Smiles and Frowns
My blood pressure is doing better. It’s not great, but it’s not at dangerous levels anymore ... a break from work. I’ve reorganized and repacked all of my various gear – tools, gun-cleaning kits, knife sharpening kits, camping gear, etc. It feels good to be in control and to know where everything [more...]
Date: 2008-12-16 19:41:08
Blog posts
(43) |
You Have Purchased...
...your first firearm, studied the owners manual, educated yourself on firearm safety, ... the past few decades I have used quite a few different gun cleaning kits from just about every ... market is chock full of gun cleaning supplies. Any sporting goods store you walk [more...]
Date: 2008-11-11 22:50:00
A Small Shopping List
Apple Multi-Tool Large Heavy Duty Duffle Bag Fencing Deer/Rabbit Various Oils for Lubricants Soap Cast Iron Stew Pot/Handle 200 ... ) Wheat ! Gun Cleaning Kit Growing Shoes For Vedant Non Edible Marigolds deer repellant [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 19:29:00
A Maintenance Kit for THAT, 8,500yen: "Don't Have the Real One, so Don't Know Much About It w"
AkibaBlog Sangatsu Usagi sold a maintenance kit for a gun. It is a set of cleaning equipments of guns for 5.6mm, 10mm, 11.4mm (0.45in), 9mm, 7.62mm, etc. The price is 8,500yen. Sangatsu [more...]
Date: 2008-11-06 06:52:51
My Dogs are barking...
Well, I'm draggin ass... Today Wachenmacher Gun Show at Tulsa, OK I walked, and walked and walked... And I STILL haven't seen everything ( ... with just about any accessories one could want, except .223 Otis cleaning kits in black (which ... nice guy! Good blogger too, go visit him at Gun Toting Seagull.Observations- If you want [more...]
Date: 2008-11-09 02:29:00
Amy, Get Your Gun...and Pass the Salsa, Would You?
While I would never leave a pistol out in plain view during a dinner party -- I wasn't raised by wolves, ... that I am the one who knows every single word to "Cleaning This Gun" by Rodney Atkins.The holes in this target were made ... from two Old El Paso dinner kits and chips with radiator salsa (recipe to follow). Not that he noticed [more...]
Date: 2008-10-14 00:14:00
Airbrush Makeup Kits Guide
Do you want to get on board with the latest fashion trend? Do you want to have a picture perfect face all day? ... , wand, or gun), a compressor, and a hose (to attach the airbrush to the compressor). Sometimes, kits will also come with stencils, makeup, instructional DVDs or videos, and cleaning supplies [more...]
Date: 2008-06-23 13:22:29
bleach wallpaper
“bleach wallpaper” FREE DOWNLOAD AND SETUP GALVESTON — As many island residents return to find dreaded water marks encircling their homes, ... . Need to know: Standard homeowner’s… Cleaning up your house, after the water subsides - read ... reach. Since Hurricane Ike-driven storms soaked the metro Detroit area, water… Cleaning up the mess [more...]
Date: 2008-09-24 08:22:49
So Its been a tad nuts...
Things have been more than crazy lately. After going those wonderful days without the Internet and finally thinking I was all caught up, ... gun. Its a push handle bottle and well- Obviously has great pressure. They were all playing ... who the culprit was) But the cleaning wasn't too bad, a few wipes with a cloth and the bath tub did [more...]
Date: 2008-06-24 06:17:33
The 6 Most Adorable Animals (To Ever Go On a Bloody Rampage)
By Kevin InksSometimes, cute, fuzzy animals just get tired of our shit. Forced to crap in boxes, subsist on food that is basically liver-scented sawdust, it's no surprise that even the friendliest of creatures has been known to cause the occasional apocalyptic cascade of destruction. #6. Che Goatvara Carl Hulsey wanted a watchdog [more...]
