Death of a child. What we can learn from the Travolta family tragedy?
by James Hubbard, M.D., M.P.H. No one should have to bury their child. A universal truth that will never be cliche ... it was their incessant carpet cleaning and chemicals used that were the culprit. Whether the disease had anything [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 06:01:41
Blog posts
(223) |
Eco-Me Home Kit
When Robin Kay Levin's then 36-year-old sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005-without any family history of the disease-Levin began wondering just how toxic to our health the chemicals we use to clean our homes are. One year later she founded Eco-Me, a company the makes 100-percent natural, do-it-yourself cleaning kits. [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 18:49:22
Hilarious Spam
Maybe it’s just me, but ever since that ill-informed Dalaran post, I seem to have attracted a whole new level of spammers ... ? It be mine, liked I the german poet. Two before separation, Cleaning plastic lenses. There’ ... is a cuddly chemical. It is well known that seedless questions can result in a disappearance of studs [more...]
Date: 2008-12-01 03:31:50
Greening Hospitals to Heal the Sick
Do we go to hospitals to get sick? It can seem that way ... have been built with PVC flooring, conventional paint and other toxic products that leach carcinogens and pollutants into the air. Plus, the harsh cleaning chemicals used in hospitals (strong detergents [more...]
Date: 2008-12-26 11:00:05
Carbon Capture Lite Could Cut Costs For “Clean Coal”
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology say a shorter-term solution, with cheaper start-up costs, ... amount of carbon dioxide. Although CCS has been touted as the answer to the problem of cleaning ... Hildebrand, a graduate student in chemical engineering at MIT and co-author of the study, said [more...]
Date: 2008-11-17 23:54:10
Duct Cleaning
November 3, 2008 Almost every home has air ducts of some kind, whether a central HVAC or heat exchange unit ... chemicals. Interviewing the Cleaning Company - Do they belong to NADCA (The National Air Duct ... will charge more because the pipes are in hard-to-reach places. A duct cleaning company should [more...]
Date: 2008-11-03 13:22:36
Our Home-Grown Melamine Problem
by James E. McWilliams CHINA’S food supply appears to be awash in the industrial chemical melamine ... s a common ingredient in cleaning products, waterproof plywood, plastic compounds, cement, ink and fire-retardant paint. Chemical plants throughout the United States produce millions of pounds [more...]
Date: 2008-11-24 03:14:10
Jett Travolta’s death shines spotlights on cult’s quackery…
The most unethical cult on earth is in the spotlights again — but not with the type of publicity it prefers ... have long claimed Jett developed Kawasaki disease after exposure at a young age to carpet-cleaning chemicals, which resulted in seizures, a claim medical [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 01:13:24
Grace in Small Things- Part 8 of 365
1. Keeping my cool when Aiden annoyed the CRAP OUT OF ME today. Hello, terrible twos (a few months early)!2 ... any type of hard flooring, including my hardwood, using only steam… no chemicals. I never had so much fun cleaning my floor, and they look great with no elbow grease required. 5. Smiling at strangers [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 00:50:28
Easy Clean for Thanksgiving's Dirtiest Dishes
It’s one of those things in life that just isn’t fair. You slave all day in the kitchen, but spend just an hour or so enjoying it ... use a really strong, chemical cocktail of a detergent to clean the dishes or throw them ... minutes to be strategic, you can make the worst of those dishes practically self-cleaning, even [more...]
Date: 2008-11-26 20:54:24
IKM Testing Asia Pte Ltd
Closing date 2 weeks Project Manager (Singapore) Responsibilities: Define, ... services; Cryogenic Nitrogen, LN2 Convertors, LN2 Tanks, Vaporisers Pipeline filling and Testing ... . Chemical Cleaning, Hydraulic and Lube oil flushing: Boilers, heat exchanger, circulating pumps [more...]
