How do you clean a beanie baby?Give them a Beanie bath with Beanie soap. Try some type of dry cleaning chemical so they wont get wet. Or perhaps a mixture of Woolite that you can use by hand. Keep them out of the washning machine Dry cleaning methods, we wiped ours off with Dawn Dish soap, and a damp cloth to rinse. Set [more...]
Date: 2008-12-12 09:22:57
Blog posts
(6) |
Business Freshens Up Sports Gear Effectively
If you’ve ever been near someone who plays a sport after the game is over, then you know that smell of dirt and sweat that is all over them ... it do? Fresh Gear is a powerfully effective dry cleaning machine. It uses natural ozone to destroy bacteria ... immediately we realized that the real revenue opportunity was in offering the cleaning services [more...]
Date: 2008-08-26 03:21:15
Understanding Eco-Dry Cleaning
When you are attending events and functions, chances are you would get your best dress and suit to wear ... in the usual washing machine. You have to turn to the specialist cleaners for dry cleaning though their methods have been hit by the chemical they use. Perchloroethylene or Perc is applied to garments [more...]
Date: 2008-11-29 22:26:41
Tips To Clean Carpets
By using detergent which attracts dirt. This is why it’s important to rinse out any cleaning solution thoroughly. This is another reason why hot water extraction gets carpet cleaner than the “dry” methods ... one of those portable machines, at least get the water as hot as you can. Dry the carpet quickly [more...]
Date: 2008-12-16 12:04:14
First, Dump Out The Dry Cleaning Solvent: DIY Pedal Car From A 55-Gal Drum
I lost the pictures, but when we went to the Pioneer Day parade in Ivins, Utah last summer, there was, in the parking lot next to the inflatable slide that got so hot in the desert sun, kids would come off it in toasty pain, like they'd just ridden the tortilla machine, anyway, there was an awesome, busted-looking train ride [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 14:54:59
Three Things To Look For In A Home Carpet Cleaning Company
companies use a hot water extraction method, where cleaning agents and hot water are injected into your carpet. The solution and dirt are then removed with a machine or truck-mounted system. Other companies use shampoo or dry… [more...]
Date: 2008-12-11 10:55:00