Asbestos—100 Percent All Natural…
…no artifical byproducts or flavorings and despite all that, it’s none-to-good for you ... ve seen scares over lead based paint, asbestos, radon gas, toxic mold, radon gas again (it could ... material can be legally performed by homeowners, regular contractors, or licensed asbestos abatement [more...]
Date: 2008-11-11 03:47:30
Blog posts
(205) |
The magical benefits of Household cleaning products
Almost all new home owners have experienced that brand new house fragrance ... out that these natural mold remover are taking care of black mold without endangering other members of the family ... that they are not hurting mother earth while using these toxic black mold cleaners. Would you ever [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 19:10:00
ok, things could be worse. i KNOW that people have it worse out there.. ... because it still is covered in toxic mold spores, so i cannot take them out of bags until its been cleaned with mold killer...but i cannot do that yet until i have A PLACE TO PUT ALL THE STUFF! and the room [more...]
Date: 2008-12-09 19:19:00
Should I pay for a Home Inspection? What You May Not Know.
A Pittsburgh area home inspector gives his insight on home inspections. Questions, may be directed to Ed Lampl. (Article published with permission) ... problem, toxic mold or simply may be a result of a single incident. Consider using an inspector ... Consider a home inspection prior to purchasing a home, condominium or commercial property [more...]
Date: 2008-12-05 19:11:28
THE LATEST AND greatest thing Shelby is fixed on is bringing a stuffed animal into the bath tub with her. WHY?!! ... mold deep inside their stuffing and making her sick. The dryer is constantly going along with sun drying in hopes of killing the toxic mold that just has to be there...right? Cant help but love [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 21:46:00
The positives of using Janitorial cleaning products
After you sign the papers and walk into your new investment the first thing you will notice is that clean smell ... cleaning products are the best way to remove toxic mold from their home to make it a much safer ... it yourself. Have a look at some of the newest natural cleaning products on the market to help give [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 20:38:10
Boise Real Estate Info - Crawlspace Moisture
I dealt with three home inspections this week and two of them turned up moisture in the crawlspaces ... passed the building department’s final inspection, but I have seen this situation many times ... the layer of clay). Good In a worst-case scenario, crawlspace moisture can result in toxic mold [more...]
Date: 2008-11-15 18:21:26
Black Mold, all-u-can-eat bacon & Condescending Lies
Unemployment, losing our dream house, homelessness, bed rest and birth of our fifth baby and death in the family ... , remember? The other shoe fell. We evacuated our rental house. Why you ask? Well, hold your sides, get ready to laugh.....wait for it....wait........Toxic 'Black' Mold is infesting the house. So, after [more...]
Date: 2008-09-14 05:59:24
Up to Your Ankles in Water? Call Water Restoration 911
Not long after I bought this house, I went downstairs after a bath to find that my kitchen was flooded ... on your furniture; it can eventually cause mold to grow, including the toxic type. To minimize the damage ... smell wasn't a lot worse. If you have ever had a pipe burst, seen your house flood during a storm [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 20:40:02
Welcome to GIANTmicrobes! The PERFECT Gift For The Nerd Or Hypochondriac In Your Life
Welcome to GIANTmicrobes! We make stuffed animals that look like tiny microbes—only a million times actual size! ... Box, Coffee Mug,T-Shirts, Keychain Infirmaries Staph, Pneumonia, Chicken Pox, MRSA, Toxic Mold ... , Fat Cell, Red Blood Cell, White Blood Cell Aerials House Fly, Mosquito Menageries Heartworm [more...]
Date: 2008-07-18 19:58:14
Fix that Wet Basement to Prevent Mold and Other Harmful Effects
Why Fix Your Wet Basement? There are a number of important reasons why! The most important reason is your family’s health! Wet basements and crawlspaces are a breeding ground for bugs, toxic mold bacteria, odors, air-born ... 0% In-House Financing Available Free Basement Inspections Life of the Structure Warranty Mold Remediati [more...]
Date: 2008-10-14 12:11:36
Galveston Pushes Gentrification by Hurricane
Houston Independent Media Center GALVESTON, Texas — Charles Early runs an Internet bookstore from his apartment on the west end of Galveston Island ... from entry even as the threat of toxic mold over-running their homes grew daily. Less than a week after [more...]
