Home Energy Projects for 2009: Request for Comments
I have several household energy reduction projects in mind and am hoping to get some advice about which one I should take on first ... with Energy Audit Geothermal Heat Pump Solar (PV or Water Heat Assisted) Tankless Hot Water Heater ... whatsoever (the tank holds 40 gallons). Worse, since the tank can heat water as you use [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 23:52:40
Blog posts
(7) |
Geothermal heating in action
At the General Theological Seminary in New York City, thoughts, if not eyes, are meant to be cast heavenward ... s home in Burlington, Vt. The geothermal heat pumps at the New York seminary were in part an aesthetic ... to heat and cool its buildings. Earlier this year seven wells were completed that drilled [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 15:51:26
nothing "eco" about this "estate"
Rendering of the Eco-Estate @ Briggs Chaney. Photo courtesy of Showcase Architects. Before the economy disappeared (or perhaps because of it) ... a building is. For instance, Burtonsville Town Square will use geothermal heat pumps, which carry ... Energy Saver appliances. There are many notable environmentally-friendly features - the same heat [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 05:33:28
The Daily Flash: Eco, Space, Science (12/01)
Ocean currents can power the world, say scientists Explorers find ancient boat in Black Sea Mumbai Terrorists Watch World React With Horror Using BlackBerrys Virtual Ears And The Cocktail Party Effect Sue world leaders $1 billion for global warming? How Geothermal Heat Pumps Could Power the Future Scientists: Earth is still heating [more...]
Date: 2008-12-01 08:02:20
Tapping the earth for home heating and cooling
Geothermal energy, or ground-source heat pumps, which use the earth as a heat sink are getting more interest as people look to cut the cord on fossil fuels. More... [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 13:12:34
Tapping the earth for home heating and cooling
Geothermal energy, or ground-source heat pumps, which use the earth as a heat sink are getting more interest as people look to cut the cord on fossil fuels. [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 12:00:00
Cool Science Projects: Chelsea's General Theological Seminary, where developer...
Chelsea's General Theological Seminary, where developer the Brodsky Organization is building the Chelsea Enclave luxury condop, has tapped into the streams of water beneath Manhattan to heat and cool its ancient buildings ... harvested by geothermal pumps. Manhattan is geologically suited for these deep wells. From a depth [more...]
Date: 2008-11-19 16:43:57