Finding Leaks in Ductwork
The crawlspace under our house seems abnormally cool in the summer and warm in the winter ... as you describe. It’s possible that the ducts are poorly sealed, allowing air to escape, or that they were ... the ducts for air leakage. Also, look for discoloration of the insulation or rusting of the ducts [more...]
Date: 2008-08-18 21:37:23
Blog posts
(74) |
LIPA’S REAP PROGRAM January 16th, 2009 ARE you are having trouble managing your electric bills? ... efficient water devices. LIPA customers who have electric heat or central air conditioning may also get air conditioning filter replacements, air and duct sealing and insulation, attic and wall [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 14:10:56
Asbestos in the home
Asbestos in the home Submitted by: Michael Del Greco, New Jersey Home Inspector Lic GI 0121, President of Accurate Inspections, Inc, ... were developing cancers caused by asbestos in the air they were breathing. These cancers affect ... , heating pipes, ducts, boilers and furnaces would typically have insulations that contain asbestos [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 20:07:19
GAS SNIFFER by Raymond Wand Yesterday 05:05 PM ... System(s), Duct Insulation, Outlets, Radiators, Piping Systems and Valves, Cooling Equipment ... Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC): Home Inspection and Commercial Inspection Cost [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 17:56:18
Asbestos and Abatement in Silicon Valley Homes
Readers, Today I am running a guest post by ... not become airborne. If you have a home with asbestos products (often found in heater duct insulation ... for a long period of time, it wasn’t until 1990 when the California Air Resources Board (CARB) began [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 16:02:51
stovetop burners
stovetop burners by Jerry Peck Yesterday 08:23 PM ... (s), Duct Insulation, Outlets, Radiators, Piping Systems and Valves, Cooling Equipment, Condensate Drains ... , Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC): Home Inspection and Commercial Inspection Cost [more...]
Date: 2008-12-24 14:43:20
2008 NEC : Hard wired appliance (110v) - switch OK as disconnect
2008 NEC : Hard wired... by Darin Ginther Today 01:50 PM ... , Distribution System(s), Duct Insulation, Outlets, Radiators, Piping Systems and Valves, Cooling Equipment ... Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC): Home Inspection and Commercial Inspection [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 06:01:13
GFCI being used as a switch ???
GFCI being used as a switch... by Ted Menelly Today 12:49 PM ... , Distribution System(s), Duct Insulation, Outlets, Radiators, Piping Systems and Valves, Cooling ... 2,082 Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC): Home Inspection and Commercial Inspection [more...]
Date: 2008-12-27 20:03:29
Energy efficiency, Part 4: How does California do it so consistently and cost-effectively?
California and its utilities have achieved remarkably consistent energy efficiency gains for three decades (see “Part 3: The only cheap power left“) ... : better insulation, energy-efficient lighting, heating and cooling. But some of the strategies were unexpected. The state found that the average residential air duct leaked 20 to 30 percent of the [more...]
Date: 2008-07-30 18:34:25
Easy DIY Home Insulation
There are some easy home insulation fixes which you could do it yourself (DIY) ... Insulation First, check the joints in your ductwork. You can seal any that leak air by wrapping ... affiliate here). Tape the ends of the batts together with duct tape (if you scrape a little insulation off [more...]
