Warroad, Minn., man jailed for casting vote (Fargo Forum)
Convicted felon committed another felony by voting GRAND FORKS, N.D. - The way Eric Stephen Willems voted was a crime. Advertisement: SERVPRO of Fargo Moorhead Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration. 24 Hour ... and commercial property after a fire, smoke, or water damage situation. SERVPRO? … Read Full Story… [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 07:00:15
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Police: Man’s health a factor in fatal crash (Fargo Forum)
A Moorhead man involved in a crash in south Fargo on Monday afternoon likely died from a medical condition while driving, Fargo police said. Advertisement: SERVPRO of Fargo Moorhead Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration. 24 Hour ... and commercial property after a fire, smoke, or water damage … [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 10:05:35
After a Massive Tennessee Ash Spill, Authorities Try to Assess the Damage
As the cleanup continues of the billion gallons of ash that spilled out of a reservoir at a Tennessee coal-fired power plant two ... . The testing includes municipal supplies and private wells, he said. However, samples of the fly ash ... , is already working on cleaning up the pollution, Sims said. (more…) [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 22:04:00