Date: 2008-09-30 08:07:00
Power Washing Fact Sheet
by JR Rooney Pressure washers can be divided into four basic categories: light-duty electric; residential gas powered; heavy-duty gas powered; and professional gas powered. Cleaning power (CP) is calculated by multiplying pounds per square ... . They are lightweight and extremely easy to transport and use. Uses: * Washing cars, boats * Cleaning house [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 20:44:31
Grandpa's Shotgun - Post 1
Not that I do not have enough on my hands to keep me busy, but I am taking on a small side (hobby) project over the next year. While taking #2 of 5 to his Firearms Safety Classes, the kids were required to bring a gun (a long gun... No handguns) to class. Each week there would be a wide variety of different shotguns [more...]
Date: 2008-10-20 04:01:00
Margaret Pierson Estate Auction
When: Thursday, October 9, 2008 @ 3:30pm Where: 416 3rd Street Southwest, Little Falls, MN Terms: Cash, VISA, MasterCard, No Sales Tax, ... w/ Remote and Box Tonka Toy Transport Tonka Transport and No. 50 Steam Shovel Buddy L Scoop & Dump Truck Diesel 12TD Windup Jensen Mfg 115 Volt Steam Engine Metal Friction Fire Truck Nylint Motor [more...]
Date: 2008-09-17 00:42:51
All you need to know about a Power Washer
by JR Rooney Power washers can be divided into four basic categories: light-duty electric; residential gas powered; heavy-duty gas powered; and professional gas powered. Cleaning power (CP) is calculated by multiplying pounds per square ... and extremely easy to transport and use. Uses: * Washing cars, boats * Cleaning house siding [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 20:41:09
All you need to know about a Power Washer
by JR Rooney Power washers can be divided into four basic categories: light-duty electric; residential gas powered; heavy-duty gas powered; and professional gas powered. Cleaning power (CP) is calculated by multiplying pounds per square ... and extremely easy to transport and use. Uses: * Washing cars, boats * Cleaning house siding [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 20:46:09
Kill Bill Movie Swords
Hobbies differ from people to people. Some have enthusiastic interest in collecting antique things like Jewell Aries, coins, stamps etc ... and high costs. It’s between $ 26.05 and $ 145.99.with all the above swords hattori hanzo cleaning kits are given. The bill and bride’s sword set has a blade with razor sharp. It is wrapped [more...]
Date: 2008-12-05 01:37:21
All you need to know about a Power Washer
by JR Rooney Power washers are divided into 4 basic subcategories: light-duty electric; residential gas powered; heavy-duty gas powered; and professional gas powered. Cleaning power (CP) is calculated by multiplying pounds per square ... and extremely easy to transport and use. Uses: * Washing cars, boats * Cleaning house siding [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 20:46:44
Power Washer Facts
by JR Rooney Power washers can be divided into four basic categories: light-duty electric; residential gas powered; heavy-duty gas powered; and professional gas powered. Cleaning power (CP) is calculated by multiplying pounds per square ... and extremely easy to transport and use. Uses: * Washing cars, boats * Cleaning house siding [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 20:47:50
it's been an interesting summer stretch of life, lately.little, yellow, different,'s been a dirty sort of summer, busy.yesterday was a post-party-at-the-house-day and i took a full day RAINED like in the bible and got black at 3 o'clock in the daytime.i leaned out the window for a while [more...]
Date: 2008-07-22 12:15:00
To the Stampworthy Masses: We Hear You!
**Comments pour in daily. Sometimes all at once, which just goes to show the devotion our readers have, following our posts almost as religion ... ? Magic? Black Magic? or perhaps…. Black powder pistol kits. black powder pistol kits jennings ... pistol kimber pistol price list automatic gun pistol semi 45 colt pistol trailblazer full auto airsoft [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 03:34:09
Power Washer Facts
by JR Rooney Power washers are divided into 4 basic subcategories: light-duty electric; residential gas powered; heavy-duty gas powered; and professional gas powered. Cleaning power (CP) is calculated by multiplying pounds per square ... and extremely easy to transport and use. Uses: * Washing cars, boats * Cleaning house siding [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 20:52:23
Power Washer Facts
by JR Rooney Power washers are divided into 4 basic subcategories: light-duty electric; residential gas powered; heavy-duty gas powered; and professional gas powered. Cleaning power (CP) is calculated by multiplying pounds per square ... and extremely easy to transport and use. Uses: * Washing cars, boats * Cleaning house siding [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 21:03:22
How to survive the coming collapse
{ December 4, 2008 @ 4:48 pm } · { Economy, survivalism } { Tags: ammo, bailout, camping, cash, depression, farms, food supplies, foreclosure, gold, guns, mortgage, mortgages, MRE's, off the grid, silver, solar power, survival, survivalism, TARP, urban survivalism, water } *I feel this is very important [more...]