Date: 2008-10-20 05:12:23
An Overlooked Way to Save Energy in Your Home
Building experts have known for years the importance of having a “tight” home ... or air conditioning system. Many new building codes have begun addressing duct leakage ... . By taking small steps such as caulking, using moisture barriers, increasing insulation [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 08:00:28
100 Ways in 100 Days-14: Seal Air Leaks
Welcome! This is our 100 ways in 100 days series on saving money by reducing your expenses ... occurs in the floors, ceilings, and duct. These items we will focus on during the insulation post ... sealed house (we will discuss insulation in another post, even though they go hand in hand) can “breathe [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 03:33:34
Why an English major is so valuable
Because we learn the important questions to ask. In the wake of ANOTHER Kitsap County snowstorm, I pose this one to you:When Winter comes, ... pump, or air conditioner. Common duct system problems include:Leaky joints or visible holes ... drain. With a little bit of work, you can actually save a great deal on your heating bills:Stop Air [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 14:50:00
Apply healthy indoor air tips in your home
During the dark, drippy days of winter, people spend more time indoors. This is a good time to peek into corners to assess the health of your home ... cleaning. Mold and mildew are common problems in our damp climate. To prevent mold growth, reduce ... or mold will return. Cleaning up mold should be done with soap or detergent and water. Protect [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 02:15:36
RV Owner and Handyman
In the excitement of considering life as an RVer, it may not occur to some that the new lifestyle demands several non-recreational roles to be assumed. One of these roles is the handyman (ladies included). I point this out not to throw cold water on the exciting plans, but to prepare you for a certainty that comes standard with living in an RV, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-03 00:52:40
Valuable Green Building Tips For The Home
by katie George The concept of green building basically refers to a design process that evolves out of the mindset of creating a healthy connection ... household trash, as well as a holding bin in the garage. Learn To Fully Optimize Your Homes’ Heating ... in duct work joints, and around windows, doors, exhaust [more...]
Date: 2008-12-21 15:00:00
Give Your Ducts Some TLC to Stop Global Warming
flexible duct Photo by Belinda Hankins Miller. This month’s topic on the Green Mom’s carnival is global warming being hosted over at Not Quite ... t show some love to your heating and cooling ducts, then your toes might be snuggly, but your wallet will be empty. According to Energy Star, a typical house loses 20% of the air movement through its du [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 18:07:07
Preparing for your Home Inspection
This first section will deal with home owners who are still living in their homes and will be having a home inspection to have condition removed ... are well supported and not sagging. Basement window wells are debris free, drains are filled with clean ... air ducts. There is no issue with wires touching cold air returns. Make sure your electrical [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 17:01:00
When the Weather Outside is Frightful, Seal the Inside
The bitter cold winds seemed to kick up early this year and reminded me of one of the things still on my energy reduction list: ... past partially closed windows were barely stopped by the film. Use insulation to plug any holes if you have a window that cannot be fully closed.Ensure there is some trapped air between the window [more...]
Date: 2008-12-26 18:12:33
No Furnaces but Heat Aplenty in ‘Passive Houses’
Hello everyone. The first thing I thought when I saw the title was “great, another uber insulated house that stays the right temperature, yet the occupants suffer through horrible air quality, including mold spores.”It would appear the experts have solved the old paradigm that too much insulation equals poor air quality. With the new [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 20:06:16
May the FOURce be with you
Jimmy had a birthday party today in celebration of him turning 4 this past week ... for the kids to decorateWe made these out of foam tube pipe insulation (they are even softer/better than ... soft so no one gets hurt! The kids would later decorate them with different colors of neon duct dape [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 04:19:00
Passive Solar: Living Without Furnaces in the Cold
This is the kind of innovation that will be required around the world in short order. We love reading our Friends at Earth Family Alpha: they always have a positive outlook and make incredibly imaginative suggestions about how we can go forward, just as does this article [more...]
Date: 2008-12-27 18:36:00
Peter vs. Paul-- Politics of the Nags
When it comes to turning off lights around the house, my wife is a nag (not as a member of the National Association of Gals, but one who incessantly nitpicks on her own). "You're wasting electricity" she will say, approximately thirty eight thousand times per day (give or take). Similarly, the political nags (not NAGs) [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 22:44:09
How-To: Simple Home Sealing Tips for Winter
As we enter fall and head with breakneck speed towards winter, we have many things to look forward to: crisp, clear fall days, ... insulation - indicates air infiltration. Assemble ... you will from your basement, since heat rises during the winter. Anytime you feel air coming [more...]
Date: 2008-10-01 16:04:20
Your Time: 52 Things
It's the New Year, so I decided to provide a checklist for people to try out. Try a different one every week! ... of your fridge twice a year. 7. Change or clean the air filter for you furnace one a month. Makes ... florescent or LED bulb. 2. Install a programmable timer on things like outdoor lights, air [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 19:53:25
Make a New Year’s Resolution to give your HVAC a Tune-Up
Every year, we make New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight, get more sleep, and eat healthier ... discussion about how to give a little heating and cooling duct TLC, right? Move the couch. Check ... . Dirt will slow air flow and increase energy costs. I have an electrostatic air filter which [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 02:07:47
XVIII: thickening chill
***This is the story of my marriage and divorce. If you are new to the story and want to catch up, you can do so here. If you can't remember where we last left off because I have left you hanging for so long, you can also read here.***That February, when I finally gave in and allowed Mitch to take over the duty of assessing how much I was worth, [more...]
