Ecollo in review: Squeaky Clean
Just because you love having a clean home or workspace doesn't mean you have to subject yourself to the multiple chemicals contained in your ... is inexpensive and can be used for a variety of purposes including in your laundry and on your carpet ... typical off-the-shelf cleaning products, especially when you consider the jury is still out on how [more...]
Date: 2008-10-09 20:50:47
Blog posts
(44) |
How To Remove Black Mold
by Gary Homesetter If you have ever tried to remove mold, you know it can be a huge problem ... cleaners are very inexpensive and are stronger than some of the named brands that you will find in the store. Most people use bleach. Yes, bleach will work but what if you want to clean the carpet? Bleach [more...]
Date: 2008-11-08 13:40:45
Adventures in DIY Home Remodeling
I've had the keys to my foreclosure for two and a half weeks now. We haven't moved in yet, though, because there's so much fixing to do.We could have moved in immediately if we wanted to live with pink walls throughout the entire house, unfinished drywall in multiple places, filthy carpet, electrical hazards, and myriad other issues [more...]
Date: 2008-11-24 08:01:00
Do You Love Your Pet?
Pet Issues BY: JUDI RUSSELL - New Orleans MagazineIf they tell the truth, more than one person will admit that their pets are their best friends. In good times or bad, pets give unconditional love and most of us are so attached to our animals that we’ll think twice about evacuating for a hurricane if we can’t take them with us [more...]
Date: 2008-11-03 11:11:00
The “OTHER” Uses of Soda Water
Soda water is apparently something familiar to us as a social drinking substance or something that can hit the spot in times of thirst. But you would be surprised at its other uses, mostly by being a solution towards cleaning certain items such as rugs, mugs or your usual room carpet. We have seen a lot of common items [more...]
Date: 2008-08-18 16:40:01
Green Cleaning
My sister-in-law, Mary, just moved to a new house. While moving she threw out all her harsh chemical cleansers, and now Mary is "going green" ... , I put together a list of simple and inexpensive ingredients readily available that can get the job ... in cleaning glass and tile, and removing odors. Baking SodaHighly versatile, mild abrasive that can [more...]
Date: 2008-08-21 13:00:00
Who puts carpet in a bathroom?Assholes, that’s who.
I think maybe my Cats and Other Assholes theme this week has been a very bad idea because within about two hours of the first post, ... contained brand new wall-to-wall carpet (regular, normal, non-special carpet exactly like what’ ... before I can sleep at night? Would it be best to just set the carpet on fire? Can I sue the carpet [more...]
Date: 2008-08-22 21:02:31
Increase the Value of Your Home With a Few Simple, Affordable Changes
There’s a lot you can do to get your home into shape so that it can command a niftier price tag once you decide to put it in the market ... that are the result of minor settling Sealed leaks in the home and painting away the stains caused by those leaks ... of cubic space that was four times our 2 car garage. It was shameful! Cleaned our carpet for the [more...]
Date: 2008-06-14 16:58:24
Curbly Recession Busters: How To Spruce Up Your Own Digs For The Holidays
It's the time of year you turn a critical eye to the interior to see what needs to be spruced ... everything a thorough cleaning from top to bottom. You'll get an instant boost of feeling in control. 2. Get down and clean that disgusting carpet. Clean carpet is really a necessity. 3. Nothing [more...]
Date: 2008-10-29 20:35:31
Recycling Symbols: A Review
This is a guest post by John Simonetta, owner of ProformaGreen, an eco-friendly promotional items consultancy ... , floor tile, drainage pipe, lumber, benches, doghouses, picnic tables, fencing. HDPE is a versatile ... bottles, cooking oil bottles, clear food packaging, wire jacketing, medical equipment, siding [more...]
Date: 2008-10-15 17:04:12
Green? Let’s Go White!
According to many experts White Vinegar has 1001 uses. It can be used in cooking and cleaning as well as gardening and home remedies ... very, very inexpensive and can be purchased at almost any grocery store/ farmer's marketplace ... , and germs, due to its level of acidity. Cleaning with white distilled vinegar is a smart way to avoid [more...]
Date: 2008-07-28 19:39:57
Festival of Frugality #136 - Summer School Edition
Welcome to the 136th Festival of Frugality - The Summer School Edition, hosted here at Student Scrooge! If this is your first time visiting Student Scrooge, please take a moment to look around. This blog has been my venue over the past few months for sharing my own experiences and discoveries as I work to continue to put myself on the right path [more...]
Date: 2008-07-30 06:49:59
Mapleshade Finished Platform for Turntables
I want to thank John over at for this great review!AUDIOPHILE AUDITION focuses on recordings of interest to audiophiles and collectors, with an accent on surround sound for music, and on all hi-res disc formats. Over 100SACD, DVD Video/Audio and standard CD reviews are published during each month, [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 16:13:00
Pet Advice - Pet News - Pet Stories
Dog Training: Frequently Asked QuestionsBy: Susie AgaI frequently get asked the same questions by different clients all the time ... it they can't chew or eat it!How to get rid of urine smells in carpet?There are many different products ... days to see if the color changes. The professional carpet cleaners sometimes guarantee [more...]