Date: 2008-10-24 03:05:49
Ed McMahon's Formula For Not Losing Your House: Avoid Profligacy, Divorces, Debts
Ed McMahon's formula for avoiding foreclosure: Don't get divorced a few times, don't borrow $4 ... in a settlement in 2001 after toxic mold killed his dog. But he's still broke. On Larry King the other ... McMahon owes $4.8 million on his Beverly Hills house, which he's had trouble selling in part because [more...]
Date: 2008-06-08 20:44:00
Toxic Housing
Toxic Housing "Black Mold" is a term commonly used to describe a slimy, greenish-black substance which can result in serious... [more...]
Date: 2008-12-28 14:23:41
Big goings on in Philadelphia
Quite a weekend in Philadelphia just past. The National Governors Association celebrated its 100th anniversary, ... - Property Damages Litigation Group and Toxic Mold Litigation Group Education Program Resort Torts ... Education Program Aviation Law Section Education Program Bad Faith Insurance Litigation Group [more...]
Date: 2008-07-14 14:59:18
Welcome to GIANTmicrobes! The PERFECT Gift For The Nerd Or Hypochondriac In Your Life
Welcome to GIANTmicrobes! We make stuffed animals that look like tiny microbes—only a million times actual size! ... , Pneumonia, Chicken Pox, MRSA, Toxic Mold GIANTmicrobes® PROFESSIONAL ... Corporeals Brain Cell, Fat Cell, Red Blood Cell, White Blood Cell Aerials House Fly [more...]
Date: 2008-07-18 19:56:28
Chronicles Of Depression 2.0: #123
Ed McMahon talks about possible home foreclosure McMahon, ... , received a $7.2 million settlement after a toxic mold spread through his house and led to the death of their dog in 2001. With legal fees and construction costs of fixing the mold problem, the money [more...]
Date: 2008-06-06 19:45:16
We might loose a battle but not the war
A) I honestly think and very much hope that it will go west and miss NOLA completely B) We are ready this time ... , it should not be more than a foot inside of the house. I can deal with a foot of stinky, toxic mold [more...]
Date: 2008-08-30 02:24:16
ThinkGeek Makes Flesh Eating Disease Cute Again
ThinkGeek have rolled out some of the most charming close-ups of horrible diseases since 1995’s, Outbreak with their collection of plush microbes ... immitis) Salmonella (Salmonella typhimurium) The Plague - black death (Yersinia pestis) Mad Cow Disease ... them out at: Toxic Mold (Stachybotrys chartarum [more...]
Date: 2008-10-07 16:50:11
Going Green: Organic Mold Removal Products
Green is the new trend lately and it has moved to mold removal cleaning products as well. Mold, a type of fungi grows in humid places and is becoming a common household problem. Since mold is toxic, effective and strong biocide formulas are often used to remove them. However [more...]
Date: 2009-01-01 00:30:18
Beware of Furniture from Conforama
From AP: “After tainted baby milk, now toxic chairs from China ... , to prevent mold. Linkwise is based in the manufacturing hub of Dongguan in southern China. A man ... government’s quality inspection watchdogs to investigate the problem. He would not give details.” tags [more...]
Date: 2008-09-20 11:22:51
Elsewhere on the Ecosphere…
Here are today’s picks for what’s wow in green. Enjoy! How to green your PB&J! Bush may do some good for the planet? Say no to toxic mold. LA half-way house goes vertical. EPA violates their own Clean Air Act? [more...]
Date: 2008-08-27 18:00:38
Everybody dies eventually
FROM JASON’S PROGNOSTICATION – No, it’s not the title of a new James Bond movie ... in hospitalization for a fractured pelvis and sacrum. 5. Ed McMahon – He survived a 2002 battle with toxic mold [more...]
Date: 2009-01-01 22:15:38
Okay Okay…
November 19, 2008 Ramblings So after I read Jenn’s blog I guess I must give an update on life ... we found mold in our basement and bathroom. It ended up that all of those are symptoms of toxic mold. Long [more...]
