorney general, and other ... in interrogations, surveillance or other Bush administration policies. Hundreds of other defe [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:12:46
Message from your Mother
. Message from your Mother is a series of letters written by Lilly to her daughter. They are often written in the kind of irrational way that seems to come naturally to most mothers when communicating to their children (no matter how old they happen to be). You will always find a hidden message if you look hard enough [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 06:16:56
NA likely to see PPP-PMLN tensions soar in coming days
Date: 2009-01-20 06:28:40
Marble roll for kids
We've gotten some of the packaged marble roll games that go on the fridge and they've been kind of disappointing. I really like this set that you can make yourself with plumbing pipe - Jack McKee's site has lots of other cool stuff for kids, too! Read more | Permalink | Comments | Read more articles in Kids [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:56:16
Bubonic plague killing al-Qaeda
Al-Qaeda: medieval in all ways So far, it has only affected the Algerian branch of al-Qaeda -- the one that, ... by a roadside. According to The Sun, Al-Qaeda chiefs fear the plague may have been passed to other ... where the outbreak took place, with many reported fleeing to other camps, potentially spreading [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 01:17:54
Re: "Irreducible Wickedness"
The history Rick alludes to with his understated phrase "great efforts" demonstrated that the wickedness of America is not irreducible. We lost hundreds of thousands of lives in the Civil War in an attempt to reduce it--after all the three-fifths compromises, Missouri compromises, and other efforts--and I join the historical [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:43:56
12 Useful Techniques For Good User Interface Design
By Dmitry Fadeyev and Smashing Magazine Editorial Last week, we presented 10 Useful Web Application Interface Techniques, the first part of our review of useful design trends in modern Web applications. Among other things, we highlighted embedded video blocks, specialized controls and context-sensitive navigation [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 04:00:31
Mohammad's 5 ways to help Palestinians post Gaza
Date: 2009-01-20 01:47:15
Joel Hunter, Samuel Rodriguez to Pray at Private Prayer Service
Date: 2009-01-20 06:25:19
Seeking A 'Third Way': Inauguration of Obama May Bring Unity
Date: 2009-01-20 04:29:21
Hitchens: The Devil Hoi Polloi Made Them Do It
By Mona . And with this, I have lost every measure of respect I had long held for Christopher Hitchens ... and other methods I would describe as illegal, the demand to go outside the Geneva conventions — ... or other measures against Bush administration officials would likewise have to come from below, via [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 01:25:31
David Faustino talks Star-ving!!!
David Faustino aka Bud Bundy launched the hysterical Star-ving on Crackle.com last week and I was dying to know more about more about the webseries that had me LOLing several times! So I figured why not go to the source himself to find out more and he was kind enough to answer my questions!!! His answers are just as funny as Star-ving!!! [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:13:05
Lost Art: 2008 Year in Pictures
Our globetrotting photographer friends, Ig and Louise at Lost Art have sent us their 2008 Year in Pictures photo album. It's easy to get lost in one's dreams, while viewing their striking images. I am always deeply touched by their work and envious of their travels. If only we could find each other in another city [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:57:36
Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Melanie
Lately, I have had this odd urge to stalk Chelsea Handler except that I accidentally quit drinking so I can’t figure out how to casually chat her up ... and other assorted Hollyweirdos on TV. Speaking of that dinosaur communications box, I am quite [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 01:20:57
Rendered Speculation: BMW M3 Touring wagon by Jon Sibal
Filed under: Aftermarket, Wagons/Estates, BMW, Rendered Speculation Click above to view more BMW M3 Touring renderings by Jon Sibal Some of us live in the real world, while other spend time in Fantasyville. Jon Sibal falls into the latter, and we're happy for it. The talented illustrator had given us glimpses of upcoming supercars [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 01:31:00
Let the swaps begin!
If you are signed up for Scrap St. Louis 2009 and haven't checked out the Scrap St. Louis yahoogroup you are missing out! Already these girls have set up a page swap and an art journal swap is in the making. Joining the group is a great way to get information about Scrap St. Louis, meet some of other [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:52:20
GPS Fleet Tracking Systems
Hi Friends! Do you know about GPS Fleet Tracking Systems? I was surprised on hearing it. GPS (Global Position System) ... other objects is one of those important technology. By attaching a GPS device in vehicles or any other objects , we can monitor the vehicles or any other objects from a remote place from anywhere [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 06:22:30
Superstars Of Dance: Semi-final Round
Tonight on Superstars of Dance, the semi-finals have begun and if each performer doesn’t place in the top three tonight they will be eliminated. Who gave all they could for their country tonight and who was going home? First up tonight was team India performing a Bollywood routine [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 04:01:26
Losing the Battle and Losing the War?
Once again the GOP is licking it’s wounds from another election loss. Recovering from this loss has been the focus of conservative politicians and pundits. But what many pundits do not realize is that there is another battle raging in the country that the GOP has been losing for decades. The battle has been over the culture of America [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 01:30:31
Revolutionary Road, cultural cliche?