Date: 2008-12-13 14:01:00
Curbly Recession Busters: Cleaning Your House on the Cheap!
The wisenheimers among us might say the best way to save money on cleaning supplies is not to clean. That, however, is not an option. You can be broke and clean. (Just ask any depression-era housekeeper.) In an effort to embrace ... Swiffer Dusters too! Using newspapers to clean mirrors and windows is an old money-saving idea [more...]
Date: 2008-10-28 14:31:22
Home Based Business and Delegation
Home Based Business and Delegation By Pavel Becker | November 1, 2008 by Pavel Becker Why do most entrepreneurs fear delegation so much? ... : what is a business? Is it an opportunity to provide your customers with fresh bread and cleaning services ... if the business is going to make money or are we just hoping that if we do what we do-whether cleani [more...]
Date: 2008-11-01 16:40:26
WebEcoist offers 7-point beginner’s guide to going green’s A 7-Point Beginner’s Guide to Going Green Going green: where to start? If you are interested in living a more eco-friendly lifestyle, this is for you. We hope you will find WebEcoist to be pleasantly free of politics and we’ll never tell you to eat granola, hug a tree or vote for the Greens. You don’t even have to switch to tofu [more...]
Date: 2008-09-26 14:32:35
Houseplants: Fresh Air From a Pot!
Photo by madaise via Flickr During the winter months, when it is really cold outside, ... up in the house. That is why we see a decline in our indoor air quality during the winter. For short periods of time, that’s not really a problem. But, long term exposure to poor indoor air quality can result [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 16:00:52
Spring cleaning?
Maybe if I were SuperWoman, I would be starting my spring cleaning, but, I'm not! ... to make some more of our regular cleaners for everyday use. I have a nice big basket that I lined ... !)Heather's Carpet Fresh2 cups baking soda1 cup corn starch6 drops essential oil - I like lemongrass [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 19:00:00
Using Search Engine Optimisation to Generate Leads
by David B. Ascot When you do search engine optimisation, you are increasing your website’s rank among search engines such as Yahoo, Google and MSN. In Australia, Google is the main search engine with over 80% of the search engine market share. Tests have also revealed that Google searches almost always become either sales or inquiries much more [more...]
Date: 2008-10-06 08:29:47
How To Remove Black Mold Safely
How To Remove Black Mold Safely By Garth Hopewell | November 6, 2008 by Gary Homesetter If you have ever tried to deal with mold, ... . Most of the time these mold cleaners are very inexpensive and are stronger than ... but what if you want to clean the carpet? Bleach will kill the mold but will NOT keep the mold from coming back [more...]
Date: 2008-11-07 00:32:18
Bathrooms makeover within your budget
There are several ways to live your dull and tired bathrooms without spending huge money ... . If your carpet is old enough and looking awkward then you should replace with inexpensive vinyl ... with cheap vinyl tiles. Paints and colors are the key vehicle in the journey bathroom s design [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 02:38:20
Soaps and Cleaners on a Budget
Regardless of how tight your budget is, there’s no need to go without soap and detergents ... to the pthalates and fragrances found in commercial cleaning products may alleviate a number of immune-related ... in your area, you may find the baking soda sticks to the carpet. If you aren’t sure whether [more...]
Date: 2008-09-16 18:14:42
Friday Hodge Podge
I'm go glad its Friday, because since Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, I don't think I've worked a full 5 days in a row until this week ... pepper. I had a "steam in the microwave" bag of Food Lion brand frozen vegetables (broccoli, carrots [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 11:16:00
Cancer Is A Four Letter Word - ACID
Most of us are going to be surprised to find out that there is anoncologist in Rome Italy, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, eliminating cancer tumors with sodium bicarbonate.Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely inexpensive and unstopably effective when it comes to cancerous tissues [more...]
Date: 2008-10-14 20:05:00
Recycle Carpet Samples
It's time for me to take a break from Christmas decor. When I think about the fresh, new year, I get giddy about cleaning, clearing, and being creative ... for reusing carpet samples. Lowe's, Home Depot and some supersize stores always seem [more...]
Date: 2008-12-10 13:50:17
Clean Green!
by: AJ McCreary, PICurrent Assistant Producer ... at a price. Or does it? Cleaning Green has been around for centuries. It just hasn’t been sold as “environmentally friendly”, but mainly as practical or inexpensive. These old time cleaning practices [more...]
Date: 2008-11-11 13:15:47
Review Of The Family ~ Wedding Vows
Oh the horror! Last night was the last episode of the Family, but what a lovely one it was! The episode opened with Jane doing some cleaning at the weekend, but Simon wanted to go out. Jane was having none of it, despite the fact that Simon pointed out she was off all week and therefore [more...]
