Odor Remover For Cat Urine And Dog Urine
by Gary Homesetter Having a pet to share your love with is an incredible feeling ... and you have to train them? Things can go wrong. Little accidents on the carpet. You know what I mean ... and messing on the carpet or tiles as well. No one wants to spend time cleaning the house up after [more...]
Date: 2008-11-12 19:18:44
Blog posts
(3) |
Basic things a cat needs
Basic things a cat needs August 21st, 2008 internet marketing Basic things a cat needs Just like human beings, ... your home clean from odor and urine stains. Put at least 3 sheets of newspaper at the bottom ... to your cat. This can be a professional one or a self-made one like a rolled up carpet that you locate [more...]
Date: 2008-08-21 22:53:15
Odorzout: The BEST Way to Eliminate Odors Naturally BONUS GIVEAWAY!
Every cat owner fights the constant battle against odor ... . I’ve been having a little problem with my senior kitty urinating on the carpet. I Spot Bot almost daily and every so often I pull out the deep cleaning machine. After a deep clean, the odor [more...]
Date: 2008-11-12 11:00:01