Review: Baby Girl Products (contest and review, 29th)
When I was searching for things that would be neat to have for our green month here at Momdot, my Mom told me about a couple of local girls (in the Tampa area) that had created these all natural, non chemical, earth friendly cleaning ... a glass cleaner and an all purpose cleaner at my house for myself to review! What service [more...]
Date: 2008-09-24 19:45:56
Blog posts
(2) |
Green Team
There is not much to write about these days. The cold spell in Chicago has me thinking about moving down south ... have switched to Earth friendly lubes, bike cleaners and de-greasers from Pedro's and Phil Wood for use in our shop. We sell these products as well.We use the Omega Ultrasonic parts cleaner for our drive [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 21:18:00