Egyptian Slave Freed From Slavery... In America
Shocking story this week about an Egyptian girl kept enslaved as a house maid for three years by a rich Egyptian family... in the US ... in their Cairo apartment, and soon after as a "maid" in their California home. Her duties forced her to awake before dawn and work until past midnight, cleaning the luxurious five-bedroom mansion [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 05:24:00
Blog posts
(22) |
Where is the balance in undercover reporting?
There’s a great new article in the Ryerson Review of Journalism (one of Canada’s best magazines, imho) ... her real name, for the record) joined a maid service and spent a month working as a maid in the homes ... company, and the cleaning service for invasion of privacy and deceit. The RRJ has an interesting [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 19:16:31
Home cleaning service with natural products
Do you spend so much time on the computer blogging that you never seem to get around to some of your household chores? ... you're disabled and need a maid service to maintain your home. Or maybe you have extreme allergies or asthma and require a dust-free environment. Personally I would look for a home cleaning service [more...]
Date: 2008-11-04 20:11:32
Start the year clean: Engage the kids, repurpose old items
There’s something about the new year that brings on a cleaning frenzy in my life ... training with our kids will pay many dividends in getting the cleaning job done … together. Marlo ... this? I spoke with Amy Olson, spokesperson for THE MAIDS Home Services, to find some industry tips [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 18:04:09
Rants: Local Alabama NAACP Is Anti-Stupid Poofy Dress In Inaugural Parade
I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that we black people ran out of real problems and only had mock outrage to deal out over a bunch of girly-girls in Southern ... Maids to stay home on Inauguration Day, claiming the group reminds him of slavery [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 16:59:00
Wedvice: Gifts and Registering
Beach-inspired Tabletop. Scroll down for details and description! They always say it’s better to give than it is to receive ... , there are two ways you can go, and they certainly hinge on the situation you find yourself in as an engaged ... man, maid of honor, or parents. It isn’t their home. They’ll probably have an opinion and it may side [more...]
Date: 2008-12-18 16:00:50
Quick n’ Dirty Rental Income
Pool’s closed. Due to filming. Bloomberg reports a creative way to pay the mortgage if you’re in the Southern California area - ... said. That would cover about half of her monthly household bills, including maid service. Not only ... , as Bloomberg mentions, coming home to find that the producers have painted your living room Day-glo [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 13:52:59
Pakistan Resort Online Reservation
People go abroad and think how it would be like to be in that place. The Motel are just there which you always wanted to have ... and maid service and if you are more into homely cooked food then it can do wonders to your whole stay ... . Turkmenistan Motel have also done well regarding security. The staff is always there for your service [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 14:40:17
A la French Maid! 1950s House Wife Cleans The Home… the sexy way.
What is wrong with aspiring to be a 1950s housewife? Some of my dearest friends (yes Emme this includes you) ... French maid costume makes the simple act of house cleaning ... is healthy cleaning products. I discovered these are just as easy to make as they are on the pocketbook [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 04:07:12
Philippines Hostel Online Booking
Philippines Hostel Online Booking January 15th, 2009 at 09:56am Under Travel People go abroad and think how it would be like to be in that place ... for you. These East Timor Motel come with a good kitchenette and maid service and if you are more into homely cooked ... security. The staff is always there for your service and they make sure that your [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 09:56:38
Is it over?
Last night as I brushed my teeth in the bathroom in my fleece jacket and pajamas, I told God, "Thanks for the cold weather, but I think we've had enough already." I thought about the people (read: the maids) who hate ... cecile. I'm just amused at you guys back home and I was thinking about the comforter for your maids [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 07:49:15
Happy 2009!
I haven't done any sewing this past week. With Christmas and my hubby home, it's hard to get much done besides playing "maid" around the house cleaning up after everyone. I did get a few goodies in the mail tho which is always so very fun.I had planned to do a post on my sewing of 2008, but I need hubby's help to make [more...]
Date: 2009-01-01 03:43:00
NYC Fun!
Hi bloggerinas- I hope most of you have off today and are enjoying being in your warm homes in comfy clothes just like I am! ... from childhood (also my maid of honor) Janine and a bunch of other sorority sisters and silly frat boy friends [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 14:48:25
Catching Up...
We have a million and one things going on at the moment...I haven't had an ounce of free time in the last week! ... weekend"... I was prepared to come home and have tons of cleaning to do along with my laundry, but Brandon hired a maid service to come and clean the house before I got back!! So, I came home to a perfectly [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 19:32:27
Time management and Blogging
My Osaka friend MSNed me yesterday asking me how i managed to find time to update my blog frequently and with lots of pictures despite having tight ... baking, no maid, has 2 active toddlers aged 2 and 3. After work, she comes home, cooks nutritious [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 06:40:00
10 Ways To Maintain Or Improve Your Home Value
We are always looking for ways to increase, or at the very minimum, maintain our home value ... a few days and do some ‘deep cleaning’ or call in a maid service. Clean out some of those closets ... the house. Although this is not necessarily all Green, they are important none the less. For the most [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 22:00:50
Filipino maids in Mideast jobs say they face abuse
When I first visited my mother's home province in the Philippines as an adult (back in 1992) I was hosted by my cousin Eva. Back then, email was not ubiquitious. My mother mailed a letter back home to inform them that I'd being staying in Manila at the University of the Philippines for the summer, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 06:04:05
Why I Rent Instead of Own a Home
After I wrote my article, ‘A Little Something Learned About Apartment Living,’ a coworker asked me why I didn’t just buy a house ... maid service as it is, think how much more expensive that would be for a house. But, I also don’ ... , I have very good reasons, at least to myself, on why I don’t buy a house. 1.) Can’t afford it I’ [more...]
Date: 2008-10-22 13:02:07
New York Times reports on the economic crisis
OUTSOURCED CHORES COME BACK HOMEBy CATHERINE RAMPELLPublished: January 16, 2009A few months ago, as her family’s income fell, Laura French Spada, ... at home and cutting her hair and cleaning her house herself. And Tamar A. Zaidenweber, a health care ... his mother’s cookie-filled oven (“the new bakery”).After letting their maid go last October, Chris [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 10:19:00
Pakistan: Christian girl freed from slavery to Muslim woman
In a rare legal victory, a Pakistani court has ordered police to rescue a Christian teenage girl held against her will by a ... to have Nousheen work for one month as a maid at Mehnaz’s house in exchange for a set payment. However, Mehnaz refused to either pay Nousheen for her services or allow her to return home when the month [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 20:19:36
Here's your chance to get two La-Z-Boy recliners
Hey, if you are or have a lazy guy or gal in your home you may want to click here as many times as possible between now and Monday. The company is giving away a top prize of two recliners, a year of Molly Maid service, free monthly food deliveries and a Robomower. You can enter online or print out a game piece and take to any [more...]
Date: 2008-10-22 22:07:18
Nikitas Magel of Vinikitas ~ Wine Country Interviewer ~ An Addition to Wine-Blog
Where would I be today if it weren’t for my three wine industry mentors, Lavonne Homes, then Katrina Walker Commesso, and finally Corinne Reichel… All at Belvedere Winery? Probably still on my knees cleaning more toilet bowls for Merry Maids… Yes, I did that so that I wouldn’t have to bother any company [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 09:51:07