Date: 2008-07-02 00:40:19
11 Simple Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally
It is necessary to strengthen your immune system in order to meet the challenges that our body encounters on a daily basis ... in your environment. Air Pollution, smoking, cleaning products will stress your immune system with frequent exposure. Many common household cleaning products contains toxic and poisonous chemicals [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 17:15:48
Bathroom Safety Products: Safety First
When it comes to our son, hubby and I always think of his safety ... in which he will be in danger. Most of the products inside the bathroom are toxic and the chemicals use for cleaning is too dangerous for a little kid. Parents must look over it because not all the time [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 15:51:14
Jett Travolta’s death swirls up old rumors of autism and Scientology
This sad event has brought back into the spotlight old rumors of Jett’s health ... of the arteries, including coronary arteries. Travolta and Preston blamed Jett’s condition on chemical cleaning agents, which some scientists have linked to the disease. In comes the controversy: Jett [more...]
Date: 2009-01-03 04:49:21
Merry Christmas Eve! Updates on presents and carpets
Merry Christmas Eve to everyone! My presents are wrapped and ready to go, ... these :)Last week I made mention of some carpet cleaning concerns here at home. Yes, the carpets are about four ... in the cleaning, and avoid bringing bad chemicals into our home. What I decided, after looking [more...]
Date: 2008-12-24 18:26:00
Greener skincare
After reading more and more about sustainable lifestyle I have to say a greener life is all about the small stuff ... d household cleaning chemicals green and are now working my way to my cosmetics and haircare products. I [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 21:01:41
Wine terms: Corked
It can happen to any wine, regardless of price ... in the winery, a chemical reaction waiting to happen. Research has shown that using chlorine cleaning ... s caused by the presence of a chemical compound called TCA (2,4,6-trichloroanisole for any chemists [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 12:34:12
Clean Harbors: Buying Trash Stocks
Clean Harbors Inc. (CLHB) is the largest hazardous waste management in North America. The company provides services that include transportation and disposal, industrial cleaning and maintenance, chemical packaging and emergency response to more than 45,000 customers in 36 [more...]
Date: 2008-11-16 12:21:52
Sunday Links - 11-30-08
Stop Making Our Kids Sick; Make Chemicals Safe - It’s amazing to me that so few chemicals have actually be checked for safety ... cleaning with green cleansers. But for now it’s all too common for companies to pretend to be offering green products when they really aren’t. How to Green Your Carpet Cleaning - Carpet cleaners often [more...]
Date: 2008-11-30 19:48:42
Jett Travolta: It is time for the authorities to take Scientology’s quackery seriously
Jett Travolta (Picture: AP) ... condition known as Kawasaki syndrome, contracted from “carpet-cleaning chemicals”. According ... that it might be time for Child Protective Services to look into John Travolta and wife Kelly’s negligence [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 16:13:28
Jackson action
By Kate Sheppard Lisa Jackson, President-elect Obama's nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency, ... pollutants; addressing toxic chemicals; cleaning up hazardous-waste sites; and protecting water [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 18:40:46
Eliminating Household Toxins
Eliminating Household Toxins Posted By Angella Spinney on @ 1: ... chemicals that household cleaning agents can contain. Some of them are: ammonia, bleach, parabens ... the health of the home and family. Carpet cleaners can also contain an array of chemicals [more...]
Date: 2008-12-18 01:25:11
Soap Up Safely with Natural Detergents
Laundry detergents—despite the harsh, chemical cleaning agents that make them work—are a household necessity. Clothes, sheets, curtains, and towels all need regular washes to keep them hygienic [more...]
Date: 2008-11-19 23:51:08
Consumption leads to more consumption
Wow, so many interesting comments to yesterday's post! Follow-up posts are undoubtedly forthcoming ... it; the wrappings from any packaged food; the dishes that require heated water to clean; the chemicals [more...]