Date: 2008-11-06 10:11:36
The Whole Deal™ on Homemade Cleaning Products
The whirlwind of the holidays (and my own post holidays travel schedule) ... . Pots and pans in my sink, spots on all my mirrors and a sadly neglected wall-to-wall carpet ... out carpet stains, freshening up the carpet and dog beds, and I’m sure there are countless other uses [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 13:00:36
Time out for Mommy & Me: How you can start a community outreach for mothers and their pre-school children
As a mother of two toddlers, I wondered how I could make motherhood a priority yet make my life count for God in a significant way. The answer came in a rather unexpected way. When my twin girls were two, I began attending a community program for moms and tots [more...]
Date: 2008-09-30 16:20:33
Readybot domestic robot prototype video: now with Roomba garage
The “Readybot Challenge” team have released footage of their domestic robot, ... of 50-percent of the usual cleaning tasks by the end of the year, topping out at 80-percent in its final form ... Press Release: Readybot Kitchen-Cleaning Robot Takes on Family Room - With Help From Friendly [more...]
Date: 2008-06-24 12:32:15
Nasty, nasty chemical cleaners: the top 10 criminals
Undoubtedly, any one of us could look in a cupboard and under the sink and find bottles and cans of household cleaners that contain the harshest and ... and/or burn skin, eyes, mucous membranes and the respiratory tract Carpet & Upholstery Shampoo – [more...]
Date: 2008-11-21 08:44:44
Book Review: Good Deals & Smart Steals
I received a book, titled “Good Deals & Smart Steals” written by the experts of Good Housekeeping Research Institute. The back cover summarizes the book as follows: “Whether you want to cut back on expenses or simply love a great bargain, Good Deals & [more...]
Date: 2008-10-21 16:30:33
What cats like to play with
What cats like to play with July 31st, 2008 internet marketing What cats like to play with In order to understand what cats like to play with, you need to first understand the nature of you cat. We call cats pets but actually 90% of their nature is still “wild”. Cats don’t “think”, they act in most cases on their natural instincts [more...]
Date: 2008-07-31 14:53:21
Winter Checklist - 99 Ways to Get Ready For Winter
Get Ready for Winter with Homemaker Barbi’s Winter Checklist Are you ready for winter? As the winter season slowly approaches for you (or quickly for those of you in colder climates), it brings on a whole other host of duties delegated to the household manager (usually Mom or Dad) [more...]
Date: 2008-10-13 17:41:15
Adding Essential Fatty Acids To Your Pets Diet
Adding Essential Fatty Acids To Your Pets Diet August 20th, 2008 internet marketing Adding Essential Fatty Acids To Your Pets Diet Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are a requirement in everyone’s diet, for both human and animal. However, the body cannot produce EFAs on its own, so it must be added to the diet each day [more...]
Date: 2008-08-20 13:54:03
Using Search Engine Optimisation to Generate Leads
by David B. Ascot When you utilise search engine optimisation, you do so to rank well in search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo ... , if you are a carpet installer in Melbourne, you’ll want to say something to the effect of, “Carpet [more...]
Date: 2008-10-10 22:33:09
Increase Your Homes Value With These Home Improvement Ideas
By Tony Evans Some home improvement projects will bring a return when you sell your home, ... space, by upgrading fixtures, flooring and lighting. A few inexpensive ways to make your existing [more...]
Date: 2008-11-12 11:02:26
8 Strategies To Improve Your Living Room For Less
The work on a home to improve its appearance can be an expensive endeavor ... from freak to chic. 6. Start Cleaning Often a thorough cleaning can really brighten a room for minimal [more...]
Date: 2008-10-08 04:52:43
Perfect Cat Box For Your Cat
Perfect Cat Box For Your Cat July 28th, 2008 internet marketing Perfect Cat Box For Your Cat By the end of this article, ... his budget for the cat box as well as the ease of cleaning it. Choosing the perfect cat box ... advisable material for a cat box and is also the most inexpensive variety in stores. Plus [more...]
Date: 2008-07-29 03:47:39
Remove Smell From Your House
Remove Smell From Your House To have a pleasant living and working environment, ... reduces odor, particularly in terms of frequent cleaning of cage filler and litter boxes, but even [more...]
Date: 2008-08-20 04:08:59
Rank Well in Search Engines and Improve Lead Generation
Rank Well in Search Engines and Improve Lead Generation Posted By Jane L. Church on @ 6:03 pm by David B ... optimisation. Obviously, it’s a fairly complex topic and companies spend thousands of dollars [more...]
Date: 2008-10-12 23:03:49
Replace Your Toxic Cleaning Products: 61 Eco-friendly Uses For Common Vinegar by Tracy Neely
Replace Your Toxic Cleaning Products: 61 Eco-friendly Uses For Common Vinegar by Tracy Neely Categories: Environment, ... is the most common cleaner accidentally swallowed by children. Children can also be exposed to dangerous [more...]
Date: 2008-10-09 08:03:43
Simbol Daur Ulang Pada Plastik
Recycling SymbolKeinginan untuk mengorek info tentang simbol daur ulang pada plastik ini berawal dari obrolan dengan seorang teman, yang mengatakan bahwa botol plastik dengan kode recycle no.1 itu tidak aman dan berpotensi mengganggu kesehatan. Katanya yang aman adalah yang nomornya 2 dan 5 [more...]
Date: 2008-08-04 18:28:22