What Is Your Purpose
This is a guest post by Miruh over at Spiritual Healing Journey which is the only blog listed on my blogroll (so far at least) ... when people complained about having to pitch in to help out with doing dishes or cleaning: There was a club ... one. These roles included being the butler, the valet, the maid, the dishwasher, the cook, the bathroom [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 04:47:33
Blog posts
(2) |
Short Funnies
Did you hear about the two blondes who froze to death in a drive-in movie? They had gone to see ‘Closed for the Winter ... she was sleeping. The Cook was cooking breakfast. The Gardener was picking vegetables. The Maid was getting the mail. The Butler was cleaning the closet. The police instantly arrested [more...]
Date: 2008-10-20 12:00:27