Date: 2008-10-30 01:21:29
Refresh’n Dryer Towel review and giveaway
I am not a big fan of doing laundry. It isn’t that it’s difficult ... because it’s so time consuming to wash, dry and put it all away. I don’t mix different people’ ... provides similar results to steam cleaning. The all natural towel contains no chemicals or fabric [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 21:48:44
Green Cleaning Products?
Charing Ball researches what the household cleaner” Simple Green” is made of, and discovers that Simple Green is not that simple and contains a toxic chemical agent. The first ... green household cleaning products may not be such a bad idea.Possibly related posts: (automatically [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 16:55:27
Novena Maternal Skincare: Lotions and Potions For Pregnant Mamas
Taking good care of my skin has always been important to me ... in May and I feel so fortunate to have discovered Novena.Unlike other chemical-based maternity ... works wonders for deep cleaning and balancing. Tangerine Cocoa Butter Belly Cream is for preventing [more...]
Date: 2009-01-03 07:30:00
The positives of using Household cleaning products
Being able to sign the contract on a new home is a wonderful feeling ... remover can destroy rust without using toxic chemicals. Its pretty cool how a non acidic product ... Green remind you of something? most of these cleaning products are safe to use. Toxic chemicals [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 16:06:51
Travolta’s rumored gay lover found Jett’s body!
Gawker Did Travolta hire his unqualified gay lover to care for an ill child, who then died on the faux nanny’s watch? ... inflammation, after exposure to carpet-cleaning chemicals, and that he died after hitting his head after [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 03:18:01
A Carbon Filter UV Air Purifier is a Good Investment
If you work in a crowded office, or have a home with pets and smokers, then a small carbon filter UV air purifier is a good investment. These little carbon filter UV air purifier can do a wonderful job of cleaning the air ... light also starts a chemical reaction that makes hydroxyl, which will break down most organic material [more...]
Date: 2008-12-04 17:50:57
Getting to know VermicompostingJanuary 7, 2009
Jill, another crafty, knitting, and blogging friend of mine, is guest posting today about Vermicomposting. “What’s that?!!!” you ask? ... , you are also reducing the use of chemical fertilizers, AND helping air-cleaning fruit-bearing [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 10:21:26
Today In History: December 11
Aurora Borealis On December 11, 1719 - The first recorded sighting of the Aurora Borealis was in New England ... environmental “superfund” that would be used to pay for cleaning up chemical spills and toxic waste dumps [more...]
Date: 2008-12-11 22:39:31
The Making of a Green Mom: Courteney Cox
Among my friends, I’m the "green" novice. I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, which wasn’t as progressive a city as Los Angeles ... products—organic food, non-chemical shampoos, body lotions, and cleaning products. Don’t get me wrong [more...]
Date: 2008-12-14 11:32:00
Personal Lubricants for Parents - Tis the season for making babies
If you’ve often wondered why there are so darn many September and October babies in your kids’ classes, it’s because the winter, ... % of lubes contain chemicals aimed at car and oven cleaning; probably not anything you’d want anywhere [more...]
Date: 2008-12-18 14:52:32
U.S. Auto Giant Sued - New Jersey toxic dumping by News for serious personal injury lawyers
Residents sue Ford Motor Company for 40 years worth of toxic exposure. Ringwood, NJ ( ... dumping car parts, paint, battery acid and chemicals for several decades. Rusted chemical tubs, whole ... has gotten away with not cleaning up their 40 year old mess. Environmental experts, lawyers [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 16:51:08
Chevron Field Trip in San Francisco
Chevron (the behemoth oil/fuel/energy company) ... , and provided us with some samples to try for ourselves. The chemical behind the cleaning is Polyether [more...]
Date: 2008-11-11 05:42:33
Steam Cleaners that Uses Soap and Water
Do you know what’s the best way to clean without using chemicals? It’s the vapor steam cleaners. It can remove and eliminate dirt and stains, it kills dust mites, molds, bacteria, etc [more...]