Date: 2008-11-19 22:06:05
By 'jury bias' AAJ probably means jury knowledge, skepticism
Finally catching up to the latest issue of "Trial," the American Association for Justice's monthly magazine, ... with a product or practice that you can sue over, e.g., electric blankets, lead paint, toxic mold [more...]
Date: 2008-12-09 16:37:59
Edwin Howell on "Guerrilla’s Merger into Army? : Unfortunate!"
cyr9obzpa47he5n9 Palladium Wedding Rings Houses For Sale Phoenix Harman Kardon Dpr 1005 A V Reciever What Does Toxic Black Mold ... Theories Of Psychosocial Development Black Snake Moan Clips http [more...]
Date: 2008-12-19 01:03:08
Think Eco-Shoes Stop at Birkenstocks? Think Again.
There’s a lot of talk about greening your closet these days ... and recycling can go a long way towards reducing your "footprint," because most shoes mold ... an estimated 225 toxic chemicals during the tanning process. What to do? Choose "Eco-Leather [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 16:12:11
Serious information about Black mold cleaners
Almost all new home owners have experienced that brand new house fragrance ... cleaning products. Could you believe that rust removers can destroy rust without using toxic ... as well. Now people that have mold problems in their home are using these mold cleaner are taking care [more...]
Date: 2008-12-05 15:33:52
The Poisoned Presidency
There has GOT to be something wrong with the waterpipes in the Whitehouse. Or perhaps there's black mold or some sort of toxic germs hiding in the walls or airducts. Or something. I mean, Reagan got Alzheimer's. George Sr became clueless and out of the loop after [more...]
Date: 2008-06-26 05:04:35
Does mold make you sick? Doctors seek answers (Reuters)
Does mold make you sick? Doctors seek answers (Reuters) – Reuters - Fungus expert Joan Bennett did not believe in so-called toxic mold -- the cause of "sick building syndrome" and many lawsuits -- until her New Orleans home was flooded during [more...]
Date: 2008-10-28 20:11:18
Ought to Know (The Leonard Lopate Show: Monday, 01 September 2008)
Hear the latest news on Hurricane Gustav. Also, States of Union is all about Minnesota. On Underappreciated, hear about Yuri Olesha’s 1927 work Envy. Plus, find out what you need to know about to toxic mold, and the health problems it can cause! [more...]
Date: 2008-08-31 02:56:40
Ike Leaves People in Texas Homeless, Shell Shocked and in Need of Help
Nearly 400 people are missing two weeks after Hurricane Ike hit parts of Texas ... to guard against inhaling toxic mold that is proliferating in the sweltering city. One way you can help [more...]
Date: 2008-09-25 16:46:02
Home Buyers Can Make a Great DEAL in this Changed Real Estate Market!
Howie Mandle isn't the only one giving people the opportunity of a lifetime....You CAN Make a GREAT Deal if you buy a home now ... then discovers toxic black mold in the walls costing, a failed septic system or cement in the plumbing [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 23:00:00
Maybe he’ll win one of those giant Publishers Clearinghouse checks
It seems like the foreclosure nightmare has trickled up to the rich and famous! ... to a toxic mold that spread through the structure, sickened McMahon and his wife, and led [more...]
Date: 2008-06-08 00:03:47
Beautiful & Strong...... Down, but not OUT!
Why is it, whenever life throws me a curve ball, I think it okay to be a "self hater" ... to build and mold and filled with this toxic foods that leave me tired and more depressed [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 21:27:00
Cheatsheet: Triclosan
What is triclosan? ... sources. That’s especially unfortunate since triclosan is very toxic to aquatic life. a consumer ... ," "protection against mold," or make claims such as “odor-fighting” or “keeps food fresher, longer.” [more...]
Date: 2008-07-17 14:52:33
Toxic Mold: If I had only known, but no one told me!!!
If I had only known, but no one told me!!!!I moved into this little apartment as a young disabled nurse do to a back illness and surgery on March 25, 2005.Eleven months (Feb 2006) living [more...]
