carpet cleaning
Solving Your Carpet Cleaning Problems Thanks for visiting our site. If you have any problems from red wine stains to pet urine then we will have the answer ... before contacting a carpet cleaner. or two you can call Tina kimmens and have chat [more...]
Date: 2008-12-14 19:49:43
Blog posts
(6) |
Odorzout: The BEST Way to Eliminate Odors Naturally BONUS GIVEAWAY!
Every cat owner fights the constant battle against odor ... . I’ve been having a little problem with my senior kitty urinating on the carpet. I Spot Bot almost daily and every so often I pull out the deep cleaning machine. After a deep clean, the odor [more...]
Date: 2008-11-12 11:00:01
Basic things a cat needs
Basic things a cat needs August 21st, 2008 internet marketing Basic things a cat needs Just like human beings, ... your home clean from odor and urine stains. Put at least 3 sheets of newspaper at the bottom ... to your cat. This can be a professional one or a self-made one like a rolled up carpet that you locate [more...]
Date: 2008-08-21 22:53:15
Go sleep with someone you don’t know. Go urinate in a public place. Go get a three-day hangover. Go stain a futon in a shocking way ... Party?” Check. –Vomiting a stain into carpet that steam-cleaning couldn’t budge? Check. – [more...]
Date: 2008-07-28 20:02:39
Odor Remover For Cat Urine And Dog Urine
by Gary Homesetter Having a pet to share your love with is an incredible feeling ... and you have to train them? Things can go wrong. Little accidents on the carpet. You know what I mean ... and messing on the carpet or tiles as well. No one wants to spend time cleaning the house up after [more...]
Date: 2008-11-12 19:18:44
Do You Live On Planet Urine?
Are you a dog owner? Most Americans are and one of the biggest challenges we dog owners and dog lovers have is Housebreaking them ... or cleaning up after them). Even though I make every attempt to litter box train each new litter ... and odors from your carpets, upholstery, hardwood floors, even concrete. Right away I was skeptical [more...]
Date: 2008-12-18 20:13:17