Date: 2008-07-07 16:25:12
Happy New Year's Eve
I'm having a little trouble getting my breath (chemical pneumonitis from breathing cleaning solutions), and Dr. Gollum told me to take it easy tomorrow. I've been given inhalers, steroids [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 11:00:00
PlantWeb®: Digital Plant Architecture
PlantWeb®: Digital Plant Architecture PlantWeb® is a digital plant architecture that delivers proven results, and the DeltaV system makes it easy ... Acidproof Concrete - Structural Grade SprayCheck™ TW Monitors Tank Cleaning Operations From Outside ... And... 5 ExxonMobil Chemical Demonstrates Global Leadership In Film Technology At Pack [more...]
Date: 2008-11-11 03:09:33
Choices, Choices, Always Choices!
Picture from am one who doesn't like to use chemicals in or out of the house to clean, so, ... at a time. Gently rub polish mix over wood surfaces to give a clean non-toxic shine that smells ... I use all natural cleaning porducts. Needless to say, since switching over (its been about a year [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 22:15:00
Are Your Clothes Becoming Intolerable?
Chemical toxins are a growing problem for everyone - you, me, your family, people everywhere. Dr ... of causes such as the off-gassing of chemicals from a new carpet or new, fabric-covered office partitions, lawn pesticides, cleaning solvents, or clothing grown and manufactured with toxic chemicals [more...]
Date: 2008-12-10 13:41:53
10 Ways to Stop Marine Debris
Ocean Conservancy is on a mission to promote healthy and diverse ocean ecosystems ... lemon juice, vinegar and baking soda for household cleaning. Avoid using fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and harsh chemical cleaners that can wash into waterways. 7.Choose reusable items and use [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 02:33:51
Natural Cleaning
Today's living simply theme is natural house cleaning. The DH and I made the switch to natural cleaners over the past several years ... masking scent. Unfortunately, for those with chemical sensitivities, it's much more serious ... home-cleaning recipe? Please share!Clean and Green: Natural Homemade House CleanersEartheasy*Image [more...]
Date: 2008-11-26 13:42:00
Scientology, Autism and the Death of Jett Travolta
The 16-year old son of actors John Travolta and Kelly Preston, Jett Travolta, died today in the Bahamas ... ," specifically carpet cleaning chemicals. Rumors about Jett Travolta's disability have been floating [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 22:56:04
Twenty-Five More Frugal Things I Do
I wrote a post called 25 Things I Do shortly after starting this blog ... - as I go, with a minimum of fuss and expensive, (and chemical laden) cleaning products. What frugal things [more...]
Date: 2008-10-13 10:00:34
time to eat!
I love holiday time. Frankly, I see no other reason for cold weather to exist than to help set the holiday mood, ... City, my erstwhile resource for eco-friendly paints, cleaning supplies, and the like, when I decided ... Chemical has no store locator, I couldn’t easily find another resource, so I asked the friendly [more...]
Date: 2008-11-25 18:53:51
Kawasaki Disease In The News
Kawasaki Disease awareness has earned a few big boosts in the news of late ... from Kawasaki Disease. Kelly Preston believed that it had been caused by a carpet cleaning chemical used [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 15:38:24
MRSA infections rapidly increasing in children
I have a number of articles at and 13 related articles about MRSA here at Natural Health News ... each and every time. I also have a resource for cleaning that goes beyond the standard chemical [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 00:04:00
The best Thanksgiving turkey you'll ever eat
I hope you all don't mind a re-post for last year. This is my secret to recipe for a delicious Thanksgiving turkey ... for one day, I decided that I owed him at least, one delightful last meal. So I finished cleaning ... some flavor, but most importantly provides a chemical method [more...]
Date: 2008-11-14 18:47:00
Lauderhill (Broward County) Florida Day Care Center Under Investigation After Baby (Robert Porter) Was Scalded / Burned
The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported that an 8 month old baby, Robert Porter, ... . . ., chemical and cleaning products, medications, and other things that could potentially hard [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 11:00:38
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