Date: 2008-07-02 01:19:18
Crawlspace Before Introducing a two part series on saving on heating and cooling your home by fixing your crawl space ... is breathing that damp, filthy (sometimes even toxic) crawl space air with all its airborne mold spores ... . Our last house had a crawl space under the living room that was a headache for me. My solution [more...]
Date: 2008-07-14 00:22:01
In Depth: Understanding sick-building syndrome and the benefits of a green office (By Starre Vartan)
In 1984, the World Health Organization published a report determining the cause of sick building syndrome, ... HVAC units (the heating, cooling and air exchange systems), or may be infested with toxic mold. Newer [more...]
Date: 2008-08-28 14:00:23
The Little Known Dangers of Black Mold
Have ever tried to remove mold? Then you know it can be a huge problem. What you may not know is that, when you catch it in time, toxic mold problems can be avoided. [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 23:27:44
Harwood Files Lawsuits Today - 80 people are being represented in the toxic mold and lead claim
Harwood Files Lawsuits TodayJune 9, 2008 – 1:01 pm Significant challenges now face Prestige and Casale today as numerous protests now continue to loom over the city (quite normal for Seattle) but HU [more...]
Date: 2008-06-09 21:27:37
The joys and benefits of Organic mold remover
A new home smell is something that leaves a memory in your mind forever. Sometimes owning a new home will give you a new outlook on your life ... favorites as well. Most families that have black mold are now realizing that these mold and mildew ... rust remover can destroy rust without using toxic chemicals. It is unbelievable how this can happen [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 17:21:38
Peanut Butter Avoidance Day
Thursday, November 6, 2008 at (Blog Holidays) I love peanut butter, but I just read this about it: …”raw peanut butter ( ... preserved, it can host the mold Aspergillus flavus, that produces aflatoxin (a very toxic [more...]
Date: 2008-11-06 12:28:46
HOW-TO: Detox Your Home
Who knew that the everyday products we use to keep our homes spic and span, could be harming us? According to Jana at care2 ... in the pan can breed mold and other bacteria. READ MORE. 3. Use non-toxic cleaning supplies. Eco ... , which release chemical odors and gases into your house almost the second they are taken [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 16:56:18
CURIOUS INDEX, 7/29/2008
REEEEEEEEEMIIIIIIIIX!!! Take him out of the ballgame, y’all ... coach, a profession that not only allowed him to mold young lives, but also to indulge in his many ... . Toxic mouthgards? Rub some dirt in ‘em. Oh, wait… Arkansas youth football starts the season [more...]
Date: 2008-07-29 14:08:16
Saving mother earth by using Mold cleaner
A new home smell is something that leaves a memory in your mind forever ... while using these mold remover. Could you believe that car rust removal can destroy rust without ... in their home and now are finding out that these mold and mildew cleaners are the best way to remove toxic [more...]
Date: 2008-12-27 20:27:21
Controlling Mold Without Toxic Chemicals
Mold can grow anywhere there are damp conditions–from a windowsill to a bathroom, to a whole house ... r health. Mold cleaners can contain toxic chemicals such as pentachoropheno [more...]
Date: 2008-10-07 21:47:05
Farber on the EU REACH Directive
Daniel A. Farber (University of California, Berkeley - School of Law) has posted Five Regulatory Lessons from REACH on SSRN ... of the chemical industry. This essay begins by discussing the difficulty of risk assessment and the very mixed ... struggles with toxic regulation; (2) the power of "next generation" environmental policies to mold [more...]
Date: 2008-11-18 11:01:07
Now Toxic chairs from China
Quote: French retailer in hot seat over Chinese chairs By JOHN LEICESTER, Associated Press Writer Fri Sep 19, 2:54 PM ET After tainted baby milk, now toxic chairs from China. Customers in France who bought ... , to prevent mold. Linkwise is based in the manufacturing hub of Dongguan in southern China. A man [more...]
Date: 2008-09-20 10:50:02
A Beneful Education
Someone asked for the links to things I found that led me to believe that it could be Beneful that led to my dog's being ill this week ... : A case of Beneful with some sort of mold growing on it. ... for you - it is actually TOXIC! Recalled dog foods from 2007 – [more...]
Date: 2008-09-14 17:43:53
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