After a Massive Tennessee Ash Spill, Authorities Try to Assess the Damage
As the cleanup continues of the billion gallons of ash that spilled out of a reservoir at a Tennessee coal-fired power plant two ... . The testing includes municipal supplies and private wells, he said. However, samples of the fly ash ... , is already working on cleaning up the pollution, Sims said. (more…) [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 22:04:00
Blog posts
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On the blogs: Gaza assesses the devastation
As Israeli troops returned from the frontline smiling with relief, ... when he and other farmers and villages went out to inspect the damage to their crops. "In spite of the ceasefire, the soldiers opened fire without warning at dozens of farmers," B'Tselem reports. It says [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 13:20:41