Date: 2008-09-29 17:25:00
I wish they all could be California's plans
By Joseph Romm California and its utilities have achieved remarkably consistent energy efficiency gains for three decades. How did they do it? ... , energy-efficient lighting, heating and cooling. But some of the strategies were unexpected. The state found that the average residential air duct leaked 20 to 30 percent of the heated and cooled air [more...]
Date: 2008-07-31 00:06:32
Energy Audit by Utility
Jan 4, 2009 - As previously noted, I scheduled a free energy audit by FPL of my residence. Well, here are the results ... and there are no major air leaks. There was a small air leak into the air conditioner where the filter is placed. This was quickly repaired with, you guessed it, duct tape. This also prevents carbon [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 21:59:50
Focus on Weatherization Is Shift on Energy Costs
By Matthew L. Wald, The New York Times, December 29, 2008 MARRIOTTSVILLE, Md ... insulation, evidence of air infiltration from the window beneath, a sure sign of an energy leak. Enlarge ... it, another bad sign. Spiders build near air currents to draw insects to their webs, Mr. Kenny, C&O’ [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 08:16:00
How to Stop and / or Prevent Mold from Growing in My Attic
Mold growing in the attic does not necessarily cause your house air contamination. However, it usually becomes an issue when discovered during the home inspection. In addition ... be able to see some kind of a pipe/duct (galvanized steel, aluminum, or plastic) between the attic floor [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 11:45:40
A Trailer You'd NEVER call Trash! Tabbert's Paganini Caravan
In the last few years the Tabbert brand has undergone repositioning and has clearly rejuvenated its corporate image ... run in the roof. Through a special duct, cold air flows into the roof and then distributes ... when it rains.The innovative air circulation in the Tabbert premium roof is of new design. Behind a double wall [more...]
Date: 2008-09-07 01:00:00
Heat cost - Tips for reducing yours
frozen After seeing my home heating cost at more than $400 last month, I decided to take some drastic action to reduce our overall heating cost ... a number of minor changes I could make to help reduce my heating cost. Based on the comments I received ... of reading and research on tips for reducing overall heating cost and thought I’d share [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 12:55:48
How much should we spend to green the U.S.?
By Gar Lipow In the face of economic catastrophe, yesterday's controversial assertion has become today's conventional economic wisdom. That lack of regulation is one root of the current depression is not only the view of liberals and moderates, but also of sensible conservatives [more...]
Date: 2008-11-30 23:38:35
Freeze Your Air Conditioning Costs
My wife and I are fortunate to live in a moderate climate and we were able to get by without using air conditioning until this week ... are a few things I do to save money on air conditioning costs: Air Conditioning and Fans Open windows ... minutes before we get home. It works well and saves us a lot of money. Use an air vent booster [more...]
Date: 2008-06-13 15:00:54
Save Money On Energy With These Cold Weather Tips For Homeowners
With the economy the way it is, everyone would love to find ways that they can save money on expense they already have ... there are no occupants. The Air Ducts Again, up to twenty percent of a household energy bill can be saved if the air ducts that lead from the furnace are tested and any leaks found are repaired [more...]
Date: 2008-11-19 13:15:36
Fall checklist for a safer, warmer home
10 tasks that improve energy efficiency, save lives By Paul Bianchina, ... not regular duct tape, which doesn’t last. Also, check to be sure that all of the ducts are up off the ground ... small or seemingly insignificant — allow cold outside air to enter your home. The result [more...]