I haven't seen Revolutionary Road and now I'm wondering whether I want to. The film is taken from a novel by Richard Yates. Here's what Yates (now deceased) said about his novel: I think I meant it more as an indictment of American life in the 1950s [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 01:31:41
CupidCash Promos and your choice
In addition to the races currently going on, the team race coming up, the word hunt, the amazon gc promos, the raffles, and all the other games and stuff...I am adding two more things for you effective immediately. FROM NOW TIL THE END OF THE MONTH, every time you earn 5.00, please email in and I will add [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 06:26:32
Skyrocketing Interest in Careers in Social Entrepreneurship and Start-ups Evidenced by MIT Sloan School “Tech Trek”
We are currently witnessing a shift in the job market away from the more traditional MBA path, which is crumbling as I type, towards traditionally riskier start-ups, social ventures, and entrepreneurial careers with social and environmental impact goals [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 06:27:51
I am an international businessman on very important international business
Date: 2009-01-20 06:36:56
Use An Herbal Health Product With Caution
Use An Herbal Health Product With Caution January 20, 2009 | By Otto In News | Comments(0) When you are tired of trying all sorts of other over the counter medicines and such for your particular health issue, it may be time to start looking at an herbal health product as that may [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 06:23:39
How Could We Forget the Movie
Date: 2009-01-20 03:57:27
The Economy: A Portrait Of The 2012 Inauguration
"In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger" ... .--Kennedy Inaugural... This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 01:20:20
Date: 2009-01-20 06:22:10
The Gorgeous Cake
What a day. I am wiped out. Just too much going on. I got up and slipped out of the house quetly, since the kids were out of school ... My friend Tonia was thrilled with the cake. She and two other ladies comprise our little cubicle corner [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:41:49
TOPWRAP 1-Hopes high as Obama takes office, markets wobble
Barack Obama takes over as U.S. President on Tuesday with hopes riding high he can conjure up a rescue that will jolt the world’s biggest economy back to life and contain the financial crisis ravaging global markets. The first African-American to become U.S [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 06:18:52
Obama Dines With Conservative Journalists
As we embark on an often historical event, this one has just a bit more media coverage for obvious reasons ... for the other guy," opined Brooks in a Nov. 7 column. I love when we act like we are citizens of The UNITED [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 06:27:56
Slamdance Offers Proof Positive That Ralph Macchio Does Not Age [Sundance]
While we've been placing the focus squarely on this year's Sundance—what people are saying is one of the best in years, crowds-, weather-, ... that's how we picture it.) It stars none other than beloved Karate Kid and The Outsiders actor Ralph [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 01:39:16
Sarah Palin on Glen Beck via satellite from Anchorage, not Emmonak
Here's the interview that has had the folks over at Team Sarah panting with anticipation like a labrador waiting for a bone ... like she was somewhere other than in a comfortable studio in Anchorage? 2) Speaking of that, my friend Dennis [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 06:27:56
The great moment is here, and cynicism takes a holiday
Just for Tuesday, I’m giving up cynicism, ignoring uncomfortable realities and declaring a unilateral cease-fire in the political snark wars ... moment for all other Americans as well. Obama’s inauguration won’t signal the death of bigotry [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 02:16:48
Important Part of Retail Business
The retail industry Being such an important part of the retail business, considerable attention must be paid to the organization of the sections of the retailer that carry out the functions which are included within product management. A buying organization could be defined as the entity within a retail organization that carries out the [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:22:43
US mounts record security to keep Obama inauguration safe
Barack Obama will be sworn as America’s first black president Tuesday under the tightest security ever, shielded by a new, ... Pennsylvania Avenue along the inaugural parade route. With 58 law-enforcement and other agencies working [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 06:30:45
DT Exclusive: Plan B for City
With the Kaka saga over and done, Manchester City will have to look elsewhere in their effort to spend ungodly sums of money ... starts to hurt and I can hear other people’s conversations — even if they’re far away [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 06:22:21
Kanzer Vineyards 2005 Pinot Noir, Sonoma Coast
I just had a religious experience. This wine left me completely prostrate, surrendering myself – prosate and all — to the wine Gods ... more so much so that my wife had to beat me with a stick to keep me from opening the other bottle [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 06:27:01
Texas Creationists Now Attacking Earth and Space Sciences
We’ve had several posts about the creationist fanatics in Texas who are trying to push creationism/intelligent design/whatever into public school ... and Space Science (ESS) course standards (and all other science course standards) will be up for approval [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 02:54:54
Cal finally has its day
Cal works on playing through adversity nearly every day in practice, setting up situations in which the Bears have to fight through the specter of failure to come out on the other side. Situations, unfortunately for them, the Bears have experienced in too [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 06:21:02
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