Typical Day
Jed sent me an email some time ago wanting pics of any new lights on my hot rod - sorry I didn't get to it sooner ... that go on the air cleaner housings - the vertical strip you can see in this photo. I am not really a big fan ... . They are far more dedicated than I in that regard. Plus, I prefer the cleaner look of hidden LED marker [more...]
Date: 2008-12-04 23:50:00
Blog posts
(5) |
Dante’s Hell is Alive and Well in Gaza
By e-mail from Free GazaDante Alighieri could never have imagined circles as hellish as the wards of the damned in Jabalia’s hospitals ... , the ceramic tiles in the first aid units are always shiny. The cleaners are permanently busy ... granted him a pension, only a series of missiles from land and air onto his house. He suffers [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 05:59:44
Dante's Hell is Alive and Well in Gaza
~ Dante Alighieri could never have imagined circles as hellish as the wards of the damned in Jabalia's hospitals ... hospitals, the ceramic tiles in the first aid units are always shiny.The cleaners are permanently busy ... Aviv hasn't even granted him a pension, only a series of missiles from land and air onto his house [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 04:20:00
Quick and Dirty Weatherization
Antarctica on 12 Jan 08, courtesy of MODIS Okay, it’s cold ... to figure out where the cold air is getting in is to do a walk around your house holding a tissue draped ... to make your furnace work less hard. Also, run a vacuum cleaner over your furnace filter. Closing [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 18:03:08
A House Frau's Simple Joys in Life
When the mid-day sun comes out in full force...and the laundry dries really nicely and quicklyespecially the thick mattress protector that has been ... cleaners are here and the nice smell of fresh minty disinfectant/cleaner fills the air. My sofa and mattress spring cleaning plans are falling very nicely in place. Happiness! (despite the nasty eye [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 06:11:00