Date: 2008-12-04 20:48:03
Vanderboegh: Absolved - - The Squad -- BAR
"Fire without movement is indecisive. Exposed movement without fire is disastrous. There must be effective fire combined with skillful movement." -- Marine Rifle Squad, Fleet Marine Force Manual 6-5 The Squad – BAR A Chapter of 'Absolved' by Mike Vanderboegh Students of Marine Corps tactics are taught that the smallest tactical and maneuver [more...]
Date: 2008-11-19 00:29:19
Sometimes A Toy Is Just A Toy, And Then…
or some, a toy is just a toy; for others a toy can mean a whole lot more. After a week of reflecting on the comments people have offered on my last post here, on Open Salon and on Anti Racist Parent, this is the best summary statement that I can give of the majority of the positions asserted [more...]
Date: 2008-12-03 20:23:18
Why I never clean
Why I never clean December 1st, 2008 Generally speaking, I try to stay out of the upper half of our house. That’s where the kids (messy) ... , science kits, board games and craft supplies. Basically it is a very messy space. I actually don’t try ... s Room cleaning began. First I insisted Tony finally [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 02:18:54
Tool bag lost in space…Get it? Get it?
Tool bag lost in space…Get it? Get it? November 18th, 2008 | Category: Hardware NASA spacewalker Heidimarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, assigned with cleaning a gunky solar panel joint to enhance energy production, watched her tool bag drift away in space earlier today. It slipped out of her hand after her grease gun accidentally [more...]
Date: 2008-11-18 21:58:00
Narrowboat Balmaha – Lazy Otter to Ely
Sunday 7th September 2008, Lazy Otter. Rain with the occasional thunderstorms swept across during the day and we thought of those poor boaters stranded higher up the Ouse or those, like Chas and Ann on Moore 2 Life, on the river Nene. As she lives not far from here we got a call from No [more...]
Date: 2008-09-14 14:46:58
Mortgage Field Service company providing Property Preservation in the Michigan MI area
Please contact us for any additional information that may be needed. We are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Name of Company: Independent MFS Contact Information: Primary Contact: Name: Laura Smith Email: Telephone: (313) 293-0892 Secondary Contact: Name: Thomas Smith Email: thomas [more...]
Date: 2008-11-06 23:35:38
Building a Legal Semi Auto AK-47
It can be down, but it’s annoying. For starters you need a parts kit. Ever since the ATF demanded kits have the barrels cut, the cost of building an AK has gone way ... for you). What is left will be a pile of parts that may need cleaning and refinishing. After [more...]
Date: 2008-10-25 05:48:04
Paintball Gun
Keeping your paintball gun clean and well lubricated is on of the most important things you can do to protect it. Cleaning and lubricating your paintball gun rarely takes more than few minutes of your free time ... in cleaning and lubing your paintball gun. But first, there are lots of different brands paintball gun [more...]