Date: 2008-11-26 22:10:25
Brass monkey just lost 'em
According to our porch thermometer, it's 25 degrees Fahrenheit below zero out there right now at 4.10 am ... pipes that run very close to the sill under the east side of the kitchen. There's a hot air duct ... instead. They don't have ducts pointing at the pipes. I also have a four-inch duct pointed right at my hot [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 09:06:00
“Scorched Air” Furnaces—They don’t have to be that way
You may have heard it before—“I heat with scorched air.” Forced air heating has a bad name. From the (purported) ... . But it doesn’t have to be that way. The right variable speed furnace and good insulation, air-sealing ... dryness it creates and the blasts of hot air and temperature swings to the noisy fan motor [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 20:16:35
Recreation for the dead of winter Up at Five O’Clock Somewhere, the winters can get harsh ... tape and insulation on the pipe leading into the water heater and also to block off the air intake ... -heavy-duty insulation in the walls, floors, and ceilings, stronger roof joists to stand up to snow [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 07:42:00
Added Extra Insulation Around Ducts
Last month I finally took care of a project I've been meaning to do since I moved into my house--wrapping my ducts with ... , I wrapped the ducts with insulation and taped all the seams with foil tape. The temperature of the air ... more insulation. The ducts in my crawlspace are insulated on the inside and there wasn't a whole [more...]
Date: 2008-11-23 00:01:37
Why passive houses need to become widespread
Even if I learned more than two years ago about the theory on passive housing for my Master’s Thesis at the Audencia Nantes Management School, the reality is little known to me. Even if I knew such houses don’t need any heater it seemed too vague a notion [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 22:53:03
Looking For Attic Insulation Tips?
The attic is one of the most important areas in the house and therefore it should be adequately insulated to minimize heat loss ... and walls in the rooms below. If there are heating or air-conditioning ducts in the attic, check to see whether they are insulated. Metal ducts often have insulation in the inside, so tap the duct [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 08:52:37
My Story
Okay, I'm still in amazement after watching the movie "What A Way To Go: Life At the End of Empire," which was written and directed by Tim Bennett. In the outstanding documentary film, Tim simply tells his personal "story," and it turns out that his story is similar to mine [more...]
Date: 2009-01-03 01:42:00
How to Stop Cold Drafts in Your Home to Save On Energy Bills
Imagine leaving a window open all winter long -- the heat loss, cold drafts and wasted energy! ... duct? Here are some tips and techniques that can easily, quickly and inexpensively seal and insulate these holes. Clothes Dryer Exhaust Duct Drafts In many homes, the room with the clothes dryer [more...]
Date: 2008-11-06 06:12:00
Home Energy Audit Guide Step by Step: Part #4 - Your Home's Heating and Cooling Equipment
This series of posts is an updated version of my popular guide to do it yourself home energy audits ... the duct work. Any signs of air leakage should be remedied with a good quality duct tape. It is also ... . If your home is heated or cooled by forced air, check your filters and replace them as needed [more...]
Date: 2008-12-08 13:01:00
2009 Kawasaki Ninja® ZX™-14 Sportbike
2009 Kawasaki Ninja® ZX™-14In the ever changing world of global superbike supremacy, the mantra “evolve or get left behind” still holds true ... power place it at the top of the sportbike food chain.Secondary air ports in the cylinder head and its cover flow clean air into the exhaust system and boost the efficiency of the three honeycomb [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 19:55:00
Home Energy Audits: A Do It Yourself Guide
A professional home energy audit is a great way to reduce wasteful energy use in your family's life ... inefficiencies in your home's heating and cooling system, insulation, electrical and appliance systems ... at this time. Identify Air Leaks (Drafts) In Your Home Stopping cold air drafts in your home is essential [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 09:54:51
Winterize: Go Green
If you have not yet been kicked in the butt by Old Man Winter; you will be soon ... your duct tape, if you knock these out you’ll be on your way to toasty riches. Tip we haven’t heard of yet: The insulation with the paper backing actually causes moisture problems [more...]
Date: 2008-12-04 22:15:58
Vapor Barrier Crawl Space
Do not insulation crawl space walls if the crawl space is wet or ventilated with outdoor air ... moisture to the house. Energy efficient products Energy efficient products use less energy to operate ... space is probably the least used part of your house, but it is equally capable of being a culprit [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 17:46:14