Hypocrisy Redux
You would think that someone who is the the regional director of Homeland Security, Customs, and Border Protection, and the Boston Area Port Director, ... housekeeper from Brazil (and paying far less than the going rate for legal cleaning services ... would know better than to hire illegal immigrants to clean her house. If you thought [more...]
Date: 2008-12-06 16:08:00
Blog posts
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Boston Carpet Cleaners
Boston Carpet Cleaners December 14, 2008 | By bcause In Articles | Comments Off Boston Carpet Cleaners It would be wonderful if the present ... cleaning tips and techniques as well as referring good service providers. If you are in need ... some of these hints that help make a household run better. Many things such as removing a stain from upholste [more...]
Date: 2008-12-14 22:18:07