Date: 2008-08-12 19:31:58
Michigan Mortgage Field Service Company Providing Property Preservation Services in the Detroit area
Name of Company: Independent MFS Contact Information: Primary Contact: Name: Laura Smith Email: Secondary Contact: Name: Thomas Smith Email: Coverage Area: State: Michigan Counties: Wayne Area Codes: Please see attached list Years of Experience: 15 years References: [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 02:27:40
From the Front: 01/14/2009
News and Personal dispatches from the front and the home front.In their own words:Back In the Army Now (at 54): Attention K-Mart Shoppers--Fill your DBag - My wife and I are going to K-Mart today to get the last few items recommended on my Army PowerPoint slide: eyeglasses cleaning and repair kits, fitted [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 14:47:00
LSWTF Chat of the VP Debate
JackGonzo: Welcome everyone to the LSWTF live chat of the VP DEBATE!8:02 PM wow, who chose Gwen's jacket? SayHey: I think it was Janet Reno JackGonzo: The wife believes it was Kenley who made the jacket8:03 PM apparently Palin is going to a funeral SayHey: She looks scared as hell JackGonzo: We start off with the bailout8: [more...]
Date: 2008-10-03 03:10:00
Catastrophe in real time: Canine road trip November 21, 2008
Sleeping in the car So after three weeks at home, it was time to get back out there and do some traveling. However, poor Dozer ( ... for your dog. It comes in very handy if you need to remove any ticks. The kits are usually [more...]
Date: 2008-11-21 23:23:08
There isn’t a new star in The Big Dipper…that’s just a putty knife
There isn’t a new star in The Big Dipper…that’s just a putty knife November 18th, 2008 | Category: Hardware NASA spacewalker Heidimarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, assigned with cleaning a gunky solar ... . It slipped out of her hand after her grease gun malfunctioned. Her reaction? “Oh, great…”Original post [more...]
Date: 2008-11-18 21:58:00
How many of us got our first gun for Christmas? Or our most memorable one? Share the memories here! The Christmas gun that sticks most in my mind was under the tree for me in the year 1960 ... -year-old kid to argue? Early in December of that year, Dad and gun dealer Stan Sprague took [more...]
Date: 2008-12-11 13:19:28
Comic Book Review: Detective Comics #850
Detective Comics #850 is the conclusion to the entertaining Hush story arc ... him by taking the gun. We realize that it is Hush masquerading as Bruce. Alfred reveals that the real Bruce ... is behind the grandfather clock. Hush opens up the entrance to the Batcave. Hush then puts his gun [more...]
Date: 2008-11-18 03:39:00
Hey Santa!
The Craft Critique reporters have come up with their 'must-haves' (or 'must-gives') for this holiday season ... is the equivalent of a sous chef for crafting. Also a nanny and a cleaning service. Deborah Phipps [more...]
Date: 2008-12-15 16:14:14
Okay- Time once again to.. Bring out the gun nuts.
Don't let the NRA block sensible gun-control laws. Other forms of gun control could get you killed.(By your wife) (Below is a tedious list of statistics (which NRA “extremies” and other wingies [more...]
Date: 2008-08-20 01:28:29
TOM WAITS (conversaciones, entrevistas y Opiniones) Mac Montadon
“Prefiero tener una botella delante a que me hagan una lobotomía frontal”“No existe el demonio es simplemente Dios cuando se emborracha”“Dios protege , a los borrachos, a los locos y a los niños pequeños”Tom Waits“VF:¿Cual es la cualidad que mas te gusta de una mujer? [more...]
Date: 2008-12-15 02:51:00
En iyi savunma saldırıdır
Nihayet blog dünyasına da saldırdılar.T.C. Diyarbakır 1. Sulh Ceza Mahkemesi 20.10.2008 tarih ve 2008/2761 sayılı kararı gereği tüm "blogspot" sitelerine erişim engellendi.Bir kez daha görülüyor ki, düşünceden korkmanın, yasaklama alışkanlık ve hırsının sonu yok [more...]
Date: 2008-10-25 17:06:00
Gunsmith Toolbox
It seemed like every time I stopped by the Wal-Mart to buy more ammunition for the cache, I found myself looking at this toolbox ... . The better quality Universal Gun Cleaning Kits will have most this stuff, and can be expanded upon ... to make it my very own.Every gun cleaning kit should have an assortment of tools to get the job done [more...]
Date: 2008-12-11 17:07:00